2013-2014 NBA Season Thread - Congrats to the Spurs, DBD is still a buster

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How come no one ever calls out Lance for flopping? He's flop heavy every game...
Its hilarious because the pacers are suppose to be so against flopping they call teams out David west always telling people stop flopping there crowd always chants he's a flopper yet they flop constantly
So many open shots being missed. Is this really the Conference Finals 
Anyone know of a way I can watch the WCF game on my iPhone? I don't have my directv wireless kit yet and I'm heading to Miami tomorrow night and didn't want to miss the game? If anyone knows of any streaming capabilities that are compatible with the iPhone for the game tomorrow, you'd be a HUGE help.
Pacers have the worst offense in the universe. Good GOD every shot happens within 5 of the shot clock. :lol:
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