2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

What you know about ghetto boys
I don't know; maybe nothing....... perhaps "My mind is playing tricks on me".
QS High: Somp
QS Low: Quarter Snacks
GR High: Bao (although I'm not sure if this was actually a GR, but based on no shops holding it when they released I'm sticking with GR)
GR Low: Royal/Mango
It's gonna be difficult to judge them as QS's or GR's without having a list from nike stating which are which...lets just do top 4 list (any combination of lows & highs)(MUCH easier)
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Quartersnacks (I may be alone here but snakeskin lows are second)
Salt Stains (If salt stains aren't a GR then Baos take this spot)

YOTH (I literally just flipped a coin heads for SOMP Tails for YOTH) lol
It's gonna be difficult to judge them as QS's or GR's without having a list from nike stating which are which...lets just do top 4 list (MUCH easier)

Thank you lol My mind messes with me with that stuff cause this year it seems for most part most the releases have had good materials/quality. I'm used to seeing differences in most GRs when compared to QSs.

Top 4 as in top 2 lows and Top 2 His right? Or Just general Top 4?
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qs high of the year is a toss up for me between yoth and somp as well. the quality on both was on point. i feel sorry for anyone who missed out.
GR highs - Diamonds

GR lows - Didn't like any of them

QS highs - SOMPs (YotH so so close)

QS lows - Don't care to own any of em but hacky sacks or beijings i guess
Seriously a big debate for YotH v SOMP. Me personally it's the SOMPs because I'm less flashy and gotta love the swoosh and gum sole.

with how sharp that stitch is, and how Jordan Brand GR that material is, you'd think these were fake if it wasn't 2014
I wasn't majorly impressed with any of the lows this year, but then again I tend to prefer high's anyway. My 4 favorites in descending order are: Chairman Bao's, Diamond Highs, SOMPs, and the NL's.

Honorable mention for the YOTH's which would be #5, even though I missed out on both them and the SOMPs. 
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