2022 NBA Offseason Thread: Preseason kicks off; Things are fine in Los Angeles, Draymond beats the charges

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Regarding all the CBA stuff. Unless all 30 owners are united on some we’re not going to trade for players trying to force their way out and we’re all going to stand our ground on this. I don’t see much they really can do aside from dragging stuff out long enough to where the NBA players union caves once the checks stop coming due to games being cancelled.

But ultimately all 30 owners aren’t a collective monolith. When a superstar player tries to force their way out another team and their owner end up benefiting from the fallout.

The owners will probably get some concessions during the next cba negotiations. But they’re delusional if they think the NBA is suddenly going to turn into the NFL power structure model.
Wait, you can’t fire someone you hired? Isn’t that normally how it works? You wanted that person at first, now you don’t.

And if the nets only hired nash because Kd asked them to. Why not fire him now that he wants him gone? I really don’t see an issue here.

If I was the Nets I would tell KD to sit down and chill, we will trade you when we get the right deal.

Show up to camp, if you don't, ask Ben Simmons what comes next

Rich Paul needs to pick up the phone.

Myles Bridges already sullied the the agencies good name. Can't be having this level of tomfoolery going unchecked.

WE’RE going through IT B

Miles getting locked up, Bron can’t get rid of Westbrook, Ben about to get abandoned, Murray threatening to bend Paolo over

It’s a mess.
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