48÷2(9+3) = ???

Originally Posted by CuriousGeorg3

if you need to use an acronym to solve this problem, then you have no credibility here.

The acronym is useful...too bad they are using it wrong though
Originally Posted by Crystal Springs

This has to be the Anti-Life Equation


That flowchart though. 
 This thread won't ever end. 2-trolls are steady. The anti-left-to-right crowd.
Originally Posted by Crystal Springs

This has to be the Anti-Life Equation


That flowchart though. 
 This thread won't ever end. 2-trolls are steady. The anti-left-to-right crowd.
so has there been an "authority figure" (of Math, not onee of you bum A!! NTers ) weigh in on this?

i with "2"
so has there been an "authority figure" (of Math, not onee of you bum A!! NTers ) weigh in on this?

i with "2"

i'm convinced at this point that most of the people still on the 2 train are trolls and/or didn't read the thread. there is no way you can see all of this evidence for 288, and still think the answer to this problem is 2. the people who originally had 2 as their answer and actually READ THE THREAD have converted to the 288 side. the rest are just making up things to support their wrong answer. NO ONE has converted from the 288 to the 2 crowd...

also, to the 2 crowd...please provide 3 legitimate sources (not some random blog, forum or message board) that the 'rule of juxtaposition' actually exists. if needed, i (or anyone else in the 288 crew) can provide plenty of sources that say you should perform the order of operations from left to right.


i'm convinced at this point that most of the people still on the 2 train are trolls and/or didn't read the thread. there is no way you can see all of this evidence for 288, and still think the answer to this problem is 2. the people who originally had 2 as their answer and actually READ THE THREAD have converted to the 288 side. the rest are just making up things to support their wrong answer. NO ONE has converted from the 288 to the 2 crowd...

also, to the 2 crowd...please provide 3 legitimate sources (not some random blog, forum or message board) that the 'rule of juxtaposition' actually exists. if needed, i (or anyone else in the 288 crew) can provide plenty of sources that say you should perform the order of operations from left to right.

Originally Posted by balloonoboy


You're the troll, b. Give it a rest.

You have to realize that he is right. There is no logical or correct way to get 2 or whatever answer you got. You can distribute 2 to 9 and 3 with out making it 12. You cant multiply before you divide in this problem after that point. There is no law of juxtaposition. The 48 isnt in the numerator and the rest of the problem isnt in the denominator. It is not 1 fraction. There are no missing parenthesis. There is only 1 equation. 1 answer and it is 288. Anyone who thinks it not clearly doesnt know anything about math.
Originally Posted by balloonoboy


You're the troll, b. Give it a rest.

You have to realize that he is right. There is no logical or correct way to get 2 or whatever answer you got. You can distribute 2 to 9 and 3 with out making it 12. You cant multiply before you divide in this problem after that point. There is no law of juxtaposition. The 48 isnt in the numerator and the rest of the problem isnt in the denominator. It is not 1 fraction. There are no missing parenthesis. There is only 1 equation. 1 answer and it is 288. Anyone who thinks it not clearly doesnt know anything about math.
for people on the 288 train why do you ignore the fact that the 2 outside the parenthesis needs not be ignored
for people on the 288 train why do you ignore the fact that the 2 outside the parenthesis needs not be ignored
I'm sure this has been stated, but since people still seem to be on the fence (no idea how):


The people rewriting this as


cannot due so because 48/2 is the co-effecient here, not 2.

I'm sure this has been stated, but since people still seem to be on the fence (no idea how):


The people rewriting this as


cannot due so because 48/2 is the co-effecient here, not 2.

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