2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Turns out my local will be getting spots.... You guys wanna hear the price? dont click the spolier if youre weak hearted.


Im with john, ive bought gr's for years of dude and decks back when i skated, and they pull some BS like that.. im cutting them off .. im better off chipping in an extra 25-50 bucks and grabbing a silver box

Sir, your local has lost their damn minds.
Sometimes I wished nike retro'd the good SBs like mf dooms , skunks , irons , Dino's , send helps , de la souls ,... there's way too many good ones to name . But then again I don't cuhz the fact tht you don't see people with tht kinda OG heat is the reason why I , and I'm sure many of you , love SBs .
EDIT: ^^ It was hard following your post. I had to edit ASAP after reading. SB's were never sold over retail when I was copping back in 2006 - 2008... The game has changed drastically yo! Shops were scared to even hoard pairs in fear of losing their Nike contract. 


Still patiently waiting for birch's to fall WAY below retail 

...if they're still even in stock 
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Apparently the Bay Area will not see a release tomorrow as shops didn't get them in today.

Perhaps a mid-day release should UPS cooperate....
Ok so this is the beginning of a long story feel free to skip this post if you aren't interested. My local 2ntr used to be the best. Never charged over box price, always were cool dudes. Had a real close relationship with them, went and skated with the employees, bought all my skate gear and SBs there GR, QS, it didn't matter. The folks in there knew be by name and would call me days ahead of every SB drop to let me come in and snag them early. Then the nontourages came. There was a line stretching at least 75 deep filled with thirsty hypebeasts and only about 5 regulars, I had grabbed my pair the night before but came to see the insanity. I had never seen the place so crazy, not even for the skunks. Well after that day nothing was the same. I guess the owner saw the oppertune moment to make some more cash and jumped. At first it was no big deal, $5-10 over box, ok I understand you want to make a little more income so I'll still be supporting you 100% but by the time the levis dunks rolls around dudes are charging $40 over box, at that point im starting to get pissed off but they got in the Hyperstrikes. Unusually, I could not go in and get my pair early, some BS excuse of people will go crazy if they let go of one of the 8 pairs, so of course i go there to camp out and get them, im 2nd in line with my friend 1st. The guys on the phone told me everything was good, that as long as i was one of the first in line, I would be totally straight. So I camp out over night with a VERY small crowd only 6 regulars that had been informed that they would be straight if they camped. Morning rolls around when about 30 more show up, everyone is being very polite, orderly, and respecting the line, overall a very good crowd and a nice release. That is until the manager who shall remain nameless opens the door with some lets just say, upsetting, news. Then he proceeds to tell the straight up LIE that they only got in TWO pairs of the hyperstrikes! Needless to say us regulars are more than pissed off, we got baited and switched. When we walk in the store the employees won't even make eye contact with us and the entire vibe has shifted from what used to be a very chill atmosphere at the shop, and we are then told oh yeah sorry we only have ONE PAIR! The one pair of HS isn't even mine or my friends size but i let him snag it for trading (he wound up copping me a pair of statue of libertys down the line for this). But even though he was the ONE person in line to get them he is just as angry as me and all the other people in the line, they suckered us all in there with the $135 price for the hyperstrikes, then charged us that same price for the QS that they had a **** ton of. Well pretty needless to say they lost most if not all of their devoted regular customers. Not once since then have i spent one cent their nor have any of the others as far as i know. The stupid thing about it was we all bought much more than SBs from the shop, clothing, skate gear, etc. I myself had probably spent over $10000 there, and yet in a matter of weeks we went from valued customers to just another $. Pathetic. If you're wanting to know what happened to the other pairs guess what, they were sold on eBay, one of the employees there actually had a conscience and called me from his cell a couple days later to let me know what really happened. So yeah, that is my story of a great local gone BAD. The really sad thing about it is this same type of story is happening all over the country, greed has taken over, and the customer no longer matters. So take that "Support your local" little catch phrase with a grain of salt, nowadays many have gone to the brooklyn projects dark side and won't be coming back. I personally am happy to give my business to a GOOD shop that hasn't completely lost it's marbles and still charges the price that the shoes are actually worth. If it is not my local, then so be it, I'd rather support the truly good ones that are still out there, even though they are now the minority. God knows the great ones need our support more than ever during these days of ******g over your own customers and being rewarded with more $ for it in the short term. In closing, DON'T SUPPORT OVER BOX PRICES AT YOUR LOCAL OR THIS COULD BE YOU NEXT TIME. GIVE AN INCH AND THEY WILL TAKE A MILE.

Super jacked up man, specially since you ALWAYS shopped there.

I'll tell you this much, NO store in Los Angeles charges box price for any SBs that have any kind of momentum, NONE.

I remember the first time I noticed everybody charging a significant amount over box price, was with the high top Gucci dunks. Everybody was charging atleast $199.99 for those :x

Sometimes I wished nike retro'd the good SBs like mf dooms , skunks , irons , Dino's , send helps , de la souls ,... there's way too many good ones to name . But then again I don't cuhz the fact tht you don't see people with tht kinda OG heat is the reason why I , and I'm sure many of you , love SBs .

All those listed are still relatively recent and more hype than classic. Classic would be chocolates, Danny Supas, Gino's, Zoo Yorks, Heinekens, Hemps etc. I'd love to get a retro of those.

And charging over box price has been going on since way before '05. When SBs emerged was around '02 which is when the real hype in sneakers started. Since SBs were strictly given to skate shops they were always subject to price shifts. They were the prime example of the true meaning of suggested retail price. Since most shops were mom & pops, it was a rarity to get box price back then. What ended up happening was a lot of skate shops losing their accounts for doing exactly what that shop above did. I remember a now defunct shop held sidewalk auction for the Hemps. Kids got mad and started dropping dimes. Nike listened.
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All those listed are still relatively recent and more hype than classic. Classic would be chocolates, Danny Supas, Gino's, Zoo Yorks, Heinekens, Hemps etc. I'd love to get a retro of those.

And charging over box price has been going on since way before '05. When SBs emerged was around '02 which is when the real hype in sneakers started. Since SBs were strictly given to skate shops they were always subject to price shifts. They were the prime example of the true meaning of suggested retail price. Since most shops were mom & pops, it was a rarity to get box price back then. What ended up happening was a lot of skate shops losing their accounts for doing exactly what that shop above did. I remember a now defunct shop held sidewalk auction for the Hemps. Kids got mad and started dropping dimes. Nike listened.

THIS, if anything should be retroed it should be the brown box series. They are after all the damn hardest to find in good condition nowadays because there wasn't much if any hype when they came out so most pairs have already been beat in to the ground. Different story for all those really hyped shoes, plenty of people saw those as collectibles so you can still come by DS pairs pretty regularly, albeit at rape prices most of the time.
True , true . I remember when SBs didn't even have nike sb on the toungue js had nike but the boxes all had Nike SB on the stickers . Alot of silver box editions had it like tht . The ones I named are fairly new ... 6 years old or so ... and yeah they can be found in DS condition but for rape prices js as was stated . Even if nike did retro silver or brown box SBs they'd probably price them near the 140 range . Resellers would hijack them all and you'd see them on fleeBay for off deck prices .
My local spot was charging $159 for SPOT's... Thank god for having family in Cali that could get a pair at box price for me
Edit: I guess things were way different in cali during the brown box era huh max, It was different on the east coast then because i remember there being a lot of hype in the skating community for nike finally making its own footwear but as far as being charged over box or there being camping for them, at least at my old local spot there was none whatsoever. I remember because i was REALLY in to skating back then with dreams of going pro and as soon as i heard that my local had some pairs i went in and grabbed a pair of paul browns and there was like no commotion at all. I guess it was because there were way more skaters in cali compared to the east coast back then, i used to never see people skating at all except for me and my friends where i grew up.

Yeah Cali was the skate capital back then. The fact is from 2000 onward Nike started getting way more hyped especially with the beginning of retro Jordans. When 2002 rolled around you had a variety of factors come into play. You had the come up of streetwear, tons of skaters, and hype sneakers. But quite possibly the biggest thing that made SBs blow up the way they did was from what i remember due to one guy: Ben Baller.

Back then if you wanted to talk "celebrity" shoe person it was him and AMC (Air Macks Crew) which consisted of BB, DJ AM and DJ Homicide and later Methamphibian who probably was the guy that made customs what they are today.

Anyways back then Ben was close with nike and apparently knew of the re-launch of the dunk. If you didn't know prior to the SB line dunks ended up in the clearance walls and outlets. They were a bad seller. So from what I remember Ben actually went around to a bunch of skate shops and bought out their stock of SBs. He literally paid managers to load his car up. From their he started listing em on eBay. Add the early days of NT into the mix and boom the birth of hypebeast and the crazy demand for dunks. And let's not forget some iconic dunks around that time Wu-Tangs and UNDFTD samples. Plus if you look at the line up for the class if 2002 SBs you can see why they were so sought after. Not only were they designed/associated with known skaters of the day they looked wicked

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^^ Wow, you just brought it back with that post man! I haven't heard of Ben Baller and the AMC in a really long time. I grew up in Cali in the early 2000's and saw the birth boom of sb's, streetwear alike. I remember seeing sb's at nike outlets and I used to cop for a half of their retailed price.

Not a lot of people know about the line of Pro B's before SB was born, but I want to contribute a pic. These are some 2002 Pro B's that I bought when they first dropped back in the day. I bought 4 sizes too big back then but know they are a perfect fit. Little history piece for the thread. (Excuse the Kevlar laces, og's were grey/white)

Looks like most places will probably charge above box price for those SPOTs.  May have to be a pass for me if that's the case like most.  Can't knock the hustle if people will pay it, but for those  prices, I can snipe 2 auctions.

I better stop playing and grab a pair of the BHM Dunks already...
My Spot ALWAYS Charge Box No Matter WHAT!!! No One Out Here But Me But W/E .. They Don't Do Phone Orders Or Online Tho Sorry

Yeah Cali was the skate capital back then. The fact is from 2000 onward Nike started getting way more hyped especially with the beginning of retro Jordans. When 2002 rolled around you had a variety of factors come into play. You had the come up of streetwear, tons of skaters, and hype sneakers. But quite possibly the biggest thing that made SBs blow up the way they did was from what i remember due to one guy: Ben Baller.

Back then if you wanted to talk "celebrity" shoe person it was him and AMC (Air Macks Crew) which consisted of BB, DJ AM and DJ Homicide and later Methamphibian who probably was the guy that made customs what they are today.

Anyways back then Ben was close with nike and apparently knew of the re-launch of the dunk. If you didn't know prior to the SB line dunks ended up in the clearance walls and outlets. They were a bad seller. So from what I remember Ben actually went around to a bunch of skate shops and bought out their stock of SBs. He literally paid managers to load his car up. From their he started listing em on eBay. Add the early days of NT into the mix and boom the birth of hypebeast and the crazy demand for dunks. And let's not forget some iconic dunks around that time Wu-Tangs and UNDFTD samples. Plus if you look at the line up for the class if 2002 SBs you can see why they were so sought after. Not only were they designed/associated with known skaters of the day they looked wicked
MR K Town FTW. Good to see him rocking Nikes now since his contract with Supra is up.

Can't wait to see what most shops are gonna charge for the Concords, I'm willing to bet that the box price never even existed to them
Good luck to all the will be attempting to secure SPOT's today.

Unfortunately, I'm at the office and won't be able to join the fight.

Decided to wear one of the most underrated Pink Box SB"s....

A lot of people don't care for them, but they are one of my all time favorites....

Good luck to all the will be attempting to secure SPOT's today.

Unfortunately, I'm at the office and won't be able to join the fight.

Decided to wear one of the most underrated Pink Box SB"s....

A lot of people don't care for them, but they are one of my all time favorites....

What shoes are those? Can't really tell because of the filter. Team Editions?
Hatin on y'all dudes who get to rock sneakers to the office.

I better stop playing and grab a pair of the BHM Dunks already...
A couple of years from now I'll prolly regret passing those, however I'm not a big fan of clear bottoms on sbs.
Yeah, that's the main reason I might eventually cave and cop.  I like them, but I don't love them.  I know for damn sure I don't want to pay $200+ in a few years though.
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Hatin on y'all dudes who get to rock sneakers to the office.

Yeah, that's the main reason I might eventually cave and cop.  I like them, but I don't love them.  I know for damn sure I don't want to pay $200+ in a few years though.
My thoughts exactly....
Civil charged box price for spots. Just grabed my pair and when I got home, nontourages were waiting on my porch. Great way to start my day lol

On another note call civil in providence. They are taking phone orders now and there was only 5 of us waiting in line so they should have a good amount left. 108 shipped
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