4.0 earthquake in San Diego?? Just heard this from a few friends down there....

4.0 is nothing. I can fart a 4.0 on the Richter scale, Hell even a 5.0 is nothing but a jet going by.

Now if you're talking 6.0 and above that's cause for some concern.
Pppl won't be laughin when Cali gets tha BIG one. Havin NTrs unite from coast to coast.
Originally Posted by daproblem53


whole time ny and the east coast could get hit with an earthquake too because there is a fault line not too far from here. I found out about it when I was reading about all the earthquakes that have been occuring.
Originally Posted by classified

Earthquakes are like a weekly occurrence now, shh is getting out of hand.

there are millions of earthquakes every year.

people are only paying attention now because of haiti.  it's not that serious.

Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

Originally Posted by daproblem53


whole time ny and the eastcoast could get hit with an earthquake too because there is a faultline not too far from here. I found out about it when I was readingabout all the earthquakes that have been occuring.

there was a quake in new jersey last month.
Originally Posted by bel air

we're gonna get hit with a big one 8.0++++++++++++
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