2022 NBA Offseason Thread: Preseason kicks off; Things are fine in Los Angeles, Draymond beats the charges

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Will never understand players signing with Jordan Brand.

Especially if you want your own sig one day.
Yea there was a time after their CP,Melo and Wade years where they basically just gave everyone PE's of other shoes but they've been starting back up with the new sigs again recently with Luka and Zion tbf.

Those 2 are legit stars though so maybe Paolo won't get that treatment right away but who knows. Tatum's gotta be next up
You made a lot of good points so I want to address them all.

EYE agree that WNBA players deserve better but at the same time, I kind of feel as if that debate is separate from the issue of the swap or perhaps another element of the butterfly effect. And I also can’t speak for others but my thoughts would not change based on the race or sexual orientation of the player.

I don’t think the issue is Putin needing him to kill innocent people. It is moreso that he is international (which Coupe alluded to) so even though Putin is caping for him, the fear is that he has global reach. Realistically, as it currently stands, death can be dealt to innocent folks in a lot of places. However, he helps to facilitate the process by making it easier or allowing them to kill more.

I know the US did a lot of bad in Yemen but I can’t compare body counts. That is why I don’t think it is as much fake pearl clutching as it is the fact that the US found him to be such a threat that they had him extradited from Thailand then he was convicted of conspiracy to kill U.S. citizens and officials, delivery of anti-aircraft missiles, and providing aid to a terrorist organization which led to a 25 year sentence. Why wouldn’t l want to ensure he sees the end of his sentence?

But I ultimately understand why Biden made the decision he did and I believe a lot of people would do the same in his position.
You make really good points too.

On the WNBA subject, it's indeed part of a whole other debate including generated revenue and whatnot.
I do feel that your thoughts would not change based on race/sexual orientation but the thing is it does change those of a lot of American people hence the stance chosen by TIME and general climate around this issue.

Don't get me wrong, the menace of the Russian sob for innocent people all around the world is not lost on me but the point I'm trying to convey is the hypocritical high and mighty American attitude when they are indeed the actual menace for a awfully whole lot of people around the world.

Regarding the arrest and extradition of said pos, i don't really think the end goal was justice but good ole revenge. To simplify it, I'd point out the fact that, in the movie portraying the bastard, Lord of War, his competition is not only American arms dealers but the actual USA and i would bet that those individuals had a bigger role in his arrest and keep than actual anti war activists and/or justice advocates. If i were to oversimplify it, i'd go as far as citing The Wire power dynamics as to the motivation behind it.

As I stated earlier, even though I don't know anything about her, I'd rather save a black woman (who's not a rapist, a serial killer etc) than not. The "US" used to go to extreme lengths to drag her ancestors from their land to America on a boat, let them do the same to bring her home.

I hate writing whole *** essays on sneakers related forum man
College is a joke for a lot of people. When I was in high school they were heavy on the “if you don’t go to college you won’t be sh*t in life”. So I had a part time job and went to the University of Illinois majoring in Sociology. I was sold on me being an HR rep for companies and blah blah blah. Got my bachelors and none of the jobs came calling like they promised. Found out I needed a masters degree which I wasn’t up for doing. Kept my sales rep job for a while until the team fell apart and then moved to construction making twice what I would’ve made with my sociology degree.

The key to making college work is going into a major that has a good job outlook but they never tell you that. There’s way too many people getting themselves in $100k+ worth of debt majoring in useless things like fingerpainting, dance, and ish like that with no job market. Sure you may have a passion for them but that passion doesn’t pay the bills when it comes time to pay them loans back.
College works. People just don’t “college” correctly.

It is an experience you will never get to have again. People should cherish / take advantage of it while they can.
The Psychology of Money. It's moreso about building good financial habits but that point is too real.

Like why do we ask five year Olds what they want to be? They don't know, stop asking them. They wanna watch Paw Patrol. I didn't know what I wanted to be at 18, matter fact I still don't know now but at 18 I had to pigeon hole myself into something it's all stupid.
Yeah, I was in a similar situation when I was 18 and then I realized that my interest at the time can actually be a good career path. I still got other interests that I'd like to explore, but the way the country set up, you have to have great financial literacy regardless of any career path you choose.
This is just too crazy man…. :lol:

Not surprised by this. Especially with the direction time has been heading in the last few years.

I don't know, maybe if she was valued and paid as the trailblazer or asset she is, she wouldn't have to go play to Russia in order to make "ends meet" just like Rapinoe and her teammates. Maybe if she was from the same demographics as female us soccer players, it wouldn't be an issue.
To be honest, i don't really give a rodent's *** if they trade her against 10 Russians, merchants or not.
Ask the Ukrainians if Putin needs this mf to go ahead and deal death to innocent people. And miss me (not literally you) with the fake pearl clutching and outrage of the "Merchant of Death" when US arms killed more kids, say in Yemen since '15, than he would dream of.

In the words of DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican I come in peace. What makes her a trailblazer? She makes more than the average person in America on her WNBA salary. Her going to Russia for more money isn't necessarily a need. while I feel bad for her, it's still wild to be traveling with certain things, especially when going to foreign countries. Everywhere isn't as liberal as America and offers the freedoms America does. No judgment was exercised there. Unfortunately, she's just being used as a bargaining tool by Russia on the world stage. But free her. Nobody deserves 15 years in prison for something that we deem as trivial.
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