2019 NFL Discussion Thread: StaXX talking to himself

Should @Hahahaha be allowed byke?

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I honestly believe that it's at least plausible they never saw the tape.

If they did see the tape and kept it a secret, I dont think they would have cut Hunt so quickly after the tape surfaced. How would that look to the rest of the team and organization? You had an understanding with a player that youre overlooking a transgression, but then immediately cut him with it comes out? It seems like bad business especially considering the tape isn't THAT bad. Also consider that if Kansas City did have the tape in February, then they would have known it would eventually leak anyway.

Finally, idk why so many folks on here are so quick to give Hunt a pass. Dude looked a little too comfortable putting hands on a 19 year old girl :lol:
I mean anything is possible in this situation but knowing the NFL's track record I'm not believing that this is their first time seeing it. And this wouldn't be the first time a team or the league has done "bad business". Damn near every DV situation has been handled poorly. They've always waited til the public reacts then really made a move for PR reasons.
I mean anything is possible in this situation but knowing the NFL's track record I'm not believing that this is their first time seeing it. And this wouldn't be the first time a team or the league has done "bad business". Damn near every DV situation has been handled poorly. They've always waited til the public reacts then really made a move for PR reasons.

You probably right but it still dont quite add up to me with how fast they cut him. Kansas City is on the comeup right now and its just hard for me to believe theyd cut a player of that caliber so quickly if they already knew about the tape. Im sure we'll find out eventually
Probably. I remember last season someone posted his stats on dropped passes and it was jaw dropping. Not to mention some of the bum QBs he's played with.

Says enough that you gotta at least think about it.. let alone actually be true
Wait.. is this shh true??

Probably. I remember last season someone posted his stats on dropped passes and it was jaw dropping. Not to mention some of the bum QBs he's played with.

@Chester McFloppy posted that stat not sure how it looks now but thru 2016/12 years in he had 24 dropped passes.

So, I’m just trying to catch/keep up, so Kareem didn’t kidnap these women, and they were free to leave anytime they felt the situation wasn’t going to be as fruitful as they would’ve like, instead they were ejected from the room at Kareem’s behest, racial slurs were hurled, there was some physical altercation after an alleged white supremist spewed racial epithets toward Kareem and Co., the media isn’t really talking about that, just that a black man assaulted a woman, several months ago. His employer the Kansas City Chiefs knew about the incident, allowed him to play, because it was not public, now that is out there, they fire the employee to appease the backlash of the public. The real culprit in this to me is the Chiefs.
I dont want to hear it from the league or KC. There is no way you guys didnt see the video, with all the resources available to them. The NFL and the Chiefs probably have Ray Donovan type dudes to take care of these dust ups or to do some investigation on their own. As soon as that happened they saw the video. Theres no way that did not happen. They saw that he didnt Ray Rice her so they looked the other way.

Im not excusing Hunt but what happened in the video isnt as bad as these media outlets are making it out to be. Should he be suspended? Yea, a few games, but to be released? Nah.

And where is the accountability for this girls actions? I firmly believe she called him the n word. You just cant go along and do that today unless you are prepared for the consequences. Kareem ****** up not having a homegirl there to mop the floor with her if she did say that.

These athletes (and celebs in general) still dont understand that today there are cameras everywhere and you have to watch your actions. Shame bc Kareem is one talented dude. I do think he will get a second chance because of his age though. We shall see.
Soooooo....... does TMZ target just a certain demographic, or......... do they **** over everyone’s career?
Watching the video, it appears to me that the “young lady” was just as culpable in her assault as him. Flame suit securely affixed.

She was just as, if not more so, aggressive as Kareem, once she was pushed, she could’ve left it at that and alerted the authorities, she basically kept running up on him.
Soooooo....... does TMZ target just a certain demographic, or......... do they **** over everyone’s career?
Idk .. I think the NFL released that vid through back channels.
They been getting a lot of heat recently.. Nothing shows how tough you are on domestic violence than suspending a star running back about to enter the prime of their career.
Dudes really think the NFL got pull like the FBI. They can’t just roll into the police department and be like aye let us see that video too bruh.
This was already reported to the league according to the articles I read..
All they did was pull the security cam footage from the night of the incident

Ain’t no FBI level of shenanigans going on here.. Just someone slipping someone else a couple of dollars for camera footage
Dudes really think the NFL got pull like the FBI. They can’t just roll into the police department and be like aye let us see that video too bruh.
They gotta start paying for these videos like TMZ does then.

This is the #metoo era. There is no culpability on what a woman does. They are innocent children in the eyes of the law and court of public opinion, ESPECIALLY white women. With that being said, Kareem was stupid.
So I guess the consensus on NT is to leave the 100 pound drunk woman yelling in the hallway and not beat her up would have been unreasonable.
Dudes really think the NFL got pull like the FBI. They can’t just roll into the police department and be like aye let us see that video too bruh.

I wonder who they sent to intimidate the police into handing over the evidence?
Let me be the voice of reason lol.

Was she wielding, yes.

Was Hunt in the right, no.

Like bruh go to your room and close the door.

I'm not the invested in dudes career so it's kind of hard for me to take a hard stance on his release.

Guess I'll say, fair or unfair, he put himself in the position to be released.

The "who saw what video and when" argument is irrelevant in his punishment IMO.
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