8 Deadly shootings - Atlanta - Looks like Asians were targeted.

Still not hearing enough condemnation from the Asian community on white supremacy or white supremacists like the shooter in Atlanta for these attacks........just like Judy Chu House Representative from California on CNN just now.

they don't want to step on the white mans' toes. i have an asian friend that said "they call it the china virus because it's from china". yes, he is a trump supporter.
It’s funny cause aside from the 1 guy in San fran every other incident I’ve seen has been white people. Yet the narrative is still black vs Asian race war 2021

..Don't be naïve. There's definitely more than 1 incident. Asians are being targeted and to frame it being only a white or black people thing is kind of BS to me.
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they don't want to step on the white mans' toes. i have an asian friend that said "they call it the china virus because it's from china". yes, he is a trump supporter.
The threat of deportation scared a lot of people, especially when Trump began to tout it. He meant business, and politically I saw people leaning right for protection.
..Don't be naïve. There's definitely more than 1 incident. Asians are being targeted and to only focus on it being a white or black people thing is kind of BS to me.

The man isn't wrong though, the media has a way of putting Black folks' photos up with recent incidents and tying it to race-related actions but cops in the ATL dancing around when this kid straight killed multiple Asians and was on the way to killing more. I want to see the damn stats, I would be shocked if it wasn't a majority white that are perpetrators.
And??? Kyle Wittenhouse shot and killed some white folks, but that still doesn't change the fact that he's a white supremacist.
Context hermano.
The quote was in response to the sympathy given to the shooter. I'm stating that 2 whites were killed and that's the narrative. Me and you weren't discussing whether this clown is a white supremacists. I think that's understood between us and still a opinion slowly forming in the manufactured public perception of what's going on.
Already got former classmate associate of his saying he was the kindest person she ever knew and carried his Bible with him anywhere
Go take a peek in the Asian Culture thread.

Btw- @royster I saw you creeping in here.

Royster you’re Silent when 160jordansdeep 160jordansdeep bloviates ad nauseam but when I call out your nonsense you’ve got the balls to personally attack me 🤣

Funny how that works.

It isn't just him but we don't have to go down that road again.

I still want to hear from computersputin computersputin though. He has been super silent since he posted that mugshot of the black man in that thread and got checked by Meth.
Meth and co seem to be reluctant to ban this bigot for some reason. As son said a few posts back, his card was been pulled. 160excusesdeep has been highkey racist since 08’.

guy out here dm’ing other men diatribes now. Stop letting these herbs get away with being stupid on purpose. We’re privy to the white fragility now.

Stop giving white people a platform to exercise their bigotry on here, Meth, I know you’re not soft. Get rid of him.

RIP to those 8 people, though.
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Meth and co seem to be reluctant to ban this bigot for some reason. As son said a few posts back, his card was been pulled. 160excusesdeep has been highkey racist since 08’.

Stop giving white people a platform to exercise their bigotry on here, Meth, I know you’re not soft. Get rid of him.

RIP to those 8 people, though.

Your man JRepp23 JRepp23 was "banned" ( not even sure if he just didn't run away ) damn near a year after he told Black people to stop being salty about slavery, so I don't know what to tell you.
Meth and co seem to be reluctant to ban this bigot for some reason. As son said a few posts back, his card was been pulled. 160excusesdeep has been highkey racist since 08’.

Stop giving white people a platform to exercise their bigotry on here, Meth, I know you’re not soft. Get rid of him.

RIP to those 8 people, though.

Have you ever encountered JRepp23 JRepp23 ?
It isn't just him but we don't have to go down that road again.

I still want to hear from computersputin computersputin though. He has been super silent since he posted that mugshot of the black man in that thread and got checked by Meth.

He’s been in hiding since the end of February.

He never felt the need to defend himself because there were no consequences for his blatant racism.

Notice how a lot of the regulars from a particular thread are completely silent in this thread.

I suspect that it’s because they don’t feel as comfortable being reckless here where there are more eyes on the thread 👀
Your man JRepp23 JRepp23 was "banned" ( not even sure if he just didn't run away ) damn near a year after he told Black people to stop being salty about slavery, so I don't know what to tell you.
Jrepp23 has some fans on here, and they felt that it was a waste and wrong of people calling him out. They also feel that he should have room to be comfortable on NikeTalk, because it is the Black people on here who make everything about race. Nobody has a real issue with what he said to Black folks, but those of whom act that like women.
Oh yeah, and there too many Black threads on NikeTalk.

It's a damned shame that it takes someone not Black getting killed by someone white, for people to suddenly realize that white supremacy is a real issue.
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I see 160jordansdeep 160jordansdeep is STILL on “that type of time” :lol:. Paging RustyShackleford RustyShackleford to pull the receipts. Dude been exposed a long time ago.
Dude PM people talking about he is tired of the name calling, but his Trump loving *** was in the Political thread whining about liberals and calling people snowflakes. Taking issue with petty **** Rashida Talib calling his boy Trump a ************. Acting like because her family is from Palestinian she should act differently...

once again she's from Palestine and no Palestinian woman in Palestine I'm not talkin about in the United States or anywhere else would speak like like this to a man

That's just facts

I would like to continue with this conversation with the rest of you snow flakes but I got MF bills and deposits to make at the bank

I'll be back my liberal friends

Sounds liberal and like fake news
That’s what I’m getting from your tone relax all star

Knowing dudes history, I could guess why he had such an issue with a woman of color cussing out a white bigot.

He will whine and take issue with folk calling him out, complain when people pull his card, but when he thought he could get away with being antagonistic he was all for it, and was there attention whoring in the Political Thread. Yeah, dude is a white guy that loves to jump in threads and take the "it not about race" position over and over, yet can't see why people might look at him funny

I haven't paid attention to dude that much for a few years now. Dude just struck me as another blco02 blco02 , but with a lower profile.

Not surprising he wants to play a struggle devil's advocate role and downplay race, he is probably more like this murderous hateful piece of **** that did this vile crime than he is willing to admit.
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Thats what these clowns do. They try to reframe then gaslight.

Guy’s name on HT was 160g**ksdeep. I was too young and dumb to understand the toxicity at the time. Get rid of him. Pivot this thread into a #ban160excusesdeep thread and lets start another respectable post about yesterday’s tragedy. I have zero tolerance for ******** nowadays
Thats what these clowns do. They try to reframe then gaslight.

Guy’s name on HT was 160g**ksdeep. I was too young and dumb to understand the toxicity at the time. Get rid of him. Pivot this thread into a #ban160excusesdeep thread and lets start another respectable post about yesterday’s tragedy. I have zero tolerance for bull**** nowadays

Miss NT detectives.

Especially if the ** are on.


When dealing with sexual predators race is not usually the reason for killing sex workers it’s because in a twisted person mind they See the victims as worthless

if he had the chance he would have it up a hoz stroll and would have done the same thing but I can’t see this guy kidnapping or killing a woman with a pimp

these asIan massage parlors have no security

im sure he's been to these places before and knew the layout and planned this out

I understand what your saying

again I could be wrong but I don’t think race was 100% the motive
why he did this for whatever reason is still a terrible crime

sex and human trafficking is a heavily racialized trend. there's nothing color blind about it. many of the women who engage in sex work stateside come from countries that that have been hard hit by years of european/US imperialism and colonization
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