2014 NBA Draft Thread

Can someone explain how Morrison did nothing in the league? I didn't expect him to be a star or great like he was in college, but I thought dude could at least be a role player.
I'm just not gonna make any comments on picks #3 and #10 for another hour or so til I figure out if they're real life or not.
McDermott can literally get off any shot whenever he wants. Dude is a legitimate scorer, not just a spot up shooter like Korver.

I see a smaller Dirk
How fast is TJ Warren? The only this that scares me about him is that i don't remember him being that quick
Sixers lost this draft bruh. I have no faith in this organization anymore. Idk what we're doing & apparently they dont either :smh:
Unless we find away to make everything work which we wont...
I hate being a Philadelphia sports fan
Seriously have zero emotions about this upcoming Wolves pick...I'm so numb as a fan. :smh:

I guess I'll take Payne...dude was always my boy.
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