30 Min Lunch Break Unappreciation

Jan 20, 2002
yesterday my boss got mad cause i took an hr lunch break, i had to try to explain this to him.  got me thinking of what chris rock said
im so use to an hr break. damn, i got to get a new job
Lol yea man, try 30 minute lunch break at a busy mall job on a Saturday...By time I GET to the food court 28 minutes have passed 
I always take a hour.
We get two 15 minute breaks, I never take them so just combine it to my lunch which equals a hour
i havent had a 30 min break in 10yrs. i get a 1hr lunch and if i go out to eat with vendors i take 2hr lunches
this ain't recess, its lunch.

it doesn't take 30 min to eat an afternoon meal.

pack a sandwich lazy bone jones. jeez.
dont have a problem with it especially since my lunch break is at 10:45am...too early to eat so i speed to my car and catch some ZZZzzzz...
lunch anytime and no matter how long ftw

i dont go over board though

sometimes i dont even last an hour (lolwut)
my lunch is technically a half hour. but i usually take as long as i want. most times i just eat at my desk anyways unless i need to run errands.
Man i feel kinda bad. Originally our breaks are supposed to be 30mins but i've been leaving at 11:30 and comming back at 1
This stank dude ratted on me so now everyone has to clock in and out for lunch break..smh
we get 30 mins for lunch plus two 15 min breaks...but in all honesty..the 12-14 hours im there..i take an hour for my breakfast break, an hour lunch, plus ten 15 min smoke breaks..i'd rather be busy though and have things to do than smoke on all the down time.
30min if you live in nyc you %$#^. i remember the new forman tried to hit my crew with that and he got the
and that was the last we every heard of the 30min
Originally Posted by youngmoney

30 min lunch = done with work earlier

i dont see the problem

Not all the time. I worked at a place where I had a 30 minute lunch with two 15 minute breaks. It all equalled to an hour and I still had to do my 7 hour shift. I would rather just have an hour lunch altogether instead of a lunch with breaks.
i used to go out first, buy the food, and then come back in to punch out for lunch. my boss caught on though cause i'd be gone for like 45 minutes lol oh well, it was good while it lasted.
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