2012 US Pres. Election Thread- Romney wins FL

Feb 6, 2011
I know there are some people on here who follow these things (there was in 08!) Maybe we can discuss all things election in here. I didn't see another thread (just a bunch of strands).
Post observations, articles, videos, etc. and I will try to update the OP every night. Hopefully this thread is fruitful.
 So it's Romney or Paul, IMO. I'd like to see Paul vs. Obama because the debates would be spectacular and actually substantive.


200 page opposition file on Romney available here

1/19- Rick Parry dropped out.

Some articles that I've read in the past day:
New Yorker piece on Gingrich: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2012/01/09/120109fa_fact_sanneh?currentPage=all

NYT on the Tea Party's Civil War: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/15/magazine/tea-party-south-carolina.html?_r=1&hp=&pagewanted=all

1/20- submitted by other NTers:

http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2011/11/21/373627/romney-admits-recordsdestruction/ Romney and his past records. This is being spun, imo. 

http://www.youtube.com/wa...bedded&v=bPM55GA5emU   Romney and medical marijuana

1/21- Gingrich wins SC Primary, capturing a majority of the conservative vote. 


Submitted by other NTers: Keystone http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505123_162-57361212/keystone-pipeline-how-many-jobs-really-at-stake/ 


Again, post any video, article, etc. you found interesting and I will put it in the OP. 
Originally Posted by megatron

How to I register to vote?

I'm dumb I just turned 18.

You can do it at school (If you still go), Your Government teacher will make you fill out a form, Then you get a registration form sent to your mail. (Don't know if all schools do this though)

I'm 18 and won't be voting, probably never will.

But this thread is appreciated, will save it.
Romney wins South Carolina (Perry drops out)
Romney wins Florida (Gingrich drops out)

Ends Super Tuesday (March 6th.)

Santorum & Paul are 2 wild cards I have no clue when they'd drop out.

Mitt Romney IS the most Electable in the field that's left. But even with polls showing he is in reach of Obama, the political fracture Romney is to different parts of the GOP. And his questionable record (not what he's done) But his record of whatever he stands for. Which is apparently nothing. His tendency to say not stupid things but things that can be easily turned into soundbites. "Corporations are people" "I like having the ability to fire people". Whether it is in context in the first, or out of context in the second are GREAT soundbites.. Not to mention Bane Capital and their shadiness. Also he has no real advantage over Obama that makes him a necessity in the white house.

An election that should be easy for the GOP to win based on all historical measures. Will be a crushing defeat for the GOP. (barring any unforeseen circumstances that change all the dynamics, which are always unlikely, and rarely happen)

Should have championed someone in 2009.. But person after person just folded under pressure.. All the way back to Bobby Jindal who was the first guy the Republicans tried to bring out, and his epic fail of a speech.
Originally Posted by jrdnsrnss

I'll be voting this year. Hopefully a new president will be in the White House.

For who though, we can have a mature conversation in here right? 
Anyway, I honestly could not see any of the Republican candidates being Pres. Although I agree with Ron Paul's drug and foreign policy, his other views really turn me away , but I really can't see him winning. 

Mitt Romney is full of it, dude is a straight up liar, yet people are voting for him 

The rest are complete idiots.. 

Obama for me.
Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

So WHY is Obama running unopposed for them Dem. Nomination?
Because the Democrats already have him. They don't want someone coming in and campaigning against someone from their own party. It's like sacking your own Quarterback.

I'm pretty sure Obama will win re election. I dont think he is a great president, but I do think hes better than Romney and Paul.
The republican party is a mess right now. Every possible candidate is a complete moron it seems. Obama will most likely win re-election
Originally Posted by Essential1

Romney wins South Carolina (Perry drops out)
Romney wins Florida (Gingrich drops out)

Ends Super Tuesday (March 6th.)

Santorum & Paul are 2 wild cards I have no clue when they'd drop out.

Mitt Romney IS the most Electable in the field that's left. But even with polls showing he is in reach of Obama, the political fracture Romney is to different parts of the GOP. And his questionable record (not what he's done) But his record of whatever he stands for. Which is apparently nothing. His tendency to say not stupid things but things that can be easily turned into soundbites. "Corporations are people" "I like having the ability to fire people". Whether it is in context in the first, or out of context in the second are GREAT soundbites.. Not to mention Bane Capital and their shadiness. Also he has no real advantage over Obama that makes him a necessity in the white house.

An election that should be easy for the GOP to win based on all historical measures. Will be a crushing defeat for the GOP. (barring any unforeseen circumstances that change all the dynamics, which are always unlikely, and rarely happen)

Should have championed someone in 2009.. But person after person just folded under pressure.. All the way back to Bobby Jindal who was the first guy the Republicans tried to bring out, and his epic fail of a speech.

I swear dude, what news outlet do you work for? Like a damn parrot.
He won't be VP because he's too similar and he supposedly hates Romney (read this in a New Yorker article a few months back... Families are very competitive

They're cousins.
If this dude Gingrich surges and wins South Carolina I'm done with this country
If (lets be serious, WHEN) Obama gets re-elected, I hope he turns into a lame-duck angry stereotypical black man that everyone hates and pushes everything through congress this time while giving NO damn

Leaving dudes like

Damn was wrong about Perry. Thought he'd wait until he gets 5% in SC then drop out.

Looks like he didn't want to wait for the disappointment
What's sad for repubs is that the two front runners at this point (Romney and Gingrich) are so hated within conservative circles that Bible Belt conservs are literally praying for someone else to enter the race and steal the nomination.. It's going to be a cold winter but the sad part of it all is there's 50/50 chance that guy will beat Obama... Last week, all presidential polling at this point between Obama and Romney were fairly close to margin of error.. That means that repubs are willing to practically vote for anybody over Obama.. The ulterior motives aren't obvious though..
(sarcasm) Romney's policies and stances while governor of Mass were so close to Obama's it's funny to me how conservs can ever have trust in this guy that so obviously has a past that is such a stark contrast to their belief systems.. Can't wait to see how this turns out..
Gingrich's ex-wife giving a tell all interview on ABC's Nightline tonight. She says she has enough on him to end his campaign. Two days before the SC primary too.
Only candidate who has a shot to beat Obama is Ron Paul.

Obama will be re-elected, no doubt.
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