2025 NBA Draft Thread

Also just saw what Cody White did tonight against Texas. I have no idea where his draft stock is, but I feel like this is the type of class where you get hot and you can secure a first round spot

Jaylen Hands regressing in both his 2P % and 3P % is worrisome. Had my eye on him last season

Coby White stayed hot today
Jaylen Hands regressing in both his 2P % and 3P % is worrisome. Had my eye on him last season

Big disappointment thus far. Had him as one of biased breakout candidates this year because of what he did this summer. Hope he turns it around.
I want to like Reid, besides defense his rebounding seems to be a bit low. Unless he’s being misused which is highly possible?
Body-wise he reminds me A LOT of Diamond Stone at UMD, and he was also an advanced offensive player. Sucked defensively though.
Cam is the only one of the three that I know what I’m getting. Dude is PG 2.0 offensively.

Idk if RJ has the mindset to be a dog on defense...so I’m starting to back away from the jimmy comparisons.

Idk what the hell Zion will be a the next level.
Very top heavy draft. No franchise players imo, but in general that’s rare these days anyway.

-Zion is as good as advertised. Knows his role, lets the game come to him, skillset is there to be a unanimous #1 pick.
-RJ is a volume scorer who might end up with tunnel vision at the next level if drafted for the wrong team. I compared him to Larry Hughes before. These lazy Harden comps need to stop.
-Cam seems like the odd man out, but his skillset is perfect for the NBA. Reminds me a lot of WCJ where he really doesn’t have the green light to show off all his tools playing behind those two.
-Rui is solid af. Any overseas player coming over as a teen, I’m with it. Dudes played with NBA players before. Knows the game.
-Need to see more of Gartland, seems like someone who might shoot up draft boards.
-Not a fan of hyped HS players like Langford or Nas at all.
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