
Punk leaving really did open up everything, which is pretty crazy. Had Punk not left, Bryan would've probably been pinned by the young up and coming Sheamus in 16 seconds. I'm not mad at Punk at all, I'd much rather we had the outcome we had than see a withered languishing Punk facing HHH. I'll be looking out for a refreshed Punk at Survivor Series or RR 2015, and everybody will be back on board Jynx Maze double fisting him as usual :pimp: :pimp:

:evil: :evil:
I think if Punk didnt leave the WWE, they woulda never got the memo to let the new guys shine. It woulda been the same status quo as before. He basically sacrificed his career for these guys....

Then again I like Punk so I'm kinda biased
I guess you can change things from seating at home. Ironic he got what he wanted by doing nothing. Wonder how things would be if he really left in 2011 than opposed to now? I think the now is better
Oh God, is this gonna become a thing now?

Omega H set these things in motion months/weeks ago. The only thing I'll credit Punk for is giving H the motivation to have the best match at Wrestlemania. DASSIT.

I'm really not trying to completely turn on Punk but man y'all are making it hard.

He's a miserable **** boy. If the ***** comes back...cool. If not...thanks for memories and sayonara.
Why would Paige need to loss her nxt belt? If anything this promotes nxt more and if she loses her nxt belt as divas champ that could damage the already damaged belt lol
Punk leaving really did open up everything, which is pretty crazy. Had Punk not left, Bryan would've probably been pinned by the young up and coming Sheamus in 16 seconds. I'm not mad at Punk at all, I'd much rather we had the outcome we had than see a withered languishing Punk facing HHH. I'll be looking out for a refreshed Punk at Survivor Series or RR 2015, and everybody will be back on board Jynx Maze double fisting him as usual :pimp: :pimp:

Jynx Maze. :pimp:

Hats off to you, sir.
LMAOOOO ppl hate Punk in here :lol:
Oh well, as long as stuff changed from what I was seeing earlier in the year I'm fine
Punk coming back would be cool but like someone said earlier, his value is decreasing and he prob dont even care anymore anyways
Damn, dudes really going in on Punk. What he did was completely unprofessional but ya'll are acting like he didn't bring a majority of us back to wrestling. 
No Taker, who was backstage.

Next week perhaps. No need to stock up so many things one night.

These Adam Rose promos :lol:
Punk is still my guy, he's got the money so he dipped.

Can't blame him, but every week that passes by his momentum with the crowd slips more and more...
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