7 traits of your ideal girl/boy (if that's how you get down) vol. let's leave looks out of this one

Why would I want a virgin? I don't want my steak cooked by someone who's never tried to grill one before, I don't want my electrical work done bysomeone with no experience, and I certainly don't want a girl with zero experience trying to please me. I think that generally that is the opinion of a manwho is NOT confident in either their own skill, or maybe their package itself.
her voice.....u might not know about this one but some girls be having a voice that when they call you from a distance u think its one of ur boys bout to runup on u. and all that other nonesense is good to
and she gotta look gud lol i had to put that
Similar interests (art, music likes are pluses)
Love of her family and heritage
Mellow (able to balance me out at times b/c I can get too intense or care too much about stuff that doesn't matter)
Most importantly, Love through thick and thin
1. fun/funny
2. good looking
3. is down to smoke (girls that burn=
) cigarettes are :/
4. smart
5. has a good job
6. CANNOT have ugly hands or feet, if you do, GOODBYE. especially hands
7. can't think of anything else
Can folk...NOT read the title or sumthin? We tryna do sumthin a lil more mature here, so...yamean could we focus on the inside? Is sum dudes really THATshallow?

Seven things?

Where do you live where you need to narrow the list down to just 7 things?

I understand if you were talking about just dating. I mean, there's no need to have a list of 1,000 items that you want in a person in order for you to beinterested in them.

But you're not talking about 'dating'; you asked for 7 things to make up our 'IDEAL' person.

That's crazy low in my opinion.
funny...if your jokes are stale...then smh
has to be well rounded about the world
not stuck up
doesnt think she's the best thing on earth next to snapple
great teeth ...i dont want u smiling and looking like a drunken homeless dude

and last....*drum roll*

has to be smart..i dont wanna have a convo with a brick wall
somewhat goofy
open minded
down to earth
drinks only in moderation/ if she smokes, only in moderation
similar taste in music

Originally Posted by innocentmanse7en

1) Faithful (pretty obvious)

2) Semi-intelligent (not smarter than me
but I wanna be able 2 have a conversation with you...)

3) No extra good girls (I mean, damn I'm all 4 a good girl, but I dont want you wavin a Bible in my face every time I wanna have a drink/spark up...that's a excellent way 2 get smited...)

4) Didn't go thru that "skag stage" (You know EXACTLY what I'm talkin bout...dont act dumb...)

5) Independent (believe me, I love female company, but I dont need you under my buttocks 24/7...damn...)

6) Secure (cuz I have female friends...its a fact of life. But if you the partner you supposed 2 be, I aint even gonna be thinkin bout them like that...)

7) Likes me 4 me (its cool that you like the way I dress, talk, move, etc... But is it me you feelin or the superficial $#!+)

basically everything you just said
1.Sarcasm/Sense of Humor
2.Has to be smart (I need to be able to hold conversations with you other than what you got at the mall)
3.Blunt like me
4.Has to have goals for herself
6.Being able to listen
7.Sense of Self

The worst part is that I've been friends with her for a minute and on Vday I got her a bangin build a bear to show her how I felt and she didn't feelthe same way. I haven't talked to her since...she friend requested me on facebook and I denied, it hurts to think about her and I know she's the onlyone I'll ever really want like that. She makes all other girls look obsolete
Has sense of humor, has to be fun to be around.
Originally Posted by and1play5

The worst part is that I've been friends with her for a minute and on Vday I got her a bangin build a bear to show her how I felt and she didn't feel the same way. I haven't talked to her since...she friend requested me on facebook and I denied, it hurts to think about her and I know she's the only one I'll ever really want like that. She makes all other girls look obsolete

when you finally meet a woman and get married you're gonna look back and laugh at how you thought no one could ever be like the friend you lost...
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