***6.4-magnitude quake hits southern Taiwan *** 9:46 ET

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas


Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Ugh yuku

Someone asked why were there so many earthquakes I think but the fact is there always was. Majority aren't reported or major though.

That's the issue. There's always been earthquakes, hell there was one in the bay this past week and So cal the week before. They're just minor. The fact how big these are is what makes it big news
Originally Posted by 808toVancity

2012 looking more realistic than ever. haiti.. chile... then taiwan.. what's next, the pacific northwest and NorCal?

time for food storage.

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Ugh yuku

Someone asked why were there so many earthquakes I think but the fact is there always was. Majority aren't reported or major though.

[table][tr][th=""]Magnitude[/th][th=""]Average Annually[/th][/tr][tr][td]8 and higher[/td][td]1[/td][/tr][tr][td]7 - 7.9[/td][td]17[/td][/tr][tr][td]6 - 6.9[/td][td]134[/td][/tr][tr][td]5 - 5.9[/td][td]1319[/td][/tr][tr][td]4 - 4.9[/td][td] 13,000 (estimated)[/td][/tr][tr][td]3 - 3.9[/td][td] 130,000 (estimated)[/td][/tr][tr][td]2 - 2.9[/td][td]1,300,000 (estimated)[/td][/tr][/table]

Exactly... The media uses the average news watcher as a puppet. Statistics are another thing that is played around with a lot.  
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Ugh yuku

Someone asked why were there so many earthquakes I think but the fact is there always was. Majority aren't reported or major though.

That's the issue. There's always been earthquakes, hell there was one in the bay this past week and So cal the week before. They're just minor. The fact how big these are is what makes it big news

Earthquakes are even bigger news now because of how devastating the one that occurred in Haiti was. The earthquake that hit Haiti was rated at 7.0M. Last year there were 15+ 7.0M or higher earthquakes.
Originally Posted by nick0lis

Originally Posted by M1dnightMobster

Psalms 46:1-2
can you please translate for those of us who dont memorize the bible???
nah but i'll do it for the people too lazy to google it..
God is our refuge and strength, 
       an ever-present help in trouble.
 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way 
       and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,

Originally Posted by 808toVancity

2012 looking more realistic than ever. haiti.. chile... then taiwan.. what's next, the pacific northwest and NorCal?

time for food storage.

If this happens then i want all my kicks to go to my people in El Salvador

kids in El Salvador rockin my Co.JP AJ 1's and my Air Force Stash highs

LOS ANGELES — Just 50 miles off the Pacific Northwest coast is anearthquake hotspot that threatens to unleash on Seattle, Portland andVancouver the kind of damage that has shattered Chile.

The faulthas been dormant for more than 300 years, but when it awakens —tomorrow or decades from now — the consequences could be devastating.

Recentcomputer simulations of a hypothetical magnitude-9 quake found thatshaking could last 2 to 5 minutes — strong enough to potentially causepoorly constructed buildings from British Columbia to NorthernCalifornia to collapse and severely damage highways and bridges.

Sucha quake would also send powerful tsunami waves rushing to shore inminutes. While big cities such as Portland and Seattle would beprotected from severe flooding, low-lying seaside communities may notbe as lucky.

The Pacific Northwest "has a long geological historyof doing exactly what happened in Chile," said Brian Atwater, ageologist with the U.S. Geological Survey and University of Washington."It's not a matter of if but when the next one will happen."

Thelast one hit in 1700, a magnitude-9 that sent 30- to 40-foot-talltsunami waves crashing onto the coast and racing across the Pacific,damaging Japanese coastal villages.

There's an 80 percent chancethe southern end of the fault off southern Oregon and NorthernCalifornia would break in the next 50 years and produce a megaquake,according to Chris Goldfinger, who heads the Active Tectonics andSeafloor Mapping Laboratory at Oregon State University.

Researchpresented last year at a seismology conference found that Seattlehigh-rises built before 1994, when stricter building codes took effect,were at high risk of collapse during a superquake.

Disastermanagers in Oregon and Washington are aware of the risks, and work isongoing to shore up schools, hospitals and other buildings to withstanda seismic jolt.

"We're definitely being proactive in trying toget those fixed, but we have a long way to go," said Yumei Wang,geohazards team leader with the Oregon Department of Geology andMineral Industries.

Oregon has 1,300 schools and public safetybuildings that are at high risk of collapse during a major quake. Thestate recently doled out $15 million to two dozen schools and emergencyfacilities to start the retrofit process. State law requires that allpoorly built public safety buildings be upgraded by 2022 and publicschools by 2032.

The state is also helping its coastalcommunities — home to 100,000 residents — plan for vertical evacuationbuildings that could withstand giant tsunami waves.

Seattle plansto retrofit its 34 fire stations. The city is also working on a plan toupgrade 600 buildings considered most at risk.

"We have been preparing aggressively," said Barb Graff, who heads the city's Office of Emergency Management.

Chileand the Pacific Northwest are part of several seismic hotspots aroundthe globe where plates of the Earth's crust grind and dive. Theseso-called subduction zones give rise to mountain ranges, ocean trenchesand volcanic arcs, but also spawn the largest quakes on the planet.

Themagnitude-8.8 Chile quake occurred in an offshore region that was underincreased stress caused by a 1960 magnitude-9.5 quake — the largestrecorded in history, according to geologist Jian Lin of the Woods HoleOceanographic Institution.

The temblor destroyed or badly damaged 500,000 homes and killed more than 700 people.

Similartectonic forces are at play off the Pacific Northwest, where the Juande Fuca plate is diving beneath North America. At some point, centuriesof pent-up stress in the Cascadia subduction zone will cause the platesto slip. Scientists cannot predict when a quake will occur, only thatone will happen.

The region is all too familiar with violentearthquakes. In 2001, a 6.8-magnitude quake centered near Olympia,Wash., rattled a swath of the Pacific Northwest, but remarkably causedno deaths. While it was not the type of quake that hit Chile, it was areminder of how a big disaster could strike at any time.

Tobetter understand megaquakes, a group of scientists planned to travelto Chile in May for a conference on giant earthquakes and theirtsunamis. There are field trips planned to commemorate the 50thanniversary of the 1960 Chile quake.
Originally Posted by M1dnightMobster

Originally Posted by nick0lis

Originally Posted by M1dnightMobster

Psalms 46:1-2
can you please translate for those of us who dont memorize the bible???
nah but i'll do it for the people too lazy to google it..
God is our refuge and strength, 
       an ever-present help in trouble.
 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way 
       and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,

k thx
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