a close friend's cousin (sry no pics)

IDK..this is tricky..I'd say run it by your friend just to be sure.

Would you want to risk losing a close friend over some buns when there are plenty of other buns out there not related to your friend?
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

if you're trying to just smash and dash a friend's cousin, that's probably dirty in most people's eyes...just sayin
not much wiggle room , just calling it how its seen
Originally Posted by AJChick23

IDK..this is tricky..I'd say run it by your friend just to be sure.

Would you want to risk losing a close friend over some buns when there are plenty of other buns out there not related to your friend?

You're probably right. Obviously I'll phrase it in terms of going on date vs getting the buns
Originally Posted by StonedFace

Smash the homie so he dont trip

No, my cousins are adults. If I know my friend is a dog, I will talk to both of them, but I'm not standing in the way.

I found out a few months ago that one of my friends slept with one of my cousins. Dude was apologetic, but I told him I didn't care. Obviously, there were no problems seeing how she didn't say anything the night I found out and we are all in the same place. I told him she was an adult. As long as they not physically hurting them or trying to manipulate them, its none of my business.
Mangudai954 wrote:
dankenstien88 wrote:
Sister = Completley against the rules, unless acess is granted by brother.

Cousin = All good.

What if said cousin is like your sister?

Ehh... You had me thinking about that one for a minute. Never been in the situation, but I would probably go for it anyways.

If it not his sister he cant get too mad right ??

For me it's in order

1 daughter
2 my sig other
3 mom

Any other female in my family is fair game, I mean I would'nt encourage it but I wouldn't be pissed
Ask your homie if hes cool with you gettin to know her or dating her before anything. if hes good with it then make a move. just be extra careful with her.

dont mislead her or play games. be straight up about what you want. if shes cool with it your boy cant really say anything.
if shes with it, then do it.... i personally dont care if a dude was to get with my cousin, especially if they are grown
Yeah I decided it's not worth the potential fallout so I backed off. If she really pursues something then I will talk to my boy 1st before doing anything more.
Talk to your friend about "hypothetical situations" based on how he reacts either back off or go forth. In the event you do date/ smash the cousin let her know up front that THIS ain't THAT, so she's not confused about your intentions. (sorry all these lolwuts? made me chuckle and i wanted to contribute) but yea if your friend is super close to her/you I wouldn't do it.
Originally Posted by dunks87

Talk to your friend about "hypothetical situations" based on how he reacts either back off or go forth. In the event you do date/ smash the cousin let her know up front that THIS ain't THAT, so she's not confused about your intentions. (sorry all these lolwuts? made me chuckle and i wanted to contribute) but yea if your friend is super close to her/you I wouldn't do it.
close enough friend for me to be a groomsman in his wedding.

Hypotheticals would be too obvious because he knows I just met some of his family for the first time.

She is 21 BTW
She hit me up so I asked my friend if it was cool and he didn't have a problem with it.

No longer feel shady for even chopping it up with her behind his back.
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