
sorry gallo's potential is
and he has a real good chance of becoming a better player than JJ (i think he's already more clutch, plays with more passion, and wants the ball in his hands come 4th quarter). I do not include gallo in any sign and trade, especially for JJ. Can we atleast keep 1 player we drafted so he can be a knick for life? smfh
i agree with you. but at that point if lebron says you trade everybody for JJ you do it. i think he's smart enough to see the potential in gallo but who know.

to get atlanta to do a sign and trade without gallanari we have to convince them that we have no shot at lebron and and that our entire plan really is JJ and Amare. for example have lebron release a comment that he is strongly leaning towards CLE. Then it looks realistic that atlanta can lose JJ for nothing so they do a sign and trade of douglas chandler and curry who can get moved at the deadline. they look okay to their fanbase because they can say they offered the max to JJ but he was going to NYC no matter what so we had to get something back.
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

sorry gallo's potential is
and he has a real good chance of becoming a better player than JJ (i think he's already more clutch, plays with more passion, and wants the ball in his hands come 4th quarter). I do not include gallo in any sign and trade, especially for JJ. Can we atleast keep 1 player we drafted so he can be a knick for life? smfh

...If anyone needs to be out it's chandler.
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

sorry gallo's potential is
and he has a real good chance of becoming a better player than JJ (i think he's already more clutch, plays with more passion, and wants the ball in his hands come 4th quarter). I do not include gallo in any sign and trade, especially for JJ. Can we atleast keep 1 player we drafted so he can be a knick for life? smfh
Thing is JJ knows he's 3rd option with Amare and Bron on the team. Also I don't think the Knicks would entertain a S&T with ATL involving Gallo for Joe. I'd say give up Gallo for a great pg.

If we just get Joe and Amare, gallo still starts but if we get Bron Gallo is most likely coming off the bench.
[h1]Joe Johnson Hesitating To Accept Hawks' Max Offer[/h1]Jul 03, 2010 12:38 AM EST

Joe Johnson is hesitating to accept a six-year maximum-salary offer from the Hawks because he wants to wait and see what happens with the other top free agents.

Sources tell Chris Sheridan that Johnson is interested in playing for the Bulls or Knicks depending on which free agents may end up with each of these other two suitors.

The Knicks met with Johnson immediately after free agency officially began. The Bulls have not yet met with Johnson.

One source put the chances of Johnson ultimately accepting Atlanta's offer at only slightly better than 50 percent.

If Johnson chose a team other than the Hawks, he could still sign a max contract if a sign-and-trade can be arranged.

I think i might be the only knick fan to like Chandler....

Only reason i would consider trading him now is cuz i think Bill Walkr is gonna be a problem.. and dude won't even make $1M this or next season
What the hell has JJ done that deserves Lebron to call him out to the Knicks?

Get the !#!$ out of here with that $%#*%%%+. Even at this young of an age, Gallo is a better shooter then JJ will ever be in his career.

And, you dont let a player run the management. Look what happened in Cleveland. Power moves, nam saying?
j j wants to win
props to him. and why are people so high on gallo? is gallo gonna lure lebron in here? hell no   if amare and jj sign with the knicks lebron will be on his way here.
Gallo's too nasty to come off the bench..I highly doubt we'll have 5 players better than him

I can't find the article, but if LeBron comes here, he's running the show

pairing him with an elite pg would be mismanagement..just let toney douglas do what toney douglas do

^we're high on gallo cuz he's gonna be %!$#+$% great..to see where dirk was after a year, and where gallo is, the sky's the limit

gallo > noah, taj gibson, all heat players, all cavs, almost all nets
Yall gotta remember this all about getting Bron. I'm not for losing Gallo if we don't get Bron.

Apparently Bron would be that much more inclined to come here if he saw potential in Gallo but that just might not be the case and he likes the idea of playing with Joe much more.
tell Lebron to call Melo about Gallo, nuff said.

edit-and didnt Lebron tell Gallo to stay or healthy or something like that and that he thinks he's a real good player or w.e (after our game with the cavs). I highly doubt he doesn't see anything in him
How does SAS know that Stoudemire would accept $11.5M a yr when he turned down $19.2M in Phoenix ? $7.7M difference..

I mean Amare and Bron are both Nike
.. they can advertise together like no other.. maybe?

I juss wanna know what coach and Walsh showed Bron, Bosh & Wade..
They sound like kids thats bound to go to Disney world
Originally Posted by tim teufel

j j wants to win
props to him. and why are people so high on gallo? is gallo gonna lure lebron in here? hell no   if amare and jj sign with the knicks lebron will be on his way here.

Oh yeah, with what money? It's an inconceivable pipe dream based on Amare's deal.  JJ and LBJ would have to split up about $17m between the two of them.  Not happening.  
Also, JJ is holding out because he wants to see what his S&T options might be, I still don't think he's going to pass up the 6th year.  
gallo paired with 2 superstars = MURDER. dude was raining threes while being set up by chris duhon (
i almost puked the brew im sippin on)

no way we trade him if we're fortunate enough to get at least 2 stars because his value to the knicks in that situation would be so much higher than if he were in a situation where he didnt have teammates commanding help defense/doubles and he'd be undervalued.

can anyone explain bird rights in detail and at what point we'd be able to sign players to OD contracts (like kobes 90 mil over 3 yrs) cuz i think the reason players might be more interested in the 11.5 mil/yr might be that after the deal expires we can resign them to larger deals to compensate for what we didnt pay earlier on.
That video reminded me that i havent seen  a knick game in a while....

Forgot about Gallos flop reaction

And Giddens? Seem like hes gonna be a good player but idk about him
YEEUPP wrote:

I juss wanna know what coach and Walsh showed Bron, Bosh & Wade..

we know that they used a  reputable company to show him he can make a billion dollars here and max out at around 2 billion if every single thing goes perfect. slideshow is there (or at least a simplified version)



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Walsh about rumors saying LeBron was unimpressed with Knicks pitch: "I have not heard that from anybody that's connected with that camp." about 4 hours ago via TweetDeck
Amar'e has injury history: microfracture (2005) and retina (2009). But played all 82 games this year. 23.1 ppg, 8.9rb in 34 mins. about 4 hours ago via TweetDeck
microfracture yea... but Retina didnt do anything to him physically, he actually got alot of rest from playing ball cuz of that.. lol

@russbengtson That's when Eva grabs the phone and says, "Yes, Amar'e, Tony would LOVE to move to New York." about 4 hours ago via TweetDeck in reply to russbengtson
Lmao @ ask Melo.. but on the real, I said a few pages back.. I see the jj, Lebron, Amare thing happening.. I'm being hopeful about keeping lee just bc I respect his game. Lol.. if not I say we possibly put Amare at the 5 and have gallo run the 4.. and tell me that offense won't dominate the east? Lol.. we will need some help on D though.. that team + whoever we pick up next year = dynasty!
laugh all you want but i think in my opinion the knicks have the best chance to sign lebron because they have the best coach compared to the nets, bulls, cavs, and heat... if riley coaches the heat then ill take my statement back... but lebron knows what hes getting from dantoni even wade and bosh know... i say this because they all played for him at the olympics... this is exactly why donnie hired dantoni was to get lebron
Before they talked about love and basketball with LeBron James, the Knicks opened their video presentation Thursday with a scene from a LeBronfavorite. Suddenly James Gandolfini and Edie Falco were Tony andCarmela Soprano, maybe for the last time, and the look on LeBron's facesaid he was hoping this show would last an hour or three.

Tonyhadn't been killed off by David Chase after all. He was wearing a beardand living with his wife under the cover of the witness protectionprogram, and Tony was telling Carmela he had an important friend comingto town. A friend who needed a place to stay. A friend named LeBron James .

Carmelascanned her computer for the ideal midtown spot, and when she told Tonyshe'd found the right place for a man of James' stature, the final shotwasn't half as suspenseful as The Sopranos' final scene in the diner.

MadisonSquare Garden was the iconic image on the screen, the arena James hascalled his favorite place to play. From there LeBron would hear tapedtestimonials to the power of big-city winning from Willis Reed, MarkMessier, Reggie Jackson and Earl Monroe. Spike Lee and Rudy Giulianihad their parts on the video, and Chris Rock told some jokes.

But the Knicks weren't kidding around. They did their homework. Yeah, they knew LeBronloved The Sopranos. They also knew LeBron loved talking about thetransition game more.

So Mike D'Antoni spent more than half thismeeting on the eighth floor of a Cleveland building talking basketballwith a basketball player. Suddenly a high-stakes summit with hundredsof millions of dollars on the line was reduced to a two-man huddleyou'd find in shoebox gyms all across America.

Acoach was drawing up Xs and Os for a ballplayer, the two of themengaged in a Rockwellian scene that no max-out talks could taint.

TheKnicks had their two hours and change in LeBron's presence, with AllanHouston staying behind for a few minutes to get the final word, athleteto athlete, man to man. James proved to be as gifted a poker player ashe is a small forward. He didn't reveal much to either the Knicks orthe Nets that day, and he also planned to cover his cards for the Heat,Clippers, Cavaliers and Bulls.

The Nets all but did an end zonedance when their sitdown was done, while the Knicks simply handed theball to the ref. So as the Knicks got hot after Amare Stoudemire, thecoach and the team president and the owner, Jim Dolan, were flooredwhen word hit that their LeBron presentation went LeBust, that Jameswas now more likely to sign with the Maple Leafs than with the Knicks.

Youcan accuse the Knicks and the Garden of fouling up a lot of perfectlygood game nights in recent years, but few in the business of sports arebetter at putting on a show. The Garden knows how to entertain, andit's hard to believe its people spent months piecing together a salespitch that just cost them any chance of signing James.

TheKnicks believe they've been victimized by the kind of negativerecruiting that defines major college sports, and hey, it happens, onboth sides of the aisle. Former Knicks president Dave Checketts said heand ex-running mate Ernie Grunfeld routinely tried to sabotage anyacquisition being made by the Chicago Bulls.

That was then, thisis now. Right now, today, it seems the only people in the NBA who wantthe Knicks to land LeBron are drawing a paycheck from them.

Everyonehas an agenda here -- teams, players, agents, people inside LeBron'scamp, people who want to get inside LeBron's camp. The Knicks have anagenda, too. They want to sign James a whole lot more than they want tosign Stoudemire.

The Nets feel the same. They declared a borderwar on the Knicks when they posted the skyscraper-sized image ofMikhail Prokhorov, their billionaire owner, and Jay-Z, his one-percentpartner, right in Dolan's face. This fight isn't going to get anyprettier over the next 48 hours.

Of course, the Knicks' bestresponse to all this is to, you know, sign LeBron James. Toward thatend, they did their research. They found out LeBron loves kids, and sothey showed him a video on their Garden of Dreams charity for childrenin need.

Walsh spoke of his ability to work the salary cap andkeep a LeBron-led Knicks team in contention for the long haul. Dolantold James about his Steinbrennerian willingness to spend, spend andspend some more on luxury taxes. James heard about the $850 millionbeing poured into a new and improved Garden, and the building'spresident, Scott O'Neil, showed LeBron the commissioned studyexplaining how he could become a billionaire in New York.

Mostlythe Knicks gave the ball to D'Antoni and let him discuss basketballwith his blue-chip recruit. The former Olympic assistant and formerOlympic star talked about offense and defense and about finding a wayback to the gold-medal game.

No, James didn't give the Knicks aton of feedback, if only because he wasn't giving anyone a ton offeedback. The Knicks went to bed Friday night believing they were verymuch alive in the James derby, no matter what was being whisperedbetween Miami and Moscow.

James might decide to go withCleveland, Chicago, New Jersey or Miami. He might pick up his cell andend the Knicks' quest in a New York minute.

If that happens, ifLeBron James rejects Tony Soprano's offer he could refuse, the Knickswouldn't have lost the game because of their presentation.

They would have lost it because of their roster.

Even in an article that's pro-Knick and trying to defend us, they STILL have to throw in a final shot at Gallo & Co.  
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