20 Years of being a sneakerhead

Man...what a great read. You really took us back. Forget the release dates and the hype. This is what Niketalk is all about.
Originally Posted by pixelhead

To those that asked I'm currently doing user experience design for digital products/software.  Though I did start out in college in industrial design, I graduated in graphic communication design, and ended up working for a lot of the web 1.0 companies.  If you've bought or sold vintage shoes online, you've probably experienced some of my work. If you owned a phone in the pre-smart phone era there's a good change you've experienced some of my work.  Nowadays...  when you book your next vacation, there's a chance you'll be doing it with a product I designed

So what exactly did you do?  Cold you possibly post some sites or examples?
Originally Posted by TimCity2000

i remember writing a very similar to LEGO when i was about 7 or 8. like you, i think i presented some design ideas for their castle series. unfortunately they were never used, but i did get a personal reply letter complete with a LEGO king and throne enclosed!

Thanks! Sounds like I should have been writing Lego back then instead!
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