*_What's the nicest thing a stranger has done for you?_*

Originally Posted by 2Nick3

will some nice stranger tell me wth YNS means?
your not smashing

Nicest things?
- If I was short a couple $$ at the fast food joint, the person would just let me walk
- If my metro card wasn't working, the driver let me get on the bus
- not getting robbed
-Bought me soda when the machine only took dollars and I had change
- When I used to work at a kiosk, and I needed to use the bathroom and my boss would be on "Break", the neighboring kiosk manager would watch my store for me, and I hardly knew them.

gotta love random acts of kindness
Originally Posted by kEnn E

gave me a job. and a chance.



I am starting a government internship this summer basically from a stranger...who was willing to take a chance on me...

I would have NEVER gotten in without him...
I was in my boys whip and i caught a flat tire at like 11pm on a Thursday. The jack that he had didnt work and my battery on my phone was dead. After about 20 mins of trying to fix the jack a random white guy on a motorcycle stopped and helped me lift up the car just enough to slide the spare on. I thanked him and he just said no sweat.
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