2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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A giant big fat NOOOOOOOO to the NBA advocating betting. People already think your sport is the most rigged in America (besides boxing)

You aren't the NFL and this won't make you the NFL. Ads on jerseys, betting?

I'm shocked this would come up of his mouth.
Absolutely nothing wrong with betting. If anytthing, it keeps people watching games from start to finish. Which equals more viewers and avid watchers when they get on a win streak.
Whether it's inevitable or not, the commissioner of the NBA shouldn't be the one to speak on betting.

Silver got all the juice since he replaced Stern, but he slipped up on this one IMO.
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Let me ask you guys something, if you were Detroit/PHX and Monroe/Bledsoe take QO, do you even play them?  It's obvious they won't be there next season.  Position yourself as the front office for both teams.  Players that take the QO just risk too much.  

If I were the Suns I would have Bledsoe come off the bench and let him complain all season or keep him away from the team.  No team will give him close to what he wants next season. Same goes for Monroe.  

Phoenix has a 5 year offer to Bledsoe they will throw at him one more time around the deadline but still not a max contract.  Bledsoe will cave in I think.

If he doesn't and he's dumb enough to take the QO, I am 85% sure he will get shipped to Cleveland.. that's just my opinion. 
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Let me ask you guys something, if you were Detroit/PHX and Monroe/Bledsoe take QO, do you even play them?  It's obvious they won't be there next season.  Position yourself as the front office for both teams.  Players that take the QO just risk too much.  

If I were the Suns I would have Bledsoe come off the bench and let him complain all season or keep him away from the team.  No team will give him close to what he wants next season. Same goes for Monroe.  

Phoenix has a 5 year offer to Bledsoe they will throw at him one more time around the deadline but still not a max contract.  Bledsoe will cave in I think.
If he doesn't and he's dumb enough to take the QO, I am 85% sure he will get shipped to Cleveland.. that's just my opinion. 

That's a tough question. I guess it depends on how much you think you need those guys to help you win. If the Suns goal is to make the playoffs next season and they think playing Bledsoe gives them a better chance of reaching that goal, I'd play him. Might as well get as much out of the guy as you can for (presumably) the last year you'll have him under contract.
Let me ask you guys something, if you were Detroit/PHX and Monroe/Bledsoe take QO, do you even play them?  It's obvious they won't be there next season.  Position yourself as the front office for both teams.  Players that take the QO just risk too much.  

If I were the Suns I would have Bledsoe come off the bench and let him complain all season or keep him away from the team.  No team will give him close to what he wants next season. Same goes for Monroe.  

Phoenix has a 5 year offer to Bledsoe they will throw at him one more time around the deadline but still not a max contract.  Bledsoe will cave in I think.
If he doesn't and he's dumb enough to take the QO, I am 85% sure he will get shipped to Cleveland.. that's just my opinion. 

Not very realistic, IMO. Teams aren't going to sit out their best players just because they will be a FA at the end of the year. Phoenix has a shot at the playoffs if they can build off of their season from last year and stay healthy. It's doubtful they make the playoffs in the West, but still. I thought I remember reading that SVG will bring Josh Smith off the bench, so it's pretty clear that Monroe will be starting.
Agreed. The point here is to maximize your resources and to win as many games as you can. Given a players contractual situation he will play to the utmost of his ability to guarantee himself a big pay day.

If your not going to play him to give yourself a better shot at retaining him then your not really going to win as much and you'll prob end up with a disgruntled player who will give you a half hearted effort because he feels he is severely underpaid.

If you let him play and he starts looking like he's worth the max then you're prob winning games and your positioning yourself for a playoff push. If that's the case then interest around the league will rise and your still able to trade him before the deadline for something.

Either way given this current situation if I was PHX, I wouldn't look to retain his services regardless of his play this year.
I just feel like there will be some resentment on both sides, and it would eventually sour and cause some unneeded drama.
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^ Exactly. And if they are having good seasons, somebody will always be buying at the trade deadline for Detroit or Phoenix to get some assets for those guys.
The problem with taking the QO, both players can decline any trades which sucks for PHX/Detroit.  If Bledsoe is winning us games and is not playing selfish, I am all for him playing a big role on the team, but likely of that happening is low.  It's going to be contract year for him and he's going to get his.  There is no way either payer resigns with their team after the season.  

And Suns have young players to play which makes the situation harder for them.  Thomas, Archie, Ennis and Warren that have future with the team should be getting minutes over him.  That's just my opinion.. If Bledsoe wants to take the QO, show him the door and send him to Cleveland (a team he will not decline a trade to).

Bledsoe one of them players that just wanna get paid and nothing more.  S/O to Melo BTW.
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Let me ask you guys something, if you were Detroit/PHX and Monroe/Bledsoe take QO, do you even play them?  It's obvious they won't be there next season.  Position yourself as the front office for both teams.  Players that take the QO just risk too much.  

If I were the Suns I would have Bledsoe come off the bench and let him complain all season or keep him away from the team.  No team will give him close to what he wants next season. Same goes for Monroe.  

Phoenix has a 5 year offer to Bledsoe they will throw at him one more time around the deadline but still not a max contract.  Bledsoe will cave in I think.
If he doesn't and he's dumb enough to take the QO, I am 85% sure he will get shipped to Cleveland.. that's just my opinion. 
They should just trade them for each other. Phx has too many pg's; Bledsoe would be an upgrade over Jennings. Monroe would give Phx a nice inside scorer.
Let me ask you guys something, if you were Detroit/PHX and Monroe/Bledsoe take QO, do you even play them?  It's obvious they won't be there next season.  Position yourself as the front office for both teams.  Players that take the QO just risk too much.  

If I were the Suns I would have Bledsoe come off the bench and let him complain all season or keep him away from the team.  No team will give him close to what he wants next season. Same goes for Monroe.  

Phoenix has a 5 year offer to Bledsoe they will throw at him one more time around the deadline but still not a max contract.  Bledsoe will cave in I think.
If he doesn't and he's dumb enough to take the QO, I am 85% sure he will get shipped to Cleveland.. that's just my opinion. 
They should just trade them for each other. Phx has too many pg's; Bledsoe would be an upgrade over Jennings. Monroe would give Phx a nice inside scorer.

If Bledsoe takes the QO. Both players have VETO power on trades.

And 0% chance Bledsoe would take a trade to Detroit.
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