
isn't it every year on MLK day?

Love how Hill goes after O Boards, IDC if he picks up fouls. And I dont wana hear Wilcox comparisons ever again. He could never step out to 19-20 feet and hitshots.
Marbury signs and hopes that three billion Chinese do care
Buzz up!
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1ablog-starburys This is one of those cases where it really is all about the shoes.

Stephon Marbury, a 13-year NBA veteran, has signed to play for the Shanxi Club in the Chinese Basketball Association.

"The aim of signing Marbury is to pay back our fans and try to win more games in the rest of the season," said Shanxi boss Wang Xingjiang whopreviously signed Bonzi Wells.

Marbury, 32, averaged 19.3 points a game with five different teams, Wang said the player's salary would not be exorbitant because Marbury wanted to bringhis brand of shoes to China. (Photo by Sean Dougherty, USA TODAY)
Posted by Reid Cherner at 11:14 AM/ET, January 18, 2010 in Basketball, NBA | Permalink
THE GR8!!!!!
Totally forgot the game was this early...

Nate and Hill

And of course the second I come in, it's half time
Well I'm clearly bad luck... team was doing well before I knew the game was on, I'm about to stop watching.
I think he's made an even better case this year compared to last year. Stats higher across the board, if anything he should be voted in by the coaches.
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