2013-2014 NBA Season Thread - Congrats to the Spurs, DBD is still a buster

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Exactly, in NYC you pass both on the daily so I don't get it.

Dudes really that scared out here?
Idk if "scared" is the right word (for me at least). I'm not saying I would literally go to the other side of the street but I would definitely be a little uneasy.
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feel sorry for your parents that they raised someone so scary......me in a hoodie scares you? you're soft 
So, you're walking down the street and you see a Chris Andersen look-a-like 50 feet in front of you....you don't think to yourself "man, this guy kinda concerns me..."?
umm no.....I judge body language.....not a piece of clothing 

if someone is walking directly towards me in a shady way ima be alert no matter what the hell they're wearing.......not giving him a pass because he's a white man in a hoodie 
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umm no.....I judge body language.....not a piece of clothing 
Okay, well, when I think of a Birdman look-a-like walking down the street, I don't exactly picture them skipping down the sidewalk and having the best body language...which is what Cuban is getting at, we all are prejudiced.
Not sure if posted yet, but Drew Magary had the best response to this Cuban stuff:


You are walking down the street. Someone is coming at you. Will they hurt you? Kill you? Throw you into a van and molest you? They might! But are you worried enough about it to flee?

There's no better barometer of your internal racism than just which folks you will cross a street to avoid. Mavs owner Mark Cuban spoke openly about this scenario this week, and about how he struggles with his own prejudice. But who's to say it's WRONG to cross the street from a suspicious looking fella? Perhaps you're actually using good judgment! I, for one, don't really give a **** if you're wearing a hoodie when I walk past you. (I wear hoodies and no one has ever accused me of being intimidating.) But if you've got the hood down real tight? And you have your fists balled up in your pockets? And the back of your hoodie says I LIKE TO KILL PEOPLE? I cross. I'm fine with that decision.

Crossing a street takes effort. I'm not crossing the street just for ANY black guy. There needs to be a menacing accessory involved that makes me scared for my precious white body. So, with that in mind, here now is a list of people you can cross the street to avoid without worrying about anyone judging you:

Shouting homeless person
Homeless person with noticeable poop aroma
Biker gang
Group of teenagers shouting out WOOT WOOT! and laughing for no reason
'80s-style soccer hooligans
Crust punks with dogs
Kids selling candy "for the basketball team"
Bachelorette party group
Skateboarders (I feel like they will skateboard directly into me at any time)
Group of high school kids in varsity jackets
Any teenager, really—they all ******* suck
Any old man in open-toed shoes with gross feet
At Halloween, anyone who went ALL OUT to have a really scary, ornate costume
Anyone with a face tattoo
SantaCon attendees
Hunchbacked old man shambling out of bar
Raiders fans
Greenpeace volunteers handing out flyers—no, I do not have a minute to save the world
Jews For Jesus
Police officers (if you are black)
Anyone wearing a Guy ****es mask
Anyone riding a Rascal scooter that has bumper stickers on it
Group of men you saw just making audible catcalls to a woman passing by like it's 1952
Yankees fans
Anyone coming out of a major sporting event, really
Ray Rice
didnt find what cuban say outrageous
Its not outrageous in and of itself, but moves in that direction when you read it as a defense/justification for Donald Sterling.
he basically trolled......trying to divert attention to the real problem at hand...those comments could've been made before sterling did what he did.....or after the June 3rd vote 
To me, and I'm not going off of a Webster's definition or anything because I think that just enters into a semantics battle I'd rather not engage, but to me, a bias is exclusive; it involves exclusion. A stereotype is a value assumption.

"Black dudes got HOPS" would be an example of what I think a racial stereotype is.

"I always pick shooters, because black people got HOPS, but all they do is jump" would be an example of a bias. I'm making a selection based on a racial stereotype.

And all these studies of people subconsciously portraying biases and studies revealing prison race statistics compared to the races of everyone arrested, not one of these studies applies individual. Telling someone "I know you're like this because studies X and Y said so" is a generalization.

And generalization is at the heart of this entire problem, no?

Cmon man. :lol

You are completely conflating two things.

So if I give you a Tylenol and I say its safe because they have done clinical trails on groups of people, you not going to take it because it doesn't apply to an individual? :lol

so should we throw out the results of any sociological study because it makes you uncomfortable? :lol

So it just happens by magic that black men with similar credentials and qualifications take longer to find a job than a white guys?

people think that Donald Sterling and KKK are the only people who have racial biases.
umm no.....I judge body language.....not a piece of clothing 
Okay, well, when I think of a Birdman look-a-like walking down the street, I don't exactly picture them skipping down the sidewalk and having the best body language...which is what Cuban is getting at, we all are prejudiced.
people with tattoos do not scare me......some of the friendliest folks I ever met look like birdman 
I commend Mark Cuban for having the balls to speak his mind and speak on his own prejudices. As an NBA owner he's right, he does live in a glass house, he is in a position where every word he utters is scrutinized.

Obviously not everyone has the same prejudices, obviously a lot of us including myself don't walk the other way when we see a certain type of person. But I can still understand where he's coming from.

The thing is you need to be able to not let those prejudices turn into rash behavior, you've got to keep a level head. Nothing wrong with him being honest, society has conditioned and hardwired people to think a certain way. Again not all of us relate to his prejudices, some of us don't share the same fears. But we don't have to misconstrue his statement and turn it into something malicious.
mark cuban has a lot to lose

lots of celebrities snub people because who knows what that person might do
heck i am sure lots of famous black rappers dont want to go back to the hood even if its just for a visit

you can't condemn him for feeling this way
So, you're walking down the street and you see a Chris Andersen look-a-like 50 feet in front of you....you don't think to yourself "man, this guy kinda concerns me..."?

Nah bro not at all.

But hey, as long as you don't act on your prejudices and you're able to think rationally, it's alright. You human. You terry cloth as hell but you human. :lol
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Dudes can't be serious with some of these affirmations? Hoodies, son. Like really. A gun pointed at me, maybe but a damn piece of clothing. A dude with some *** less chaps ain't making me cross the street cause I'm scared he's coming for my cheeks. Like c'mon man.
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Danny Green has made 11 3pointers in this series (out of 15 attempts,73%fg).

Thabo Sefolosha has made 11 3pointers since the all star break (on 47 attempts, 23%fg)

Danny Green has made 11 3pointers in this series (out of 15 attempts,73%fg).

Thabo Sefolosha has made 11 3pointers since the all star break (on 47 attempts, 23%fg)
If it wasnt for his Defense, he would have been LONG gone.
We can go ahead and fast forward to finals talk. Thunder are essentially eliminated as are the Pacers (if PG can't get cleared for contact before Saturday).

I think the Spurs have a legit shot at pulling it off this year against the Heat. Kawhi's defense on Bron is going to be the key factor here.
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Someone please explain what is going on in Memphis? Why is Jager about to be my new head coach?
I'm not convinced the Thunder are dead yet. There's been too many times in recent years that the Spurs have looked invincible only to end up losing a series. I'm not saying that's going to happen or is even likely this year, but I'm just not ready to bury the Thunder yet. If they lose this weekend though, welp....
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