how do you handle anxiety?

I tend to just smoke. I get the wildest highs when i'm anxious, but it definitely helps in realigning my priorities because it puts me in a meditative state. It's just like buddhism, focusing on one thing is a step towards the meditative state. I get anxiety when i get overloaded at work and I lose a grip on my personal life; when i have too much on my plate, i don't approach things one at a time and I tend to just jump to other projects without completely resolving issues. However, i made that realization the last time I had extreme anxiety and I told myself to take things one at a time. When it came to a butt load of projects, all the deadlines and presentations weren't as important as my sanity. So I made the pledge to just manage things one at a time, set a specific goal before jumping to the next. Crazy thing is, i wouldn't have made the adjustment if I didn't get high, so i owe it to the plant :pimp:
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I’m still learning but making to do lists really helps with anxiety I get from having a bunch of stuff to do. I bought a house (that needs some work) and got promoted to manager in the same month and mannnn, anxiety had me about ready to jump out the top floor window.

Other thing too is know your limits. Don’t let other people or social media push you into thinking you always need to “do more”. It means learning how to respectfully decline certain events/tasks and that’s okay. You can’t do everything.
I had a bad March, for the first time in my life I had an anxiety attack and then ended up having 3 anxiety attacks 3 nights in a row and would up in the ER cause I thought my heart was gonna explode out of my chest

Talked to a psychologist and he explained to me what’s happening in your brain when you have anxiety, and how it literally affects your organs, heart, and the rest of your physical body. Which was cool and helped understand why and what’s happening.
He also showed me a breathing technique where you inhale through your nose/mouth/whatever and exhale through your stomach. When you exhale you do it to the point of feeling a squeeze in your stomach. He explained the chemistry behind it
He was the sports psychologist for the Celtics for years and he pointed out that when players are on the free throw line you notice they do that. Inhale in and take a big exhale to relax themselves

that all helps but honestly I found dealing with the root of the anxiety helped me out the most. My mom wasn’t doing good health wise, my birthday had just passed and I was feeling like a loser, I have arthritis and it was spreading around my body because I stopped taking my medicine for like 6 months. I was also worried about my heart cause the way it felt when having anxiety was crazy. It all contributed and came out at once. My moms fine now, I’m back on my medicine and hopefully will be moving forward in my own life to feel like less of a loser. Saw a cardiologist and they said my hearts fine

It’s been a month now and I’m back to “normal”
It opened my eyes up to mental health and I really feel for those who have to deal with it daily for their entire lives. It made me realize how people can “go crazy” and “lose their mind” if they don’t have a support system like family or friends, or doctors to deal with it. **** is no joke man, your mental controls your physical

it was a crazy few weeks for me but I am hoping to turn a negative situation into a positive ☺
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I let anxiety have too much power over me. One day I dared it to kill me. You're making me feel like I'm gonna die everyday so just kill me right now. DO IT.
It didn't. So it can kiss my ***. Everyone has anxiety to some degree, you have to control how much power it has on your life.
Temporarily, sure (though not always with weed). I find that usually just throws gas on the fire in the long run.

Very true, like you said it depends on the source of the anxiety. For social anxiety, finding confidence in that particular setting worked when I was younger ( having on the right fit, haircut) just being fully comfortable in my appearance helped a lot. now that I'm older my anxiety has calmed down a lot and I just go with the flow of things because a lot of the things I'm anxious about I can't change anyway so screw it.
went its just a rough day at work i usually try to go to BJJ and either strangle or get strangled. for me its such a humbling experience and numbs the worries of that day.

anything over a week i usually lock down and dont talk to anyone for a few days, weeks, months. This goes for work, friends, loved ones. i go from happy and trying to make everyone smile to completely stoic and dead in the eyes. usually... I abandon all my hobbies, exercises, passions. i just exist.

I went through the worst work experience of my life from November 2019 - May 2020. I was sleeping about 3 hours a day, waking up every 20-40 minutes in a panic. Working a 15-17 hour shift plus an hour drive each way, i would sometimes need to pull over on the side of the road or in a parking lot to catch some sleep. I did this 6-7 times a week depending on rotation. i completely locked myself down in my head. Gained 80 pounds in weight, lost all my close friends, lost the desire to even keep going. I was existing, not living. this time around i decided it was time to resort to the "big guns" so i found weed comforting to fall asleep. after a while i substituted green for alcohol, i contribute this to spiraling further out of control. every night had to be capped off with a few drinks to settle down.

I ultimately quit in May of last year. i knew that if i didn't leave i would probably have a heart attack or stroke before the age of 30 at that rate, or fall asleep behind the wheel and die. i told three people in the building that i was resigning, didn't tell my team i was leaving until the day of, and they had my position filled in less that 6 days before my final day. Really showed me how much that company cared for me. Quite a few people reached out once they caught wind of my resignation and told me to take it back. all of the problems were confirmed caused by my direct supervisor, and he was ultimately terminated a few months after i left. he went through 5 assistant managers in less than three months. I know i wasnt the only one, but the nature of my position caused me to receive the punishment and pain the worst.

Ive taken this time to self reflect and really understand what is important to me before the end comes. I was going to travel for a year, foolishly thinking that this pandemic was going to be over a little sooner. since that hasnt happened ive been focusing on regaining my health. stopped drinking for a few months, working out, but its such a long road ahead. i dont know if im ready some days, its still difficult. it took me about 2 months to get back into a more normal 6 hour sleep cycle. my life has been up and down since then. work is hard to come by, and some days really drag. but its just one foot in front of the other. im on a good streak as of late.

thank you for this thread. i feel better
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