7/27 WWE Smackdown - Bryan v Kane v Del Rio v Mysterio #1 Contender Match for Sheamus @ Summerslam

Like 4w said earlier, they needed to do the heel turn on punk so that the crowd did not cheer. He get heat for taking out the rock. I actually liked tht turn.
Good way to turn Punk heel.  Just having him do something to Cena wouldn't have gotten it done.  BUT, what a complete crap finish to the main event.

I didn't like tonight's show, but you already know that.
So NT great minds...where they going with this?

Seems as if they're going with a Punk heel turn but possibly against his will? He looked very torn about the turn. Any other thoughts on where the story goes from here?
[COLOR=#red]The match wasn't good... Show breaking it up was welcomed. Punk watching on was great.[/COLOR]
Heel Punk :pimp:

Give him a stable to work with.

BTW WWE. that didn't "knock my socks off"........ and mine have holes in them.
So NT great minds...where they going with this?
Seems as if they're going with a Punk heel turn but possibly against his will? He looked very torn about the turn. Any other thoughts on where the story goes from here?

Punk is the hero WWE deserves but not the one it needs right now
I guess I'm the only one that doesnt care for the heel turn. This was not a good ending at all. I give the 1000th show 7 out of 10.
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Overall it was a pretty awful show.

The main event was even terrible.. Punk looked sloppy a lot and Cena was Cena.. the Big Show run in - zzzzz.. but I guess it was needed to plant the seed. Punk taking out the Rock wiil generate a lot of heat for him. I'm expecting some epic promos in the future.
I can't believe Steve Austin was not on this show. Wow.

Outside of Rock-Punk, this show was a FAIL.

At least my consolation prize is Lita being my latest fap material. Holy $*&^ is she finer than usual.

#RAW1000 kiss my bleep. At least Spike is back on DirectTV for Thursday Night.
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[COLOR=#red]No Steve Austin though huh... interesting. Great ending.

What's this major angle?? Apparently they didn't start it up.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#red]I knew this show wasn't gonna be great. Told You. [/COLOR]
So NT great minds...where they going with this?
Seems as if they're going with a Punk heel turn but possibly against his will? He looked very torn about the turn. Any other thoughts on where the story goes from here?

Punks real life personality, from what I can tell by twitter at least is heel. He holds no punches and does whatever, I don't think he was torn at all.. he was just in character.
Punk beating Cena wouldn't have been enough to pull off a Heel turn, GREAT way to work in The Rock to pull the turn... So possible tag team match leading up to Rumble? Rock and Cena vs Punk and Big Show.. 
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