A girl problem unlike any other...(No Pics)

Originally Posted by BallRN23

I understand that you've been with her for 2.5 years and that none of us will exactly understand your relationship with her from an online post. That being said, it looks like you are being taken advantage of.....from the outside. Nobody else in their family could have helped them out? It's very wrong of her aunt to ask your girl to ask you for the money. Did that really happen or is your girl lying? We're all assuming it's not a lie. Also, why do you have to drive an hour out to give them the money? Not very fair if you ask me. Did she offer, or those she not have a car?

If there are no plausible explanations for these questions, maybe your relationship isn't as good as you thought it was. Also, would your girl do this for you? The whole thing just seems wrong. At the least, you should have a serious conversation with your gf. Make her see your side of it, and then make your decision. As Dirty said, if you do decide to give them money don't expect it back. Gluck
Naw, my girl nor her aunt have a car. Therefore that means I have to haul it out the to give her the money.

Out of respect for your girl I would say do it. Honestly tho you should have a talk with her aunt about it. Like a 1 on 1 and let her know how you feel about it. Get her explaination on whats going on. I feel you that you dont mind having your girl stay with you but staying for a while could turn into living with you. I dont know if you ready for that or not. Alot of these people on here aint gonna give you the best advice but all I can tell you is what I would do... Talk to the auntie. Give her the money. Let her know you not gonna be doing stuff like this all the time. Do it for your girl to have a roof over her head.When you do good things for people good things will happen for yo

Foor for thought.
dog, you only have 1500 dollars to your name, this chick wants 1/5th of your entire net worth.


Hell to the NO!

if your girl of 2.5 years has a problem with that then guess what, return her christmas presents and now your net worth is probably a little higher.

If they really get thrown out worst case scenario have your chick come stay with you and ask her for Jan. rent
give it to her but sit her aunt down and have that "fu%& is you doing with your money?" talk. she 37 homie, she should have a couple stacks inthe bank at least. damn shame grown @$% people asking you for help but you can't shun them.
I agree with most of the people here, go with her aunt and sit down and talk with her. Tell her that this is going to be the only time and don't expect toget the money back. And for those of you who are saying that something good will happen in return, you should give her the money under the assumption thatit's helping them out, not that you're gonna get rewarded for it later.
i skipped over the part that you're only 20..

shes a grown woman .. theres gotta be someone else she can ask for that money from.. thats kinda shady to be asking for that amount of money from a kid (nooffense.. just in the bigger picture, you're still young) - you shouldnt have to worry about supporting your girlfriends relatives.

dont feel guilty about it either
I say give it to her, its your girls aunt, plus its christmas man you should help out as many people as possible no matter what!!!!!!!!
Bro that's 20% of your net worth to a person you aren't tight with. Think about it.
Don't do it. I've seen this happen before and I wouldn't be surprised if you give her the $200 and she drinks it away. Second, you will never seethat money ever again and your girl will feel guilty that her family member did that to you. Plus she (her aunt) just might learn her lesson after gettingkicked out.
You better give that money. If it's your "girl" and not just something you hittin, you gotta trust.

It took a while for me to get comfortable loaning my girl money, but it's 50/50
The fact that no one in the aunts family will give her the money and your her last resort should tell you something....I would think about handing over themoney for your girls sake, but don't expect to get it back.
Don't give her anything. You don't know the woman plus she wants you to drive out of the way and give it to her. She's not going to pay it backanyway...shes trying to get over on you.
Originally Posted by ebayologist

Tell your girl she can live with you (temporarily). Giving girls relatives money is OD simpin. The fact that aunt asked your girl to ask you should tell you A LOT.
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