What did you think was exaggerated until it happened to you?

Dec 9, 2002
Stumbled across this video and so many of the stories were interesting.

-Confusion while getting too high. I have felt like I was literally in an entirely different universe. Like seriously, I had no idea my brain could function in that manner.

-How fun drinking is and conversely, how hard it is to function while drunk. I thought you could "pull it together" if you focused hard enough.

-how difficult a 4 minute mile is. I saw a commercial about this when I was 19 and thought for sure I could do it. And I'm not even a runner. Like 5 minutes later I'm half a mile down the road, hunched over, ready to call my mom to pick me up.

-ear infection. This one's kinda different bc I had one when I was 6 and I remember crying hysterically. When I got older, I remembered how I acted and thought I was just being dramatic as a child.... Until I got one at 17. Man it was HORRIBLE. Legit thought my eardrum was gonna explode.

-heartache. And I've never even *truly* been heart broken Just some mild stuff like someone I like a lot cutting it off.

-mental issues. I've suffered from slight ptsd (undiagnosed by a professional but I'm certain that's what it was) and it is completely debilitating. It is just a severe as a physical barrier.

-the importance of a pet. I remember when I was 16, I saw a poster for a lost dog and it said "he is a very important member of our family", and I remember thinking 'it's just a dog', as if it's just a couch or chair or something. Then when I got a dog at 30 I realized that they really do become a family member and you genuinely love them. I didn't lose him, but when I moved states, I felt like it was a better fit to leave him with a family that has a house and worked from home so that he could have a yard and constant attention. Took me over a year to get over it. It was hard but looking back, it was best for him.

-kinda abstract, but the difficulty of becoming rich.
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Always used to tease my dad about “being cheap” and using coupons, searching for deals and stuff. He would tell me “life is expensive” I grew up and damn sure he was right :lol:
now we share deals and coupons and things with each other

Pretty sure I had a mild anxiety attack a few weeks back. Was driving on the highway at night and started to get this weird feeling. Felt like I was gonna pass out, felt flush, hands were tingly, heart was beating fast. I had to roll down all my windows and focus on my breathing. I was fighting to not pass out. Like REALLY fighting to not pass out and crash and die :lol:. Didn’t wanna pull over on the highway so I battled that for like 10 min until I got off on my exit
I don’t know where it came from at all, never felt anything like that before
I was smoking and I thought “maybe that was the blunt that finally fried my brain” :rofl:
And now I can’t drive on the highway once it’s dark anymore or that feeling starts to come back
I felt crazy that night once I got home too. Made me realize a lot about people who deal with mental issues
Always used to tease my dad about “being cheap” and using coupons, searching for deals and stuff. He would tell me “life is expensive” I grew up and damn sure he was right :lol:
now we share deals and coupons and things with each other

Pretty sure I had a mild anxiety attack a few weeks back. Was driving on the highway at night and started to get this weird feeling. Felt like I was gonna pass out, felt flush, hands were tingly, heart was beating fast. I had to roll down all my windows and focus on my breathing. I was fighting to not pass out. Like REALLY fighting to not pass out and crash and die :lol:. Didn’t wanna pull over on the highway so I battled that for like 10 min until I got off on my exit
I don’t know where it came from at all, never felt anything like that before
I was smoking and I thought “maybe that was the blunt that finally fried my brain” :rofl:
And now I can’t drive on the highway once it’s dark anymore or that feeling starts to come back
I felt crazy that night once I got home too. Made me realize a lot about people who deal with mental issues
My old co-worker hit a deer and said she couldn't drive down that road anymore. Initially I thought she was being dramatic, but then I remembered I've dealt with something similar so I took what she said more seriously.
To your point about sympathizing with people with mental issues, last time I got too high, I legit thought I had permanently lost my mind and started sympathizing with my aunt that is showing signs of dementia. It's a very vulnerable and lonely experience.
One thing I thought could never happen to me was a girl breaking my heart. I always thought I’d be able to talk my way out of things, or I’d be the one to end things, or a girl would never cheat on ME, or a girl would never pick another guy over me.

I thought all the heartbreak stories were exaggerated. Not anymore.

ALSO, I thought depression was an exaggeration and something that unpopular people talked about to get attention. It’s real. Never really suffered real depression until the beginning of the pandemic when I was doing nothing but drinking everyday. ****s real. That’s all.
Stumbled across this video and so many of the stories were interesting.

-the importance of a pet. I remember when I was 16, I saw a poster for a lost dog and it said "he is a very important member of our family", and I remember thinking 'it's just a dog', as if it's just a couch or chair or something. Then when I got a dog at 30 I realized that they really do become a family member and you genuinely love them. I didn't lose him, but when I moved states, I felt like it was a better fit to leave him with a family that has a house and worked from home so that he could have a yard and constant attention. Took me over a year to get over it. It was hard but looking back, it was best for him.


I had no idea that a dog can be a real companion until about two years ago (I will be 35 this year).

I can echo what mostly everyone said but just life in general. It is like god grants you this blissful period in your life to do whatever you want with the belief everything is free and nothing will catch up and then one day the rug is pulled out from under you and it is never the same again. And from that moment on life really is day-to-day (which is actually blessing IMO).

My dad said that my grandfather would always say "just keep living" when he would act like he knew stuff as a teenager/young adult.
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Ice being mad slippery. I'm very coordinated and not clumsy at all.... But it snowed one day when I lived in Houston. I was going down the stairs outside the apartment and felt my foot lose traction. I managed to catch myself before fully slipping but maaaaaaaan.
All those cliche sayings about how focusing on yourself first, then the women will flock to you.
I thought it was ******** until it starts happening.

i started dressing better, made education my priority, got in better shape, learned how to manage money and more

i bagged the girl of my dream and i dont think i could’ve done it if i didn’t change my mindset

everything starts in the mind
All those cliche sayings about how focusing on yourself first, then the women will flock to you.
I thought it was bull**** until it starts happening.

i started dressing better, made education my priority, got in better shape, learned how to manage money and more

i bagged the girl of my dream and i dont think i could’ve done it if i didn’t changed my mindset

yeah. That real confidence has a glow. I think it attracts people period regardless of the situation.
Like other people mentioned heartbreak and depression .

didn’t think depression was real until I was sitting in my house alone , no money or job , hair falling out and drinking gallons of Carlo Rossi wine every day . I’ll never judge anybody again, never know what they going through .

But on a lighter note Trippin/shrooms . Did a whole chocolate bar (was supposed to do less than 1/3) and “tripped balls” craziest **** I ever experienced. Thought the hallucinations and all that was exaggerated lol
-kinda abstract, but the difficulty of becoming rich.
Not to be an a-hole but you admitted drinking and "getting too high". Over the past decade you prolly have spent low 5 figures ($20-30k) that coulda been invested in Real Estate and you would've been on the path to getting residual income rather than trading your time 4 money. And its not just money spent on Marijuana/Alcohol- you admitted at times you were confused and barely able to function. Theres alot of flexible part time work you couldve pursued, had you abstained from abusing those substances (DoorDash, UberEats, GrubHub).

Same thing with coupon dude
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Corona Virus. I took it serious, wearing masks and staying at home but I figured I’m young, no health issues so I should be okay. But man when I got exposed and tested positive...symptoms were mild until they weren’t lol There was a point I didn’t think I was gonna make it. Couldn’t breath, almost passed out in the shower. Luckily I knew a few people who had it and I was hitting them up just to talk me down. It’s been three weeks since I tested negative and I’m just now feeling 100%
Add me to the food poisoning list. I always thought of it as a little diarrhea, some vomiting, maybe a fever. But a couple years ago I discovered what it really was.

I think I went to the bathroom every 3 mins for like 5 or 6 hours. I had to position myself on the toilet and aim for the tub to throw up. Blurry vision and headaches from dehydration. It was never ending.
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