was gonna ay something about steroids but didnt want people giving me crap about it

all these dudes took steroids, sure they were good in their 20s/30s but if you used for a long time it can and will screw you up eventually.

Surprised Hulk is doing well, i know he def abused it and maybe still does

there is nothing anyone can say that will make me think otherwise.. ive witnessed it through my own eyes.. sure my dad looked like a greek god when he was 25-35.. but he has been paying for it ever since.. as with a lot of the guys who go hard on the needles.. hulk isn't doing that good he cant even move without feeling pain.
Just still in shock of how surreal this is with how things went this entire weekend. People were saying the HOF should've been center around Jake Roberts more than Warrior, and in retrospect, it went just how it should have.
man who knows if this had anything to do with the steroid use over the years, but im sure it contributed. These guys that abuse them over years and years never think of the long term effects.. My dad was an avid steroid user and man his body has completely broke down through the years. neck fusion, torn rotator cuffs, bone spurs, torn ligaments, 2 heart attacks, I blame all on steroids.. he never used drugs besides weed(I don't consider that a drug), and doesn't drink at all.. I wish all the people in their 20s don't threaten their futures to look good now, because it will always come back to haunt you.. steroid abuse has serious long term effects..
You need to tell this to some of those dudes in the getting in shape thread.

And I wish I got around to see Warrior in his prime. I started watching sometime between WM X and XI.
I wonder if UW knew his health was bad and reached out to Vince to bury the hatchet..So maybe his kids could see him have one last bit of glory before he died..
but like someone said already, maybe he has been sick and wanted to make peace before he went
I wonder if UW knew his health was bad and reached out to Vince to bury the hatchet..So maybe his kids could see him have one last bit of glory before he died..

I was gonna post this earlier right when the news dropped but I wanted to wait a little bit
man who knows if this had anything to do with the steroid use over the years, but im sure it contributed. These guys that abuse them over years and years never think of the long term effects.. My dad was an avid steroid user and man his body has completely broke down through the years. neck fusion, torn rotator cuffs, bone spurs, torn ligaments, 2 heart attacks, I blame all on steroids.. he never used drugs besides weed(I don't consider that a drug), and doesn't drink at all.. I wish all the people in their 20s don't threaten their futures to look good now, because it will always come back to haunt you.. steroid abuse has serious long term effects..
You need to tell this to some of those dudes in the getting in shape thread.

And I wish I got around to see Warrior in his prime. I started watching sometime between WM X and XI.

people know the side effects and dangers but they dont care

hell, ive looked into it but thats the thing that scares me. damaging my heart and dying early

not worth it even tho a lot of wrestlers in the 80/90's abused the hell out of em
people know the side effects and dangers but they dont care

hell, ive looked into it but thats the thing that scares me. damaging my heart and dying early

not worth it even tho a lot of wrestlers in the 80/90's abused the hell out of em

especially back then when people didn't know as much as they do now.. doing a cycle here and there wont do it to you, but the long term abuse is what killed most of those 80s-90s guys.. i just think at the end of the day it isn't worth it at all.. on top of the health issues your body is not meant to be that strong. that is why people have problems with their bones and muscles and ligaments. my dad was 5'8 195 leg pressin 700 pounds. you are not meant to handle that amount of weight ever no matter how strong you get.
Shocked to hear the news about Warrior. I know I never spoke highly about him, but I can't deny the impact he had on wrestling. RIP Warrior |I.
RIP Warrior 
I sometimes wonder if the McMahon's even care, or how they feel about situations like this. So many people who work at your company magically die early, mostly in similar circumstances, related to the same things.
my fav pro wrestler growing up in my early childhood

the ultimate warrior and hulk hogan got my into the wwf

i remember years ago when wwe released a dvd about him in a negative way.

glad vince actually inducted him to the hall of fame after all that bs

rip to the ultimate warrior
I was staring at this picture and it hit me that Mean Gene will outlive both of them.


There is no doubt in my mind that he had high blood pressure at the very least.
Yeah I don't want to go overboard with the speculating, but I'm with you.

Someone else brought up a good point earlier that I also considered...as great as these last few days were for Warrior, you have to think the disruption to his regular daily routine didn't do him any favors.
The flying, traveling, emotions, adrenaline, stress, little sleep, etc. all spread across 3-4 days. Not all good.

I have NO doubt the company will do a hell of a job with the tribute on Monday. It's one of those things they always get right.


Jesus, I almost forgot about the man leaving behind two young daughters and a wife. I feel for them.
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