2013 College Football Thread (Realer than Real Deal Holyfield -->S/O Craftsy)

Miami is the worst sports city in the country hands down...

Miami doesn't even play near their campus....

Miami is a small private school compared to a state college

Not making excuses but these are facts...Miami needs a wake forest sized stadium near their campus but the city will never let that happen

There's not a small private college out there doing penn st numbers :lol:
I'm not saying fill all 70k seats, but show up. We're terrible and get 30k out of 49k weekly.
Stop burying yourself. Y'all suck as fans. Accept it.

I don't suck as a fan stop categorizing all fans not everybody is the same the fan base does suck but there are true fans out there I go to the games I have my season tickets.
IMO I do think they'd do better numbers if the stadium was actually in coral gables but that'll never happen....

But Miami is just a crappy sports city period....even the heat games aren't super packed unless it's the playoffs or a national television game
It is even the student section yesterday was empty. But in till Miami is a high caliber team nobody will show up. That's just how Miami fans ate and how they will always be.
The only people who care about Miami fans are people who aren't fans.

It makes no difference to the teams or recruits. Who cares
Yawn. It doesn't matter but yesterday one of them blasted them on Twitter. Ok.
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He blasted the CITY and he's still a lock to show up on campus. :lol: It really isn't a big deal, but people in here love to talk about it.
Okay, here it goes.

Yesterday was a terrible, awful game by all accounts. Sure, we moved the sticks and picked up yards, but everywhere else, the team failed. With the offense not able to keep up with Arizona, the defense had no chance but to get ran at the whole game.

This is the game where I truly wondered how the team would have played if Chip Kelly was still the HC. There's not a lot of shame in losing to Stanford; they're a good team with elite talent (at least defensively). Losing to Arizona, a team that just lost to Wazzu the week before, is very shameful. The team was not focused, they practiced poorly (according to accounts), some felt entitled (DAT, Huff), and others were probably spoiled by recent successes thinking, "We won't lose to a lesser team. We're just better because." Crap like that doesn't fly in any sport and nobody deserves to win except the more disciplined team.

Is this a sign of things to come? Hmmm, I'm not sure on that yet. Perhaps a loss like this is what needed to happen in order for Coach Helfrich to grow into his role as the HC. These are unquestionably Chip Kelly's kids. Helfrich is just the guardian at this point and may need another year or so to really make inroads with the players and gain their trust. However, maybe this is a sign of things to come that Helfrich can't really run the team and handle all the added responsibilities of the head coach. I won't assess judgement over one game for the prospects of the man's career, but it certainly should act as a wake-up call.

As far as the season, it can only be looked at as a disappointment. Sure, we wanted to go to the national championship, but I think winning the Pac-12 and possibly a Rose Bowl against what could be an undefeated Ohio State team would be pretty great also, especially since this year is the toughest the league has been in some time.

My biggest take away is that Oregon needs to recruit better defensive/offensive linemen. Is that the cure all to all of a team's woes? Not necessarily, but it's evident that if teams have a good running back, the defense could be in for a long day. Oregon has better talent than what they displayed yesterday, but you would think this team was an 7-4 team the way they were playing.

I don't think the program will fall off the face of the earth though. Still lots of talent and they've got great name recognition now. Next year could be pretty rough though. I suspect Mariota, DAT, Ekpre-Olomu, and T. Mitchell (juniors) leave for the NFL, along with Huff, Lokombo, Patterson, Hart, Heimuli, and others. I'm hoping talent behind those guys can be developed and the team can at least be pretty competitive next year if in fact those juniors leave, particularly Mariota.

I'm still looking forward to the Civil War (naturally), but you can't help but feel disappointed with the way the season has gone. I hope this loss taught the team and coaching staff something and they take away what they need to learn to become a better team. As always, Go Ducks.

(My hope now is that Ohio State makes it to the title game and wins :pimp: I got love for some people in Ohio)
dr funk, my only feeling is that the players didn't really care. They felt is was either title game or bust and it showed in the effort at Arizona.
Yawn. It doesn't matter but yesterday one of them blasted them on Twitter. Ok.
Our own fans were leaving Game 6 with 30 seconds left of a FINALS GAME! A damn FINALS game with the Big 3! 

Congrats on pointing out something that all of us Miamians know already. Like it has been said before, Miami isn't a college town. 

It is a fairweather town. You swear people are going to show up at noon to a game in downpour after we lost to Duke. Obviously you don't know the fans.
Gonna need the moneybags in tow for Chad if he visits Tally
Not even the money bags will get him to Tally. Good try though lol
how many times do we need to go over the UM situation ? :lol: damn

amped for all the games this coming week..... best football week of the year HANDS DOWN :pimp: :pimp:

Happy early thanksgiving to you guys... hope you have much to be grateful for(aside from football)
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dr funk, my only feeling is that the players didn't really care. They felt is was either title game or bust and it showed in the effort at Arizona.

I don't disagree with that, but to me, that's a coaching issue. Coaches gotta keep players focused and centered on the team at hand. Only the long-term will show if this was a fluke or a sign of things to come.

In other news...


:rofl: :rofl:
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what the hell was that ? :smh:

i saw the screenshot earlier and thought maybe it was a ps :lol:

I know this is CFB thread, but this pats/denver game is delivering
Any early thoughts on Auburn/Bama , TAMU/Mizzou or SC/Clemson?

those 3 im lookin to be really good although it wouldn't surprise me if bama handles them

and why is the iron bowl saturday? i thought that game was always on fridays?
i think auburn hangs with em till the 4th then bama pulls away and wins by 10.

TAMU over mizzou and clemson over SC it feels so weird mentioning them after all the hype clowney was getting during the offseason and beginning of the year every other topic was about him  
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