2022 NBA Offseason Thread: Preseason kicks off; Things are fine in Los Angeles, Draymond beats the charges

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Speaking of movies, this looks dope! :pimp:
Fun black cinema>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


This is disrespectful..

instead of trying remake some shh why not come up with something original
Speaking of House Party, the dude in House Party 2 who was after the Sydney yambs was a buddy of my HS basketball coach. He’d hang out at games and practices sometimes. Even jumped in a scrimmage or two. Nice guy, but a hacker on the court.

Brodies…I haven’t been on NT (or the internet really) in 66 days :wow: I was on some top-secret, off the grid ****. And I don’t mean that figuratively. Shoutout to to everyone who reached out and the thread in general for the concern but no need for concern, ya boy is Gucci. But for context, the morning after my last post in August I got an e-mail at work saying I got selected for this tiger team I put my name in the hat for awhile back. The email gave a little information about the project and said that we would be gone an indeterminate amount of time but at least three weeks so pack accordingly and they didn’t even reveal the location. All they said was that we had to meet at our respective office the next afternoon for transportation. It was definitely weird/wild/risky but I am a single dude that predominantly WFH and the salary bump for the any days we work out there (something I have thought a lot about today) + inconvenience bonus + additional PTO was juicy so I bit :lol:

The problem was that I couldn’t browse NT, or anything really, because one, the internet/wifi was limited to the intranet and very few external sites and two, they took our phones/tablets and gave us these secure, encrypted smartphones and a satellite phone. I was pretty much trapped in the middle of nowhere with limited access to the outside world but I think that was kind of the point :lol: Beyond the professional experience and networking, which was extremely beneficial for me, I would say it was worth it between the 2 month salary bump, the bonus and not having to spend a dime for 2 months.

Yesterday I finally got my phone back and I spent the entire return flight, last night and today catching up on NT NBA/NBA. Reading this thread in public and trying to hold in laughs >>>. I was looking at Media Day pics and it was legit like that Reddit post with the guy that was in prison for 5 years, got released and the NBA completely changed and he was asking all those questions mad confused :lol: Spida to Cleveland?! Pat Bev playing with Rust?!?! Now I'm seeing Rust off the bench?!!?! My goodness.

It is kind of appropriate considering the season is about to start in a few days but off the top of my head these are the Top 10 topics over the past two months that I gathered, in no particular order:
  1. Ike risking it ALL (risking Nia Long for that matter !!!) for some white yambs. Married, red headed, Mormon, colleague yambs at that :pimp:
    my man.gif
  2. Doc Rivers Twitter Likes :rofl: Did we clarify @bucem isn't running that account?
  3. The Phoenix Suns in general and the Ayton/Monty beef :lol:
  4. The Dray sucker punch/not sucker punch, real life experience, tough guy 30+ page convo :rofl: Also – The Leak (and them being more upset about that than the actual punch :lol: )
  5. Nets are going to be entertainment this year. Point Guard Benjamin’s (#PGB) existence as a basketball player is simultaneously comical and alarming. Shooting only 3 times in a game? Airballs in practice?? Jumpers landing on Myrie’s head!?!? Airballs at got damb community events?!?! He had a nice lil’ game on Wednesday but still only 7 points on 5 shots :smh:Those quotes from his recent interview seem Sack-ish too :smh:
  6. Big Wemby Thread. I knew who he was before I left but it seems like his reputation has absolutely exploded the past two months. So much talk about tanking for him/where folks want to see him on here. Then all the talk of how much of a generational prospect he is (Wemby > Lebby?!?!) on social media and in the old media.
  7. The antidope antidope heel turn is being televised. Son out here like Stone Cold getting smoke with everybody
  8. You know the Lakers are washed when ALA and MLGA aren’t really active anymore. Pro-GSW and Anti-GSW are running the NBA NT e-beef streets now. Sad.
  9. Rust intentionally being a malcontent and fitting out and it’s only the preseason :rofl: :rofl:
  10. The Malika Turn :wow: :wow: You hate to see it |l

Glad to be back in the real world especially in this thread with y'all though. Y'all are some of the realest dudes I know and I would anything for most of the folks in here. Regardless of how i feel about you, I wish you and yours a great weekend (cc: darthska darthska )

Except if it included getting myself into a fight to save you. Good luck with that :lol:


hows the food in prison nowadays?

Brodies…I haven’t been on NT (or the internet really) in 66 days :wow: I was on some top-secret, off the grid ****. And I don’t mean that figuratively. Shoutout to to everyone who reached out and the thread in general for the concern but no need for concern, ya boy is Gucci. But for context, the morning after my last post in August I got an e-mail at work saying I got selected for this tiger team I put my name in the hat for awhile back. The email gave a little information about the project and said that we would be gone an indeterminate amount of time but at least three weeks so pack accordingly and they didn’t even reveal the location. All they said was that we had to meet at our respective office the next afternoon for transportation. It was definitely weird/wild/risky but I am a single dude that predominantly WFH and the salary bump for the any days we work out there (something I have thought a lot about today) + inconvenience bonus + additional PTO was juicy so I bit :lol:

The problem was that I couldn’t browse NT, or anything really, because one, the internet/wifi was limited to the intranet and very few external sites and two, they took our phones/tablets and gave us these secure, encrypted smartphones and a satellite phone. I was pretty much trapped in the middle of nowhere with limited access to the outside world but I think that was kind of the point :lol: Beyond the professional experience and networking, which was extremely beneficial for me, I would say it was worth it between the 2 month salary bump, the bonus and not having to spend a dime for 2 months.

Yesterday I finally got my phone back and I spent the entire return flight, last night and today catching up on NT NBA/NBA. Reading this thread in public and trying to hold in laughs >>>. I was looking at Media Day pics and it was legit like that Reddit post with the guy that was in prison for 5 years, got released and the NBA completely changed and he was asking all those questions mad confused :lol: Spida to Cleveland?! Pat Bev playing with Rust?!?! Now I'm seeing Rust off the bench?!!?! My goodness.

It is kind of appropriate considering the season is about to start in a few days but off the top of my head these are the Top 10 topics over the past two months that I gathered, in no particular order:
  1. Ike risking it ALL (risking Nia Long for that matter !!!) for some white yambs. Married, red headed, Mormon, colleague yambs at that :pimp:
    my man.gif
  2. Doc Rivers Twitter Likes :rofl: Did we clarify @bucem isn't running that account?
  3. The Phoenix Suns in general and the Ayton/Monty beef :lol:
  4. The Dray sucker punch/not sucker punch, real life experience, tough guy 30+ page convo :rofl: Also – The Leak (and them being more upset about that than the actual punch :lol: )
  5. Nets are going to be entertainment this year. Point Guard Benjamin’s (#PGB) existence as a basketball player is simultaneously comical and alarming. Shooting only 3 times in a game? Airballs in practice?? Jumpers landing on Myrie’s head!?!? Airballs at got damb community events?!?! He had a nice lil’ game on Wednesday but still only 7 points on 5 shots :smh:Those quotes from his recent interview seem Sack-ish too :smh:
  6. Big Wemby Thread. I knew who he was before I left but it seems like his reputation has absolutely exploded the past two months. So much talk about tanking for him/where folks want to see him on here. Then all the talk of how much of a generational prospect he is (Wemby > Lebby?!?!) on social media and in the old media.
  7. The antidope antidope heel turn is being televised. Son out here like Stone Cold getting smoke with everybody
  8. You know the Lakers are washed when ALA and MLGA aren’t really active anymore. Pro-GSW and Anti-GSW are running the NBA NT e-beef streets now. Sad.
  9. Rust intentionally being a malcontent and fitting out and it’s only the preseason :rofl: :rofl:
  10. The Malika Turn :wow: :wow: You hate to see it |l

Glad to be back in the real world especially in this thread with y'all though. Y'all are some of the realest dudes I know and I would anything for most of the folks in here. Regardless of how i feel about you, I wish you and yours a great weekend (cc: darthska darthska )

Except if it included getting myself into a fight to save you. Good luck with that :lol:


Bro if you were in a relationship with a super clingy psycho who controlled your every move but dome game was top notch so you just ran with it until you couldn't stand it anymore and had to find a way out, just say that.


Nah, jk. Good to see you back. 🔥

(I hate thinking about good peoples in toxic, controlling relationships. You are strong. 💪)

I don’t really hang with anyone who doesn’t have the same last name as me. Gang

Funny thing, recently we hired another dude for my department to basically be an extra set of hands. Took HR to realize after he started that me and him both got the same first name, both black, got the same title (that’s a completely different set of issues)
I really loved this years black Warrior jersey. It was the best one so far. The blue Alt was fire too. Said it before but coolest jerseys in basketball right now

Basketball really getting into kits has been fire
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