2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

I hope I can hit tomorrow!! Super nice

my favorite hilarious NT memory was like the summer of ‘05 when a dude was truly wylin out. knowing he’d get the ban hammer for some prior comments, he flooded the first page of NT General with thread after thread where he was just posting pics of pornstars. had the most misleading thread titles, too.

titles were like “upcoming tiffany dunks photo leaked” or “relationship advice needed, help me.” you’d pull up into a thread and immediately be bombarded with someone bussin it wide open. simpler times i get nostalgic about.

bro was a legend. ironically dont recall who the poster was though :lol:

I remember that. I missed that day but I heard he made like 30 topics in a few hour span just wylin out with the pr0n pics. :lol: First 2 pages of general had to be wiped clean.
You been here since 2000 apparently, old NT was nothing but jokes. Yall quick to forget, it was a roast session 24/7. Now its eww negativity this, negativity that. Its all in good fun yall too serious. :lol:
your whole "that isn't in style" schtick is tired. bring something new to the table and it might be different. judging how you approach fashion, you'll need someone else to do it first though.
These were heat til I saw the heel text

I’ve come across numerous IDs I’d like to buy that were ruined by custom text lol
:smh: Ya’ll better not come for me :lol:

I appreciate the good part of the feedback tho :smokin…I feel the same way too about custom text when I come across great looking IDs/NBYs.

For this “fake” ebay, I wanted to make it a bit more my own, so I just simply put the name of the shoe and the year it was created — something purposeful and that could obviously add to the parody.
Is it worth trying? What time?
Time is random, but based on recent random drops from them, I'd say either 8am, 10am, or 12pm est. A password page will likely go up before the drop.

It's going to be destroyed by bots no matter what, but as long you go in expecting disappointment then it doesn't hurt to try.
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