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the warriors are a very likable team…

but i see cats in here talking parade routes this morning already, completely dismissing the eastern conference champion…

ill say this and leave, if any other fan base was counting their chickens before they hatched this thread would be UGLY!!

but it’s just accepted cause it’s the warriors i guess…

like i’ve been saying…the job ain’t done.. these eastern teams present problems…

Nah let the Warrior fans dance and celebrate. Mind you these are the same people who thought Memphis would be a cakewalk.

Who would have thought...
Yes I always liked the Dubs fans from the Bay/NoCal.

They supported them when they were down and out. Great fan base.

Overall a great sports city.

Nah. They wore paper bags to games. I remember those days. Seikaly, bimbo coles, vontigo Cummings lol
I'd say for the most part Warriors have a fantastic loyal fanbase.

Oracle was rocking even in the Troy Murphy, Mike Dunleavy years lol
Unfortunately those same fans who made Roaracle are priced out of Dub's games now.
Even worse that he was out of rotation on an already bad team. Wonder who picks him up next season.

He going to try to make his way back to GSW :lol:.

Bazemore was in Vogel's doghouse three weeks into the season. :lol:

Dude shot 41% from 3 last year on a team with the worst spacing in the league too.

He really made the wrong decision…based soley on names/all stars/team name etc
The Warriors sold out their games prior to We Believe years. There has always been a dedicated fanbase for this franchise when they won less than 20 games/year and were coached by Dave Cowens.

2022 and people still believe this franchise started selling out and having fans the moment Don Nelson returned to Oakland and Baron Davis joined the the W's.
Lol nah I grew up in the Bay you couldn’t give Warriors tickets away prior to we believe cmon man stop the 🧢
Lol nah I grew up in the Bay you couldn’t give Warriors tickets away prior to we believe cmon man stop the 🧢
Prior to We Believe? You serious, man? All the ticket specials they had when the Oakland Arena was remodeled, when they draft Joe Smith, and they have the It's A Great Timeout campaign? People were out there rooting for washed John Starks, Jim Jackson, and Brian Cardinal way before We Believe. Drafting J-Rich, Troy Murphy, and Gilbert Arenas made the Warriors a fun team to watch.
I’m not salty at all, but to act like GSW fans were this legendary loyal fan base prior to playoff success is a lie lol

No one was rocking warrior jerseys in the bay area like that 20 years ago man lol you go outside and it’s all blue and yellow it wasn’t always like that fam. I was there, I was born in the 80’s.
This is the one take that bothers me the most. It completely invalidates the work dude put in. Guess just being the son of an NBA is all it takes, which is why the Jordan Boys are hall of famers..... :emoji_confounded:
Thats what I respect about Klay and Scurry the most is the work they put in

Both dudes could have been using their parents money to get rich but instead they committed to the grind and gave kids hope and inspiration that they too could jack up half court shots on TV one day
Nah. They wore paper bags to games. I remember those days. Seikaly, bimbo coles, vontigo Cummings lol
Paperbag years was after Bimbo Coles and into the Vontigo Cummings/Terry Cummings era lol.

Warrriors had Rick Adelman and actually won more than 25 games with Bimbo Coles and Kevin Willis lol
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