36 shot in Chicago in 36 hrs.

3) the access to guns is completely different, I could only imagine what would happen if these lil ****** in my hood were to easily get their hands on choppas & ****** army guns mean.gif

This is worth exploring. NY has super tight gun laws, right? Hence Wayne's gun arrest and various other people? Has it been effective?

Illinois gun laws are on par with NY. Chicago has some of the strictest in the country and is hasn't done anything to curb crime. Criminals obtain weapons through criminal methods.... the laws are only prevent those who already abide by the law from buying weapons.
Everything wrong with the Hood could be solved by people in the hood.

Yea the system is "designed" against us. But can you imagine if MLK, Malcolm, Huey, etc. sat on they laptops and just cried about the system?

They fought the system with their lives and made changes. We dont have that leadership anymore.

My point is poor school systems is something you can organize against and make a change. We have to understand that politicians only respond to people who stay in their ears. **** a president or governor harass your city councilman and mayor for change. ****** be asking what Obama gone do. Ask your district president what she or he gone do.

Violence can be organized and protested against. We seem to do it when its the annual white man kills a black man or kid. We like to play pseudo civil rights movement when Al Sharpton tell us to. but when its black on black we seem to accept it as the norm. We rap about it. We watch it on First 48 like its entertainment. We yell "Bang Bang and ChiRaq" all that goofy ****. But if we gave the same kind of effort and vigor we did for Trayvon every time a Trayvon was murdered you telling me we wouldnt make a change in the violence?

Like its been said before other ethnic groups have gone through systematic hardships: Italians, Jews, Asians,etc. but they found a way to stick together and make a way. Hell even Africans come over here and flourish because they dont adapt the same mindset we Africans Americans have. Its crazy, Africans look like us, get profiled like us, deal with the same racism we do but they seem to get they American dream on at a much higher rate.

You know the difference between all those other groups and black folks? They have families. Lack of family structure is an internal problem that can be solved by black men not some white man. The famous stat that 70% of kids are born out of wedlock is the crux of the problem.

All this pointing fingers to some invisible bully just always seem weak to me. I just aint built like that. Im not saying the world isnt against us but **** you gotta take responsibility for what you responsible for first.
The difference, and this can not be stressed enough, between the fight that Civil Rights leaders like Malcolm and Martin dealt with then and the ones we deal with today is that back then, these ills were so blatant that you could literally put a face or organization or concrete example to them.  The lynchings, the KKK, the explicitly racist laws and government-imposed segregation, etc. 

These days, racism is much more covert.  It operates in a much sneakier, understated and problematic way than in years past.  It blames you and makes you feel guilty for not having been born with one or both parents, not having adequate resources or housing or education, bares down on you for having been born into a culture where you legitimately feel that you will need a gun as a pre-teen just to survive. 

When you are facing the adversity of these young black youths today in Chicago, for example, you are dealing with a group of people many of whom have every disadvantage imaginable form the start of their life.  And yet, if you were to ask them or their parents, they might very well not even be able to articulate what or who they needed to fight back against, who or what they needed to overcome, and what factors lead them so far behind the 8 ball to begin with.  It's like fighting the boogieman, like trying to strangle out the hatred and injustice of a ghost.

It's much harder to fight your own injustices when you can't say who/what you're concretely battling against.  So when they're ignorant to the factors that are actually causing their oppression but recognize each other as the enemy instead, it becomes a tragedy of self-hate and lack of personal worth, a vicious cycle with 8 heads that seem to regrow themselves as soon as you cut one off.  
This dude just posted all that knowledge and your response is to disregard all the context listed above you and boil it down to black and white right and wrong?  Wake up, things are never that clear cut.  Perhaps it is you that are too stuck in your mindset and could use re-evaluation of what you believe and why you believe it. 

Proud of NT for continuing this dialogue.  Let's keep it going. 

In this case it is black and white. If you make a choice to commit a crime it is wrong. It is as simple as that.
Illinois gun laws are on par with NY. Chicago has some of the strictest in the country and is hasn't done anything to curb crime. Criminals obtain weapons through criminal methods.... the laws are only prevent those who already abide by the law from buying weapons.

thanks for letting me know i was under the impression that NYC gun laws were much stricter.
What would you guys propose as possible solutions. All the reasons that people feel are the causes of the problem seem to have been laid out. Regardless of what you feel is the cause the discussion has to shift to discuss solutions or things to start doing to make a movement towards improvement.
What would you guys propose as possible solutions. All the reasons that people feel are the causes of the problem seem to have been laid out. Regardless of what you feel is the cause the discussion has to shift to discuss solutions or things to start doing to make a movement towards improvement.
Don't mean to crap on your point, but in all honesty how would you go about rounding together people who are killing each other senselessly.
Not what I meant bruh 

As long as you have a power struggle/class conflict, this type of thing will exist, hence the Guevara image. That's putting it in simple terms. 

The problem isn't gonna "work itself out." The powers that be are just as responsible as the evil doers.
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Not what I meant bruh :lol:

As long as you have a power struggle/class conflict, this type of thing will exist, hence the Guevara image. That's putting it in simple terms. 

See while although thats not a solution, its a nice insight thats not pointing any fingers at anyone person in specific, but for some reason is often overseen.
They need someone they respect in the hood to hold up a truce on the murder for sport.

It's not going to work if Cheif Keef of Kanye does it. It's gotta come from a grimey Chicago og.

No need to bring up LA's deep routed gang roots but it worked over here. Don't get me wrong there's still a ton of wild dudes out here but it's not Chiraq bad
The difference, and this can not be stressed enough, between the fight that Civil Rights leaders like Malcolm and Martin dealt with then and the ones we deal with today is that back then, these ills were so blatant that you could literally put a face or organization or concrete example to them.  The lynchings, the KKK, the explicitly racist laws and government-imposed segregation, etc. 

These days, racism is much more covert.  It operates in a much sneakier, understated and problematic way than in years past.  It blames you and makes you feel guilty for not having been born with one or both parents, not having adequate resources or housing or education, bares down on you for having been born into a culture where you legitimately feel that you will need a gun as a pre-teen just to survive. 

When you are facing the adversity of these young black youths today in Chicago, for example, you are dealing with a group of people many of whom have every disadvantage imaginable form the start of their life.  And yet, if you were to ask them or their parents, they might very well not even be able to articulate what or who they needed to fight back against, who or what they needed to overcome, and what factors lead them so far behind the 8 ball to begin with.  It's like fighting the boogieman, like trying to strangle out the hatred and injustice of a ghost.

It's much harder to fight your own injustices when you can't say who/what you're concretely battling against.  So when they're ignorant to the factors that are actually causing their oppression but recognize each other as the enemy instead, it becomes a tragedy of self-hate and lack of personal worth, a vicious cycle with 8 heads that seem to regrow themselves as soon as you cut one off.  
good heavens this is some real.

My suggestion?

Get in the women's ears... TEENAGED women ears.
Theres been a plethora of analyzation as to why Chicago is like this and it seems like all of you are pointing to features of the same thing; systematic race destabilization.

How do you solve the issue?

Someone said to get a OG grimey chicago dude, i don't think that'll work because of the numerous gangs (50 and counting) that run the southside. If you've ever seen the Warriors, then the theoretical moment of "can you dig it" in southside chicago will probably be just like the movie.

 @Fontaine  has a good point, though it's lofty. I think restructuring the family unit seems like a key idea. If you can somehow make the family unit more stable, then I think that would drastically improve the disposition of the youth. However, I don't know how that would be implemented. Maybe family structuring programs? But even then transportation and logistics would have to be thought out and the most important thing to it that we have no control over parents willingness. 

I dunno man, it seems as if the government is funneling most of their actions towards symptomatic treatment of violence (which is justifiable), rather than consistently implementing crucial steps to stop the cycle. 

I think people have to put aside the idea of the government helping, if one thing is for sure is that they don't seem to care. As much as that thought hurts its a reality that has to be lived with. As someone stated earlier we can gather and rally the troops for other issues and even things outside of our country, why does it seem like an impossible monumental task to do it for an issue such as this which is happening here. Whether one places sole blame on the government or not why wait for them to decide they want to take action which all things considered isnt going to happen. The people outside are going to have to get the change going.
[COLOR=#red]I think people have to put aside the idea of the government helping, if one thing is for sure is that they don't seem to care. As much as that thought hurts its a reality that has to be lived with. As someone stated earlier we can gather and rally the troops for other issues and even things outside of our country, why does it seem like an impossible monumental task to do it for an issue such as this which is happening here.[/COLOR] Whether one places sole blame on the government or not why wait for them to decide they want to take action which all things considered isnt going to happen. The people outside are going to have to get the change going.

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That's exactly why i posted that interview with David Simon a lil higher up he discusses all he went through in Baltimore in the 90's & if you simply replace Baltimore with Chicago every time he says it the stories are identical

didn't see it when you posted it, but went back and viewed. i'd seen the video before. all of david simon's points are "on point". everything.
@Calypso Chanta

Los Angeles has over 450+ active gangs till' this day. And at some point a Mexican Vs. Blacks war.
(Side note)
Largo's from Long Beach still have a "kill blacks on sight" policy.

Like I said the only way to stop this is for a few older respected gang members to call a truce. Don't bring up a movie as the base of your facts to dispute my solution. If it worked in the biggest gang Capitol in CA it can work in Chicago

They need someone they actually RESPECT to tell them it needs to stop. This isn't going to work if the police, or a rapper, actor say it. It has to come from one of the older grimey dudes
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Fam these lil ****** don't have respect for people they grew up with for most of their lives... they ain't gonna have no respect for the OG's either. Alot of the beef going on in the chi is going on btwn different steps in the same gang, the order that use to be and the control of that has been long gone.

And to those saying we have to come to the realization that the government won't help i don't get the rationale behind it. It's the governments schools that are teaching the children, the governments laws that are sending us to jail for years at a time, the governments tax rules that decide how much assistance a neighborhood will get. They have control of every vital asset needed to build a community.

so we abandon the thought of receiving aide from them while still following their rules & regulations in every other facet of life?

What we concluded about these impoverished areas is that there is a huge spread of ignorance, a lack of mobility, bad health options, No monetary fixtures or ownership..... with all these issues how does anyone expect for blacks to simply fix these issues from the inside without the proper training and mindset to fix them. We live in a capitalist society.... No capital then nothing is getting done for you unless its demanded or taken from the government.
How real is thought of the National Guard being deployed in those areas? I remember during the Rodney King riots out here in LA, once those soldiers started patrolling with their humvees and M16s, dudes in the neighborhood backed off. Streets were cleared, and a sense of calm came back.
@Calypso Chanta

Los Angeles has over 450+ active gangs till' this day. And at some point a Mexican Vs. Blacks war.
(Side note)
Largo's from Long Beach still have a "kill blacks on sight" policy.

Like I said the only way to stop this is for a few older respected gang members to call a truce. Don't bring up a movie as the base of your facts to dispute my solution. If it worked in the biggest gang Capitol in CA it can work in Chicago

They need someone they actually RESPECT to tell them it needs to stop. This isn't going to work if the police, or a rapper, actor say it. It has to come from one of the older grimey dudes
@Ken Piffy Jr

Easy there. My reference to the warriors movie wasn't a "fact" to be used as supporting evidence to my claim that your solution wasn't viable, it was there to provide a contextual metaphor to say that I don't think that your solution will work. Big difference.

I get the if it worked in LA (source?) then it can work in Chi logic. The greater problem I'm addressing is; how can we as a people overcome systematic destabilization without the constant fallout of violence? Like say if your theory did work, does that really help shift the mentality of the youth that still resort to vices to express frustration with their respective situations? 

No violence, cool but now what am I good for? I dropped out of school, don't have any money, father locked up, moms strung out. What now? What do I do?  

I just feel like stopping the violence is great; but if there isn't an overall implemented plan for improving the youths after the violence stops then the violence will come back even stronger than before.
How real is thought of the National Guard being deployed in those areas? I remember during the Rodney King riots out here in LA, once those soldiers started patrolling with their humvees and M16s, dudes in the neighborhood backed off. Streets were cleared, and a sense of calm came back.

Shut up....

These fools will feel threatened and retaliate in guerrilla warfare.
I doubt that would happen. They'd have to be on patrol 24 hours a day forever. A riot is temporary this is pretty much how it is and has been. Either way it's not a real solution or the root of it.

Someone needs to come in and offer these kids jobs. Good jobs. Not something they can't eat off. Maybe some sort of relocation too. Get them out of Chicago for a while making legal money. Let them see the hood life sucks.
^ that's a band aid on the problem... I'm sure it would be great for Chicago PD to say look at are #'s murder is down by blah blah blah.... but the second the national guard is removed the shootings will still happen because the attitudes and conditions won't change, and that's my issue with everything that's been done so far

War on Drugs has yielded absolutely nothing other than a higher rate of incarceration
No Child Left Behind has yielded less educated kids, who aren't ready for even the simplest task in the workforce
Stricter gun laws have yieled more people in jail and the same amount of people dying

All Of these acts at the end of the day have given a straight assist to some corporations getting rich, the same corporations that are putting these gaudy $'s in "support" for whatever politician they feel like backing.
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