Feedback Large advertisements/spam between posts even when signed in

Feb 4, 2015
Usually the advertisements only appear if your not a member. Is it normal to still see them when you're signed in?
We always had advertisements after a set number of replies on mobile. On desktop, we used to have ads in the sidebar. Now, we no longer have a sidebar module (which also spares us the problem of embedded content like youtube videos getting cut off, as on the old site), so the ads need to run in between posts instead.

It's normal behavior for the new site. The ads allow us to pay to host and maintain the site, develop new features, and contribute to charity.

We'll continue to tune the ads to make sure the size and appearance are appropriate, and if there's significant interest we could look into offering a reduced ad or ad free premium subscription option.
Hi, we've adjusted the ad size to fit better and have removed any spam that may have showed up for you. Thanks for reporting this!
No problem with advertisements, but I had NINE (identical) of these on one 25 post that normal? Not including one or two of the smaller ads that I'm more used to seeing.

No problem with advertisements, but I had NINE (identical) of these on one 25 post that normal? Not including one or two of the smaller ads that I'm more used to seeing.

You should definitely not be seeing nine ad units on a single page. If you’re seeing this consistently, let me know where it’s occurring for you and where each ad is located.

I believe there should be six total ad placements for a signed in user. Ad variety is dependent on a number of different factors, given the prevalence of personalized advertising. It’s not uncommon for different people to see different sets of ads on the same page.

We’ll be updating the site fairly soon, and that update will slightly reduce the number of ad placements per page and allow us to offer an ad free subscription option.
Appreciate it.

Yeah, this was only recently. The weird thing is that more ads appeared as I scrolled up and down the thread.

Right now I've got four. Three large banners (including two sandwiching the reply box) and the black semi-transparent box at the bottom that can be closed.
I believe the authorized locations currently are:
  • After the first post on a page.
  • After the fifth post.
  • After the tenth post.
  • Above the reply box.
  • Below the reply box.
  • The dismissible footer ad.
It was explained to me that the locations were selected based on where users tended to spend the most time on each page. (Nobody wants to be an ad that just gets ignored.)

Sandwiching ads around the post editor may be effective in that regard, but it looks tacky and I’ve asked that we change that for the new layout.
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