A Look at What Happened to Michael Vick's Dogs

Good to see those dogs have found homes
Free Michael Vick, btw these people are crazy for getting close to those dogs. But then again they are......
+#+$ Mike Vick. Dude got what he deserved. His defenders are as brain dead as he is.
Originally Posted by MvP07

Awww good for the dogs
, let vick resume his life and play ball.

I swear these PETA- type animal lovers, love animal more tham men.
its like they love animals more than ppl. I mean geez I know man has his imperfections but you would really put an animal b4 a fellow human?

Its like the Vote or Die South Park episode

can some1 gif the camel kissing scene plz?
Deer hunting and fighting dogs are two completely different things. Dogs got personality man...
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

%+%% Mike Vick. Dude got what he deserved. His defenders are as brain dead as he is.
U Mad?
No are you? I have no respect for someone who would do that to animals and I am appalled by some of the responses of the Vick defenders on here.
free Vick and good for the dogs. i'm glad they're living better lives
but if i see Vick attempt to purchase another dog, i will have no sympathy for what type of trouble he winds up in
word to OJ...
as I write this post, there is a dog being killed for losing a dogfight, there are cockfights, and God knows how many other animals that are fighting to thedeath. This dogfighting fiasco did not deter a damn thing, all it did was tarnish a blacks man character, who was making more money than the average white man.This was all about race, because its kinda hypocritical that (cough cough) white folk can determine what animals are acceptable to kill. I dont how seeshooting a deer, duck, alligator, cow, goat, lamb, pig, is beneath fighting dogs.
The dogs got a second chance it just sucks that mike won't.no way will white people(yeah I said it) in this country give him a fair shake
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD


I know damn well my dude up there is still fighting that dog
I would...

So Wrong
esp with that smile
He's probably like "I got mouths to feed, he's better be a bread winner, Vick trained him."
I know I'm no better

if you can sit there and get pleasure out of watching an animal make another animal suffer or possibly die ... you have problems

if you can sit there while people drown dogs that lose a fight or drown them yourself ... you have serious problems

if you can sit there and watch people electrocute dogs or electrocute dogs yourself ... you have serious problems

that being said, dude served his time and the point got across that if you fight dogs where it is against the law to fight dogs, you will go to jail for it ...
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

if you can sit there and get pleasure out of watching an animal make another animal suffer or possibly die ... you have problems

if you can sit there while people drown dogs that lose a fight or drown them yourself ... you have serious problems

if you can sit there and watch people electrocute dogs or electrocute dogs yourself ... you have serious problems

that being said, dude served his time and the point got across that if you fight dogs where it is against the law to fight dogs, you will go to jail for it ...
So you never play GTA, Gears of War, WOW, you never went to see SAW or Grindhouse, like we have a culture where were are OBSESSED with murder,mutilation etc. its either you have to allow all of it or none of it, because when you distinguish only certain types are acceptable you are being ajudgemental MORON. aka Republican
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