I love when 4w goes on his Sting rants..Dude loves to say that nobody in WWE's current fanbase know who he is..But yet the majority of WWE's current fan base is dudes in their late 20's to early 40's which is prime age to know who Sting is..But then again 4w is like most of the NTWT, pure WWE marks that refuse to acknowledge any other promotion existed, or was successful for that matter..

I want to Sting to come to WWE for pure nostalgia reasons..Plus he deserves the HOF and that WWE documentary treatment..He's a legend whether most of yall want to admit it or not..
I love when 4w goes on his Sting rants..Dude loves to say that nobody in WWE's current fanbase know who he is..But yet the majority of WWE's current fan base is dudes in their late 20's to early 40's which is prime age to know who Sting is..But then again 4w is like most of the NTWT, pure WWE marks that refuse to acknowledge any other promotion existed, or was successful for that matter..

I want to Sting to come to WWE for pure nostalgia reasons..Plus he deserves the HOF and that WWE documentary treatment..He's a legend whether most of yall want to admit it or not..
That should be your knew gimmick. Just how DC calls us all fake wrestling fans
Literally just got in the door from work.  1st day on the new job and an hour behind east coast time.  Let's get ready for Raw!
Raw time... Recovering from a VERY long night of drinking, hope everyone enjoyed WM.. Didn't check in much but was active on twitter.
Could you guys imagine if Mania would have been at the Garden and then we had that crowd for this show?..:smokin
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