
Originally Posted by MaxElite

The Cavs are not close to a sign and trade. Wasn't it a few days ago that BSPN reported that the Raptors were not interested in doing a sign and trade anymore?

Now all of a sudden, they want to do one with Cleveland who have no attractive pieces?

Wait wait wait.......they have J.J. Hickson!! He'll get it done!!!!
Originally Posted by gmoney771981

Supposedly, the Cavs are getting close to a sign-trade for Bosh. Assuming that is true, what are our next best options for 2010 assuming Wade stays? How much would Raymond Felton cost? Would a Lee sign-trade be enough for Ellis and is G.S. actively shopping him? How bout Arenas?
I'd want to wait for Melo. I think he's willing to chance losing out on some cash to play the market and move to a better squad. Now is looking like a good time to get out of the West. I say we take on some short contracts and wait it out rather than dump cash on non-legit number 1 guys.

at that witness tee. Stop playin with me Bron...stop playin with my heart...

And I do think it's kinda wack to have an official knicks fan roster but you can here the stampede for the bandwagon coming already. Hell I've had to have friends clear up their allegiances in advance just so there's no funny business lol. With that said, sign me up!
Haven't read anywhere that Cleveland is close to a S&T for Bosh.

Tommy probably pouring out some liquor for Duhon as we speak
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by gmoney771981

Supposedly, the Cavs are getting close to a sign-trade for Bosh. Assuming that is true, what are our next best options for 2010 assuming Wade stays? How much would Raymond Felton cost? Would a Lee sign-trade be enough for Ellis and is G.S. actively shopping him? How bout Arenas?
I'd want to wait for Melo. I think he's willing to chance losing out on some cash to play the market and move to a better squad. Now is looking like a good time to get out of the West. I say we take on some short contracts and wait it out rather than dump cash on non-legit number 1 guys.

at that witness tee. Stop playin with me Bron...stop playin with my heart...

And I do think it's kinda wack to have an official knicks fan roster but you can here the stampede for the bandwagon coming already
. Hell I've had to have friends clear up their allegiances in advance just so there's no funny business lol. With that said, sign me up!
I know man.. i hear it from getting closer and closer
Originally Posted by gmoney771981

Supposedly, the Cavs are getting close to a sign-trade for Bosh. Assuming that is true, what are our next best options for 2010 assuming Wade stays? How much would Raymond Felton cost? Would a Lee sign-trade be enough for Ellis and is G.S. actively shopping him? How bout Arenas?

Cavs ain't close to getting %+@*. Damn you panic quick son immediately thinking about those Plan F, G, and H players
This has nothing to do with the post,,,i just thought it was funny and wanted to share with ya..watch it till the end
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by gmoney771981

Supposedly, the Cavs are getting close to a sign-trade for Bosh. Assuming that is true, what are our next best options for 2010 assuming Wade stays? How much would Raymond Felton cost? Would a Lee sign-trade be enough for Ellis and is G.S. actively shopping him? How bout Arenas?
I'd want to wait for Melo. I think he's willing to chance losing out on some cash to play the market and move to a better squad. Now is looking like a good time to get out of the West. I say we take on some short contracts and wait it out rather than dump cash on non-legit number 1 guys.

at that witness tee. Stop playin with me Bron...stop playin with my heart...

And I do think it's kinda wack to have an official knicks fan roster but you can here the stampede for the bandwagon coming already. Hell I've had to have friends clear up their allegiances in advance just so there's no funny business lol. With that said, sign me up!

Just read that Melo is close to re-upping w. Denver.  For the sake of NY, I REALLY hope Bron ain't playin' games w/ yall.  Amar'e is nice, but there needs to be more.  Bron could *+%# this whole thing up. 
^^im not worried about getting lebron anymore, we have amare, just pair him up witn tony parker, and get bosh to accept out contract and i think we have a pretty good squad


I'll come to the knicks game with that lineup
^ it is a long shot and dream...but you just never know,,,just like most of us, we didnt think amare would sign with us, we was all hoping bosh sign first and then lebron will follow, but amare made the first move and you just never know. Although lebron did want to play with amare since they try to get him at the trade deadline..at this point you just never know what will happen.
Take this with a grain of salt considering the source, but I got this off another message board...

Chris_Broussard - Raptors have told Cavs they would do a sign-and-trade with them for Bosh. Cavs and LeBron working to convince Bosh to join them in Cleveland
9 minutes ago via web
Originally Posted by JonnyBlazeNyc

^ Clearly which is why the official fan list was made. I love the quotes of " O well I didn't know there was an official knicks thread" or " I don't need to be on that list to rep my team" All that blah blah blah. Get out of here with those shenanigans. If Lebron signs here, we're going to have a thousand " Knick " fans who " were always knick fans but....umm..I never posted in the Sports Training." or " Well....yeah.....I was hibernating for a while, but you know my loyalty is there!" Some of the excuses that'll come up will be entertaining to say the least.

You sound like you don't go outside.  I never post daily in Sports and Training..and guess what? If Lebron signs with the Knicks, i still won't post regularly in S&T.  I only post regularly in S&T during Superbowls/NBA Finals. hush your mouth. Spend the money to go see a Knicks game spend 30 dollars on a cheeseburger..watch them get blown out and see folks crying on the 3 train about our team being trash and etc. then talk to me..i dont need a message board list to validate my fan-ship
Originally Posted by AirMaxBuckeye

Take this with a grain of salt considering the source, but I got this off another message board...

Chris_Broussard - Raptors have told Cavs they would do a sign-and-trade with them for Bosh. Cavs and LeBron working to convince Bosh to join them in Cleveland
9 minutes ago via web

cavs and lebron?
i hope cavs fans arent this delusional
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Now that I think about it it'd be great to see Kurt again just so I can see him stare down refs and complain at every foul he didn't commit
Our very own Rasheed.
Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

Most of you Knicks fans just wanted a big name...how can anybody talk loyality when the Knicks did Lee like this. I feel when any team has a chance of a big turn around those who were on the team when they weren't @#%! should be on the roster.

Why is the media considering Amar'e as a 5 all of a sudden?
Though it

will never happen I'd love to see a Lee, Gallo, Stat frontline.

Forget the LeBron dreams...delusional fans that's not happening.

As for considering others bandwagon fans...4 banned names ago I had. Knicks in 2010 sig.
Well technically aren't Knicks fans saying LeBron shouldn't be  loyal to the Cavs? No surprise that Lee is getting completely ignored at the moment. I understand what you're saying but that's not how you build great teams if you're sympathizing with the players that were on the team while you were losing. You want Charlie Ward to come out of retirement? Maybe Chris Dudley? Wanna go see where Rod Strickland is? I mean hey we might bring back Kurt Thomas, there's a start.

You gotta face that Lee might not be coming back just like Nate, Crawford and Ariza are guys who use to be on the Knicks. We both have moved on.

Knicks fans will stop their delusions once LeBron makes his announcement. You know you gonna shut all this talk up if he says he's coming here. I mean you not even on some glass half empty outlook.

The Gallo, Lee, Stat frontline will be a good look once LeBron aint coming here.

I've came to terms with those dudes not coming back...I'm just saying look @ the past few champions..they still had a few pieces from their losing teams with their winning teams. Plus Lee was our draft pick...wouldn't you love to see a draft pick we made be successful for a change? Rather than outsourcing? I've just been real uneasy with this whole free agency to improve the roster approach. I still feel we should of built through the draft slowly and maybe 2 or 3 years down the line make moves through free agency.

DubA169 wrote:
you ain't a knick fan, stop lying. you haven't had one positive thing to say here.

IMO how can one be positive when regardless of who's in charge...our front office has made dumb moves. I just really don't agree with the Stat move because soon the same complaints those had of Lee and other bigs is this dude doesn't play defense. Stat is 6'10 and doesn't rebound. Its not my fault most Knicks fans are delusional. All I do is listen to sports radio and this is why I have that view of my fellow Knicks fans. I hope this Jerome kid rebounds and can post up. I do see the positives in Stat such as is superior offense game compared to the bigs we have had I'm just not too optimistic about it working.

Originally Posted by Super Producer J

Damn son, how do you go through 4 names in 2 years? Learning your lesson, you are not.

Anyway, yay to Kurt Thomas. Dude has that look of a guy you don't wanna eff with.

I would like to see Stoudemire back to no. 32. He's not no. 1, option or in our hearts, and I don't like seeing hella payers with single digit jerseys.
Actually I've been here since 2002.

Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

Most of you Knicks fans just wanted a big name...how can anybody talk loyality when the Knicks did Lee like this. I feel when any team has a chance of a big turn around those who were on the team when they weren't @#%! should be on the roster.

Why is the media considering Amar'e as a 5 all of a sudden?
Though it

will never happen I'd love to see a Lee, Gallo, Stat frontline.

Forget the LeBron dreams...delusional fans that's not happening.

As for considering others bandwagon fans...4 banned names ago I had. Knicks in 2010 sig.

Speaking on Lee, dude is going to price himself out just like last summer.  Last summer him and his agent went out looking for $12 - $14 million per and no one was paying that.  He's still a slightly undersized 4 who is an extremely big liability on the defensive side and instead of working on that this summer, he's jacking up 300 3 pointers a day in order to add that to his game.  His offensive game is good, he shows great heart/hustle and he is a very hard worker.  But for the money he's going to command on the open market (or w/e his agent tries to demand) he's not going to be worth it IMO.  I would not offer him a contract that offers anything over $9mm a year.

Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

well lance dropped 21 in his summer league debut. hopefully landry does his thing and shows us something this summer league. i still think we will regret not drafting lance though

   It's still summer league though, a lot of people have looked great in summer league and done jack @@%@ in the league.  Just saying.
I agree...but to sit back and see other players get overpaid can not be sitting well with dude. I can see why he would want 12-14.

And many people want LeBron....how you'd people think the bandwagon would be if we signed him? I've said it on Twitter a few times this is why I didn't want a guy like LeBron. I more so don't want him because he failed in Cleveland and he is supposed to be the man how will he fare here when we will be the man again?

@ that fan list...yal corny for that.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

so what were your previous sn's if u were here since 2002?

Dirty Nasty Classy
Gizmo McHolla
Scroodge Cappola
Smash DiBiase
Bowzer Blitz

Damn thats 5.

Plus nowadays what dudes used to get banned for dudes get suspended.
I more so don't want him because he failed in Cleveland and he is supposed to be the man how will he fare here when we will be the man again?

So who do you want then? Kobe?

News flash: David Lee aint takin us to where the Knicks want to be.
I think we should make this our status wherever we social network 

[h3]Cleveland is for serfs, Chicago is for lords, but New York.....that was built for a King![/h3]

[font='lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif]
Scroodge Cappola is my favorite and Smash DiBiase

In regards to the fan list, it's not like we're taking it that seriously, it's a joke, it was just an idea to try to compile a list of fans who regularly post in Knicks threads prior to any big FA signing. As we can already see, something big/rumors happen, people come out of the woodwork talking reckless and all that.
Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

so what were your previous sn's if u were here since 2002?

Dirty Nasty Classy
Gizmo McHolla
Scroodge Cappola
Smash DiBiase
Bowzer Blitz

Damn thats 5.

Plus nowadays what dudes used to get banned for dudes get suspended.


Im not reading any of that.

edit: i see you edited all that nonsense. now have a seat and behave
Originally Posted by JonnyBlazeNyc

Originally Posted by Though

Originally Posted by JonnyBlazeNyc

^ Clearly which is why the official fan list was made. I love the quotes of " O well I didn't know there was an official knicks thread" or " I don't need to be on that list to rep my team" All that blah blah blah. Get out of here with those shenanigans. If Lebron signs here, we're going to have a thousand " Knick " fans who " were always knick fans but....umm..I never posted in the Sports Training." or " Well....yeah.....I was hibernating for a while, but you know my loyalty is there!" Some of the excuses that'll come up will be entertaining to say the least.

You sound like you don't go outside.  I never post daily in Sports and Training..and guess what? If Lebron signs with the Knicks, i still won't post regularly in S&T.  I only post regularly in S&T during Superbowls/NBA Finals. hush your mouth. Spend the money to go see a Knicks game spend 30 dollars on a cheeseburger..watch them get blown out and see folks crying on the 3 train about our team being trash and etc. then talk to me..i dont need a message board list to validate my fan-ship
Really? You want me to validate MY fanship? Let's talk about the family having season tkts since 1992. Let's talk about me watching the Reggie Miller debacle AT the Garden. Let's talk about watching the finals in 99 AT the garden. Let's talk about going to more Knick games than I can count. I've been a Knick fan for longer than I can recall. I'm 26 years old, how old are you? And you know what this list was made specifically for situations like this. Yes yes, please continue to state that you don't need to be on a fan list to validate your fanhood. That's cool, you're right, you don't need it. However if you don't need it then don't post here claiming your fanship and stating how ridiculous it is to have one. If you don't need it, then don't speak about it.
Btw back to the more important thing.......I think we should all make this our status  wherever we social network

[h3]Cleveland is for serfs, Chicago is for lords, but New York.....that was built for a King![/h3]
The best damn thing said in weeks

but on the real, don't argue with him, we expected this to happen, arguing on the internet is like arguing on xbox...even if you win..you still ******ed ......(idk i heard that from someone else)
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