2020-21 NBA Offseason thread: Officially a wrap

The thing with the media though is that you’re just required to answer the questions. You can give a bunch of non answers to the questions, and respond to any personal non sports related questions you don’t feel like answering with something simple like “that’s a personal question, I’d rather not answer that and stick to sports” and boom, you fulfilled your media obligations.

But if someone like Kyrie Irving doesn’t feel like doing interviews. Screw it. More power to him, plenty of other players they can interview. And if they want to ask those players about Kyrie Irving, they can simply respond with, I don’t want to speak for Kyrie, that’s something you gotta ask him for any question about him.
I understand where Mikey is coming from and I support him. Him and I are both from Waltham and I dudes that grow up where we grew up are very conservative and don't want ✋ oute but 👊 ups. With that said, the NBA and quite frankly our country needs his message right now. Too many libs stealing elections and LYING. He has an important world view and he deserves our admiration and respect.

Sounding like a woman scorned.
Why do people be so pressed about Kyrie having a different perspective on **** dude ain't hrming a soul.
Unfortunately, that is the current tone of society. You don't agree with the machine and they want to burn you at the stake. Then we have the fools that claim there is no machine and then even more foolish individuals who claim to not be apart of the machine but willingly doing their bidding.
Why do people be so pressed about Kyrie having a different perspective on **** dude ain't hrming a soul.

you can take kyrie outta of this equation and the statement would remain true. nothing but tribalism if we keep it 100...trial by mob/public shaming. 20-50+ years from now, our kids/grandkids will question this behavior similar to how we question some of the things our parents/grandparents generations did.
Why do people be so pressed about Kyrie having a different perspective on **** dude ain't hrming a soul.

Didn’t this all start when he started spouting YouTube conspiracies like the Earth being flat. That’s harmful.

He also tries coming off as much smarter than he actually is.

Other than that it’s all jokes. It’s like asking why are you so pressed about Danny Ainge or the Clippers :lol:
Sounding like a woman scorned.

**** like that pisses me off. That last part about not seeking or accepting any honors bestowed by those he holds in such contempt is such entitled crybaby behavior.

Those awards, while yes selected by the media are performance based off your play on the court. Him pretty much implying that Kyries lack of being media friendly may impact his vote on a performance based award is clown behavior.

Unless they have an all NBA media friendly first team award, or most media friendly player award, Kyrie not speaking to reporters should have no impact on votes or performance based on court NBA accolades.
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