*2012 NFC North Trash Talking Thread: Playoffs. Packers drilled by San Francisco/Kaepernick.

Excuse me, what? Who is exactly serious about the Vikings "actually doing something?"

As I said I wasn't calling anyone out on here. I know people from Minnesota and they are delusional. Taking this directly off my Facebook. "Aaron Rodgers best qb in the world? Hahahahahahaha 49ers baby" "HAHAHAHAHA PACKERS ARE WORSE THAN THE VIKINGS!!!!1-0 baby Go Packers"

Now obviously I'm not gonna put that on Minnesota fans on here but when I said Vikings/lions fans in my op I meant fans in general not just here. Living and going to college in Wisconsin there's a lot of Minnesota people that come here and they talk **** just to talk ****.

On here you guys are definitely soaking it up while you can look at the thread title :lol: Im not mad though.

Edit: dude chill out. No my feelings aren't hurt lol. As you said this is the trash talk thread. Am I supposed to say "man I love all you guys" for my feelings not to be hurt. I stated in my op i wasn't calling anyone out on here. You're acting like I was calling you directly out.
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I'm chill..Just sayin'. Not a big deal when you should know that GB is gonna be right there in the end. We're just fans that's all. I try and stay objective with everything, but I definitely have that fan side and I'm excited by Sunday's win. That's all.
These Packer fans sensitive as hell
Pull ya skirts down B

I gave my opinion on where the other North teams/fans currently stand in the trash talk thread and im being sensitive? Nope. Stay proud bro itll almost definitely not make you better than the Packers.
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I'm chill..Just sayin'. Not a big deal when you should know that GB is gonna be right there in the end. We're just fans that's all. I try and stay objective with everything, but I definitely have that fan side and I'm excited by Sunday's win. That's all.

Yea but its sports and we know how objective some are. I know how good the Packers are, but that doesnt mean I still dont get annoyed. Work with me here, this is what I deal with everytime the Packers lose. Even if its week 15 and the Packers lose for the first time in the past 20 games. I meant it when I was talking about all Viking fans not just on NT.





I deaded the convo after his last text. Couldnt take it.
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vikings and lions fans :x ......................vikings fans on NT is cool its the fans I meet in the chicagoland area :x
that was a sloppy game but a win is a win.

AP is not human. Props to him.

Interesting to see what happens on Thu - GB vs CHI.

Lions have a tough game vs 49ers.
JPZ, update the OP like you usually do with the proper first post you're known for.

Gotta see who's been around and who hasn't been. Hi, Lions' fans. :smile:
JPZ, update the OP like you usually do with the proper first post you're known for.
Gotta see who's been around and who hasn't been. Hi, Lions' fans. :smile:
Stop that, you know damn well JPZ refuses to list anyone as a Lions fan in the first post no matter how many times we ask. I can vouch for every Lions in here so far that they've been around.
Yeah...Should come down to the end. They still need to play really well because I can see the Colts beating them if their game isn't on point.
Percy Harvin is a Top 10-15 receiver and no one knows it yet.

Packers are sitting on a 1-3 or 2-2 start.

There's no such thing as a Lions fan.
Percy Harvin is a Top 10-15 receiver and no one knows it yet.

Problem is, if you murmur that anywhere you quickly get labeled a homer. Percy is that dude though. I wouldn't like to see where Minnesota would be without him.
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:lol: jpz always disrespecting lions fans by not listing us. It's all good though.

Percy is good when healthy I will give him that, I would like to see him stay healthy though and get through a year without any migrane issues holding him back.
He hasn't missed more than 2 games in an entire season. He's always suiting up and playing on Sunday, migraines/hurt, or not. He's been very durable.
I will agree that Percy is that dude. Just sucks that something like migraines has kept him sidelined. My girl gets them pretty bad so I have an idea of what he has to go through. Very hard to treat when you get them severely/chronically.
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:lol: jpz always disrespecting lions fans by not listing us. It's all good though.

Percy is good when healthy I will give him that, I would like to see him stay healthy though and get through a year without any migrane issues holding him back.

Fam he played all 16 last year and produced.
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