2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

seems like a whole lot of work and headaches to save a few bucks
For some it could be to save but from the tweets I’ve posted, it seems like they want attention from josh to fix the “open/free market”. Goes back to the josh vs ny reseller vids that were posted, don’t remember which thread that was in lol
I think the idea is more to have the lowest ask vs beating a sold price

It would have to be people trying to get a deal that are clicking buy and have their funds held for however long it takes for StockX to cancel the transaction
I would be hella pissed if I purchased from a burner account.... prob takes like 2 weeks to get your money back
For some it could be to save but from the tweets I’ve posted, it seems like they want attention from josh to fix the “open/free market”. Goes back to the josh vs ny reseller vids that were posted, don’t remember which thread that was in lol


Resellers been heated at StockX...It’s served to really hit them in the pockets in recent times and they’re starting to try and push back it seems...
So resellers are mad at stockx because it allows heavy undercutting?


Big time resellers, like the guys who buy a stores entire stock are down on it because prior to StockX they were able to set the market price...StockX opened things up for the small time guys who are willing to sell for a $10 ~ $20 profit...

These smaller guys will undercut the bigger sellers...Ultimately what it does is put the ball back in the buyers court...When Joe nobody hits up StockX and sees (FILL IN THE BLANK SHOE) selling for $150 with asks elsewhere double and triple that, where is he going to make the purchase?...Low level guys are getting the sales before the big guys because they’re out here selling for basically retail...They've been giving the market back to the buyer and this is obviously causing friction in that circle...
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Meanwhile...Panda ~ Pigeons conformed I guess?
I would be so excited if StockX put an end to professional resellers

Won't happen completely but if it hurts them enough they will look elsewhere for a hustle
Hate to break it to you but people been reselling since before StockX. I know a lot of you are new to sneakers but this has been going on from the jump especially on this message board and that other one with the 3 letters. Reselling will end when there’s no demand to meet aka never gonna stop. It’s been like that for a minute, chief.
I see the loyalty joke being thrown around this thread a lot and I get it, trust me I do but you guys have to stop this sense on entitlement. “I deserve this shoe” “**** resellers” at the end of the day it’s just shoes and there will be another release you’ll covet and cry about not getting and then do it all over again. This is just the way sneakers is now, most of you weren’t here for when it wasn’t like this but you live and you learn. As for me I’ll be wearing my green lobsters and doing the race just like the rest of you. Merry Christmas and happy new year to you all.

Big time resellers, like the guys who buy a stores entire stock are down on it because prior to StockX they were able to set the market price...StockX opened things up for the small time guys who are willing to sell for a $10 ~ $20 profit...

These smaller guys will undercut the bigger sellers...Ultimately what it does is put the ball back in the buyers court...When Joe nobody hits up StockX and sees (FILL IN THE BLANK SHOE) selling for $150 with asks elsewhere double and triple that, where is he going to make the purchase?...Low level guys are getting the sales before the big guys because they’re out here selling for basically retail...They've been giving the market back to the buyer and this is obviously causing friction in that circle...

And I love it :rofl:. Kill the market newbie resellers. :evil:
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