32% Tuition Hike at UC campuses...the price of trying to better yourself is ridiculous...

The CSU's have been raising tuition since as far back as I remember...every semester I felt it went up at Chico, and I graduated in 2005.
this sucks. I just started at Irvine and the increase isnt going to be easy to pay.
Prices going up and financial aid decreasing.

I'm at a private school though, so it already cost a lot, but they're generous with financial aid though.
Being Black also helps.
this is ridiculous, and when I asked what I can do, the @$%*+ told me to transfer. lulz.
Financial Aid benefits decrease, while the cost of education goes up. They cut summer classes and only allow transfers and enrollment in the fall. Here'ssomething I heard the other day and am currently searching to back up the number. But on a per pupil basis, California spends less than $3,000 per student peryear. But on a prison inmate the state expends a little under $50,000 a year

. I would also be interested to find out how many of the prisoners costing$50,000 a year are locked up for non violent marijuana related crimes.

Here is the only article I've been able to find so far: Here

People laugh @ notions of revolutions, revolting, protesting, fighting back. But until we collectivisize(Black Dynamite reference
) not @@%* is going tochange. I have to much pride being from California, and I don't want to see it fail, but if things don't change soon (5-10 years) I can't sayI'll optimistic about our future.
Jesus Christ man no one likes you, most people would get it by now. The more you post the more people hate the state of Ohio.
Really, they're cutting financial aid?

Now that I did not know.

Good thing private colleges are around.
Surprised more people here aren't talking about this. This tuition hike is @@+*%## ridiculous. Just to preface this, I go to a private college (Universityof San Francisco), but obviously a lot of people I know are affected by this. There's a lot of misinformation being spread in those articles by the UCregents, claiming that lower-income students will still have access to Cal Grants. From what I've seen, this is either arbitrary, or complete $%!%!!!$, assome of my friends have been getting dicked by the system, decreasing the amount that they are being given while voting to increase the tuition. I'm afraida lot of deserving, but under-privaleged students in the future are going to be feeling the effects of this crock of $**$. I hope the UC President enjoys his800k/yr salary.
A lot of people protesting today, it's good too this +#$# is outrageous for a lot of people.

Fortunately I was blessed with alot of financial aid because me and my fam would never be able to pay for this...
Originally Posted by RATxAxTAT

Prices going up and financial aid decreasing.

I'm at a private school though, so it already cost a lot, but they're generous with financial aid though.
Being Black also helps.
not always. i got to take out loans cuz i make too much money. Funny things is that i don't know where that money is.

Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

And the Social stratification and poverty gap widening continues...
^^^^this. One reason why people get people into class categories. Only the wealthy can benefit from this
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

you sound mad.

this is a loss.

take your loss like a man.

Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

im glad i graduate in the spring
I got to a CSU and the tuition continues to rise. They cut all the 400 level classes for my Major option down to 1 session each, some people aregoing to take up to a year longer to graduate, not to mention a lot of people can't go part-time because if they do they can't still be under theirparents health insurance.
aw, they cut the 400 level classes?


we got plenty of 400 level classes at The OHIO State University...
The fees have been passed and it will be very difficult for even middle class families to support their children going to school. I'm not sure if I'lleven be able to stay at Cal with this fee increase, my roommate's family has 2 kids going to Cal and 1 more that'll be in college soon and I don'tknow about him either. This just seems like an easy way out to me.
ya got to remember, the head execs aint going to take a budget cut nor will they. just like with those bank execs still getting bonuses after they were bailedout. they have a contract, if the uc system cuts they bonuses they going to sue. so they stuck giving the bonuses just like the bank execs

i started at csulb in 06, and the tuitiion was going up 10% each semester. after 4 semesters i couldnt pay for it any more (dad made 125k+ alone) so i had togo to a community college, but even community colleges are overcrowded and turning away students too. only thing for students to do, is to straight grind itout. get straight As and get all the scholarships they can so they can go to school for free. or even having their job pay for their tuition.
real talk tho, The Ohio State University amended the state constitution every year I attended to raise the tuition a higher % than they wrote in the yearbefore...


like a dude said earlier though, I was definitely blessed with the opportunity to attend college, even though I got some loans to pay back, for the most part,it was free.

so basically, my scholarship and grants made my education the non-inflated price of college...

good thing I got a 29 on the ACT as a junior in hs, and got a full ride before I even had the chance to retake it...

(which isn't a good score, but considering I showed up to a site 40 miles from my crib at 7:30 am, without a calculator and not having taken junior orsenior classes, kinda beasty....)
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by air max 87


You get what you pay for...
This is the problem though. Not only are UC folks not getting what they pay for, but are being asked to pay even more for it. And CSU's havebeen getting raped for a minute now, just not on this level tuition-wise.
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