56 MPG mandate by 2025 = SCRAPPED BY current EPA

Originally Posted by ninjahood

is da government serious about pushing and forcing us into cars that we dont wanna buy and that will become WAAAY more expensive?�
i see JDM, euro, and muscle car heads basically saying HELL NO and just keep their older cars

which are cheaper and just depend on aftermarket parts.

they're even trying to increase da gass guzzler tax to to almost 7 grand, it might even make certain auto makers to no longer sell certain performance cars on this side of da pond..and you can forget about V8's and V6's...they trying to introduce 3 cylinder engines
you mean V3's?
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

You can't beat em so you might as well get use to it. 

Who needs taxes anyway? What have they ever done for anyone? It isn't like they contribute anything relevant to society. I say we let the corporations take over and build up our infrastructure! Then we'll have clean and efficiant roads that go straight to the giant assembly lines we'll all work in for 10 cents an hour, and they can have roads to the malls where they buy what we create for the but can't afford! It'll be just like China! A capitalists dream! And on that note, *%$% environmental protection too! The EPA just kills Americans jobs!


I'm going to shoot myself in the ##$%$+! face now, because I know for a fact there are more than a few of you who actually think this is a good idea. 
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

You can't beat em so you might as well get use to it. 

Who needs taxes anyway? What have they ever done for anyone? It isn't like they contribute anything relevant to society. I say we let the corporations take over and build up our infrastructure! Then we'll have clean and efficiant roads that go straight to the giant assembly lines we'll all work in for 10 cents an hour, and they can have roads to the malls where they buy what we create for the but can't afford! It'll be just like China! A capitalists dream! And on that note, *%$% environmental protection too! The EPA just kills Americans jobs!


I'm going to shoot myself in the ##$%$+! face now, because I know for a fact there are more than a few of you who actually think this is a good idea. 
I'm pretty sure it's 56 mpg CAFE which calculates the size of the vehicle, its footprint and its sales numbers. It's a fleet average. Today's CAFE is, I want to say 32mpg, so another 14mpg CAFE shouldn't be too difficult with the current trend in downsizing especially in 14 years. So in other words if Ford raises sales of the Focus and Fiesta to 300k-350k units a year you will still be able to buy your GT500 next to it at the stealership. 
I'm pretty sure it's 56 mpg CAFE which calculates the size of the vehicle, its footprint and its sales numbers. It's a fleet average. Today's CAFE is, I want to say 32mpg, so another 14mpg CAFE shouldn't be too difficult with the current trend in downsizing especially in 14 years. So in other words if Ford raises sales of the Focus and Fiesta to 300k-350k units a year you will still be able to buy your GT500 next to it at the stealership. 
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

You can't beat em so you might as well get use to it. 

Who needs taxes anyway? What have they ever done for anyone? It isn't like they contribute anything relevant to society. I say we let the corporations take over and build up our infrastructure! Then we'll have clean and efficiant roads that go straight to the giant assembly lines we'll all work in for 10 cents an hour, and they can have roads to the malls where they buy what we create for the but can't afford! It'll be just like China! A capitalists dream! And on that note, *%$% environmental protection too! The EPA just kills Americans jobs!


I'm going to shoot myself in the ##$%$+! face now, because I know for a fact there are more than a few of you who actually think this is a good idea. 
 Yeah you're right... the $XX,XXX combined Federal/State income taxes, Social Security, Medicare, State Disability, Federal Disability, Employment Training Taxes, State Unemployment Insurance taxes, and also not including Property taxes, Car registration taxes, and Sales taxes, I paid last year all went to INFRASTRUCTURE (3%) that will actually benefit me the taxpayer. 

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

You can't beat em so you might as well get use to it. 

Who needs taxes anyway? What have they ever done for anyone? It isn't like they contribute anything relevant to society. I say we let the corporations take over and build up our infrastructure! Then we'll have clean and efficiant roads that go straight to the giant assembly lines we'll all work in for 10 cents an hour, and they can have roads to the malls where they buy what we create for the but can't afford! It'll be just like China! A capitalists dream! And on that note, *%$% environmental protection too! The EPA just kills Americans jobs!


I'm going to shoot myself in the ##$%$+! face now, because I know for a fact there are more than a few of you who actually think this is a good idea. 
 Yeah you're right... the $XX,XXX combined Federal/State income taxes, Social Security, Medicare, State Disability, Federal Disability, Employment Training Taxes, State Unemployment Insurance taxes, and also not including Property taxes, Car registration taxes, and Sales taxes, I paid last year all went to INFRASTRUCTURE (3%) that will actually benefit me the taxpayer. 

I'm not down with these bubble ****** cars.some of us use are cars to transport large items are a large number of people. These smart cars look real thin and dangerous .I'm also not down with somebody telling me what I should drive.I'm all for fuel efficiency but something is wrong when they are telling me what my choices are.
I'm not down with these bubble ****** cars.some of us use are cars to transport large items are a large number of people. These smart cars look real thin and dangerous .I'm also not down with somebody telling me what I should drive.I'm all for fuel efficiency but something is wrong when they are telling me what my choices are.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

The dilemma for the Obama administration: Detroit automakers make much of their profits on their light trucks and can afford to build these higher-margin vehicles in the USA. A standard that forces them to cut back on those to make and sell more smaller-margin small cars probably means more vehicles made, such as Ford's new Fiesta, in Mexico and other lower-wage countries. Even Asian makers, with more car-heavy lineups, don't make their smallest models in North America.

....okay, i only got to page 3 before i needed to ask/say something.
.......nvm. i mean this is Ninjahood.
.....then i seen this:
Originally Posted by Essential1

ninjahood wrote:
CriminalMinded wrote:
Speak bad on Obama or Olberman this dude Essential1 will flip. I bet he loosing sleep tonight.

ahh so thats what it is....

lets put it like this chief...any policy that involves raising cost and killing jobs will be highlighted and bolded for this upcoming election year.......republicans just gave obama da sword he can fall on when they granted him da right to raise da debt limit.

so if anything else goes wrong da blame is squarely on him.

And the debt limit will kill jobs? Him raising the debt limit? The thing that has been raised 70 some-odd times including 10 in the last decade will kill jobs?  Maybe you are not well versed in business, but I'm not sure you know what happens when the U.S. "defaults" on loans... Why do you think Republicans are playing the negotiating game all while they say "There is no question whether or not we will raise the debt limit. We will" Boehner even had to meet with Wall Street 3 times to assure him that the debt limit will be raised.

Also do you understand the process of these kinds of legislations? Including the fact that they are negotiable, they gave the car companies 14 years of  time of research & development to figure it out... Think of when you went to your first day of school in Kindergarten,  then think of the day you graduated high school.. Add 1 year, and 3 months, and that is how much time they have..

It will have very minimal... If ANY impact on the car companies.. Except the trend their R&D have to go... Because that is the trend they go in anyway, more fuel efficiency... By 2025, do you think Hyundai and Honda, Toyota will still be in the high 20's, low 30's MPG? 

 at you thinking this would have massive job losses in 2012... When the goal is 2025...

You are a one-stop shop of ignorance in any matter of importance..

.....sig worthy
Originally Posted by ninjahood

The dilemma for the Obama administration: Detroit automakers make much of their profits on their light trucks and can afford to build these higher-margin vehicles in the USA. A standard that forces them to cut back on those to make and sell more smaller-margin small cars probably means more vehicles made, such as Ford's new Fiesta, in Mexico and other lower-wage countries. Even Asian makers, with more car-heavy lineups, don't make their smallest models in North America.

....okay, i only got to page 3 before i needed to ask/say something.
.......nvm. i mean this is Ninjahood.
.....then i seen this:
Originally Posted by Essential1

ninjahood wrote:
CriminalMinded wrote:
Speak bad on Obama or Olberman this dude Essential1 will flip. I bet he loosing sleep tonight.

ahh so thats what it is....

lets put it like this chief...any policy that involves raising cost and killing jobs will be highlighted and bolded for this upcoming election year.......republicans just gave obama da sword he can fall on when they granted him da right to raise da debt limit.

so if anything else goes wrong da blame is squarely on him.

And the debt limit will kill jobs? Him raising the debt limit? The thing that has been raised 70 some-odd times including 10 in the last decade will kill jobs?  Maybe you are not well versed in business, but I'm not sure you know what happens when the U.S. "defaults" on loans... Why do you think Republicans are playing the negotiating game all while they say "There is no question whether or not we will raise the debt limit. We will" Boehner even had to meet with Wall Street 3 times to assure him that the debt limit will be raised.

Also do you understand the process of these kinds of legislations? Including the fact that they are negotiable, they gave the car companies 14 years of  time of research & development to figure it out... Think of when you went to your first day of school in Kindergarten,  then think of the day you graduated high school.. Add 1 year, and 3 months, and that is how much time they have..

It will have very minimal... If ANY impact on the car companies.. Except the trend their R&D have to go... Because that is the trend they go in anyway, more fuel efficiency... By 2025, do you think Hyundai and Honda, Toyota will still be in the high 20's, low 30's MPG? 

 at you thinking this would have massive job losses in 2012... When the goal is 2025...

You are a one-stop shop of ignorance in any matter of importance..

.....sig worthy
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

You can't beat em so you might as well get use to it. 

Who needs taxes anyway? What have they ever done for anyone? It isn't like they contribute anything relevant to society. I say we let the corporations take over and build up our infrastructure! Then we'll have clean and efficiant roads that go straight to the giant assembly lines we'll all work in for 10 cents an hour, and they can have roads to the malls where they buy what we create for the but can't afford! It'll be just like China! A capitalists dream! And on that note, *%$% environmental protection too! The EPA just kills Americans jobs!


I'm going to shoot myself in the ##$%$+! face now, because I know for a fact there are more than a few of you who actually think this is a good idea. 
 Yeah you're right... the $XX,XXX combined Federal/State income taxes, Social Security, Medicare, State Disability, Federal Disability, Employment Training Taxes, State Unemployment Insurance taxes, and also not including Property taxes, Car registration taxes, and Sales taxes, I paid last year all went to INFRASTRUCTURE (3%) that will actually benefit me the taxpayer. 


I agree. A much larger percent needs to go to our infrastructure, as well as education and scientific and medial research instead of "defense and security." But we'd rather spend 20% of taxpayer dollars on finding new, innovative ways to kill people.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

You can't beat em so you might as well get use to it. 

Who needs taxes anyway? What have they ever done for anyone? It isn't like they contribute anything relevant to society. I say we let the corporations take over and build up our infrastructure! Then we'll have clean and efficiant roads that go straight to the giant assembly lines we'll all work in for 10 cents an hour, and they can have roads to the malls where they buy what we create for the but can't afford! It'll be just like China! A capitalists dream! And on that note, *%$% environmental protection too! The EPA just kills Americans jobs!


I'm going to shoot myself in the ##$%$+! face now, because I know for a fact there are more than a few of you who actually think this is a good idea. 
 Yeah you're right... the $XX,XXX combined Federal/State income taxes, Social Security, Medicare, State Disability, Federal Disability, Employment Training Taxes, State Unemployment Insurance taxes, and also not including Property taxes, Car registration taxes, and Sales taxes, I paid last year all went to INFRASTRUCTURE (3%) that will actually benefit me the taxpayer. 


I agree. A much larger percent needs to go to our infrastructure, as well as education and scientific and medial research instead of "defense and security." But we'd rather spend 20% of taxpayer dollars on finding new, innovative ways to kill people.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

I'm not down with these bubble ****** cars.some of us use are cars to transport large items are a large number of people. These smart cars look real thin and dangerous .I'm also not down with somebody telling me what I should drive.I'm all for fuel efficiency but something is wrong when they are telling me what my choices are.

" Those who would give up ESSENTIAL LIBERTY to purchase a little TEMPORARY SAFETY, deserve neither LIBERTY nor SAFETY."& that's my stance on it. Cuz @ da end of da day, u let da government decide what carCan you drive, u think they gpnna stop there? U opening up Pandora's box with this bull isssh.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

I'm not down with these bubble ****** cars.some of us use are cars to transport large items are a large number of people. These smart cars look real thin and dangerous .I'm also not down with somebody telling me what I should drive.I'm all for fuel efficiency but something is wrong when they are telling me what my choices are.

" Those who would give up ESSENTIAL LIBERTY to purchase a little TEMPORARY SAFETY, deserve neither LIBERTY nor SAFETY."& that's my stance on it. Cuz @ da end of da day, u let da government decide what carCan you drive, u think they gpnna stop there? U opening up Pandora's box with this bull isssh.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

I'm not down with these bubble ****** cars.some of us use are cars to transport large items are a large number of people. These smart cars look real thin and dangerous .I'm also not down with somebody telling me what I should drive.I'm all for fuel efficiency but something is wrong when they are telling me what my choices are.

" Those who would give up ESSENTIAL LIBERTY to purchase a little TEMPORARY SAFETY, deserve neither LIBERTY nor SAFETY."& that's my stance on it. Cuz @ da end of da day, u let da government decide what carCan you drive, u think they gpnna stop there? U opening up Pandora's box with this bull isssh.

That quote, in the context you're using it, makes no sense at all.
Environmental protection isn't temporary safety. It is ensuring that humans can inhabit this planet for as long as possible instead of destroying it and "living for now." We, as humans, need to care about future generations, not just our own. 
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

I'm not down with these bubble ****** cars.some of us use are cars to transport large items are a large number of people. These smart cars look real thin and dangerous .I'm also not down with somebody telling me what I should drive.I'm all for fuel efficiency but something is wrong when they are telling me what my choices are.

" Those who would give up ESSENTIAL LIBERTY to purchase a little TEMPORARY SAFETY, deserve neither LIBERTY nor SAFETY."& that's my stance on it. Cuz @ da end of da day, u let da government decide what carCan you drive, u think they gpnna stop there? U opening up Pandora's box with this bull isssh.

That quote, in the context you're using it, makes no sense at all.
Environmental protection isn't temporary safety. It is ensuring that humans can inhabit this planet for as long as possible instead of destroying it and "living for now." We, as humans, need to care about future generations, not just our own. 
Excuse my prior misspellings. Ninjahood speaks to truth the govt has no business telling us what cars to buy.The most they can do is offer grants to folks who come up with fuel efficient plans for cars.

Sure we have to make the world a cleaner place but at the same time we can't compromise our rights for that.WHo wants their grand kids and great grandkids to live in a police state.
Excuse my prior misspellings. Ninjahood speaks to truth the govt has no business telling us what cars to buy.The most they can do is offer grants to folks who come up with fuel efficient plans for cars.

Sure we have to make the world a cleaner place but at the same time we can't compromise our rights for that.WHo wants their grand kids and great grandkids to live in a police state.
I love how even the smallest government intervention into peoples lives always leads to the implementation of a police state in the future. The leaps in logic make my brain hurt.
Also, to make matters worse, the poster above me would rather his grand kids live in a world that is barely habitable, still dependent on fossil fuels that are running out and is most likely in a perpetual state of war due to this fact, than live in a world where dependence on fossil fuels has fallen and new technology has been put to use in significantly more efficient ways. 

Yeah, option one sounds way better to me as well. Bring it on, China!
I love how even the smallest government intervention into peoples lives always leads to the implementation of a police state in the future. The leaps in logic make my brain hurt.
Also, to make matters worse, the poster above me would rather his grand kids live in a world that is barely habitable, still dependent on fossil fuels that are running out and is most likely in a perpetual state of war due to this fact, than live in a world where dependence on fossil fuels has fallen and new technology has been put to use in significantly more efficient ways. 

Yeah, option one sounds way better to me as well. Bring it on, China!
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