19 teens rob DC store and make away w. over $20,000 worth of denim....

I can see them getting caught wearing t proudly around town
Originally Posted by Method Man

I don't disagree with that at all but you can't keep on changing the goal posts. Your first complaint was about it being a stereotype then when other stereotypes are pointed out, it's then about the degree of negativity that arises as a result of the stereotype. 
The "complaint" was about preferential treatment .  The criminals in this case are being treated differently than those in which the alleged perpetrators are White.  The case is being used to justify a racist stereotype - and one that, it's worth noting, is particularly malicious.  
If you look at the Lindsay Lohan case, you don't find the same compulsion to make a broad statement about her race.  The "counter" to this is that her race doesn't fit a stereotype - and yet, after demonstrating that stereotypes COULD be formed on this basis, but aren't, you suggested that some people do, in fact, associate Whites with certain crimes. 

Odds are, however, that people bring up the "racial profile" of child sex offenders and serial killers merely to point out that these profiles are formed and enforced differently than profiles affecting people of color.  

They aren't expressed in earnest the way the stereotype of Black criminality is.  

So, what you see as "different goals," are, in truth, one and the same.  

No one here suggested that people should consider wealthy White women likely thieves.  No one here suggested that White teachers should be subjected to additional scrutiny.  Yet people ARE attempting to validate and justify the age old stereotype of Black criminality.  I think we should call that out for what it is.

damn, 19 outta 19 black kids though?
 (unless i mistook some mixed as being hispanic asian or dark white indian or some other etc.)
plus, lets do a little research and find out what percentages are black in that city's correctional facility?
 (not trying to say anything about anyone, but my guess is perhaps more then 55% even if you consider robbery alone...again only my stereotyping self making an educated/uneducated guess depending.)

You demonstrate the capability to apply critical thought to a proposed stereotype re: pedophiles, yet you're absolutely taking the stereotype of Black criminality at its full face value.  Why?  You're suggesting that Black residents of DC are disproportionately represented among the prison population, but you don't seem to care about things like residential segregation, income disparities, the self-fulfilling prophecy effects of racial profiling, or anything else that could challenge the validity of an assumption that, for undisclosed reasons, you seem to treat as indisputable fact.  Why aren't you as skeptical of this correlation as you are of White pedophiles/serial killers?  

No way dude, i totally added:
  "i think the main thing that sucks about it all, is that as you stated race is much more than just that, and it is stressing im certain to be at a handicap financially, i think that's a face as far as whites and blacks, and thus can cause all this tension in the first place

totally taking socioeconomic conditions among others into consideration.  thanks for the first half though, i take it as a true compliment my good fellow
Originally Posted by Method Man

I don't disagree with that at all but you can't keep on changing the goal posts. Your first complaint was about it being a stereotype then when other stereotypes are pointed out, it's then about the degree of negativity that arises as a result of the stereotype. 
The "complaint" was about preferential treatment .  The criminals in this case are being treated differently than those in which the alleged perpetrators are White.  The case is being used to justify a racist stereotype - and one that, it's worth noting, is particularly malicious.  
If you look at the Lindsay Lohan case, you don't find the same compulsion to make a broad statement about her race.  The "counter" to this is that her race doesn't fit a stereotype - and yet, after demonstrating that stereotypes COULD be formed on this basis, but aren't, you suggested that some people do, in fact, associate Whites with certain crimes. 

Odds are, however, that people bring up the "racial profile" of child sex offenders and serial killers merely to point out that these profiles are formed and enforced differently than profiles affecting people of color.  

They aren't expressed in earnest the way the stereotype of Black criminality is.  

So, what you see as "different goals," are, in truth, one and the same.  

No one here suggested that people should consider wealthy White women likely thieves.  No one here suggested that White teachers should be subjected to additional scrutiny.  Yet people ARE attempting to validate and justify the age old stereotype of Black criminality.  I think we should call that out for what it is.

damn, 19 outta 19 black kids though?
 (unless i mistook some mixed as being hispanic asian or dark white indian or some other etc.)
plus, lets do a little research and find out what percentages are black in that city's correctional facility?
 (not trying to say anything about anyone, but my guess is perhaps more then 55% even if you consider robbery alone...again only my stereotyping self making an educated/uneducated guess depending.)

You demonstrate the capability to apply critical thought to a proposed stereotype re: pedophiles, yet you're absolutely taking the stereotype of Black criminality at its full face value.  Why?  You're suggesting that Black residents of DC are disproportionately represented among the prison population, but you don't seem to care about things like residential segregation, income disparities, the self-fulfilling prophecy effects of racial profiling, or anything else that could challenge the validity of an assumption that, for undisclosed reasons, you seem to treat as indisputable fact.  Why aren't you as skeptical of this correlation as you are of White pedophiles/serial killers?  

No way dude, i totally added:
  "i think the main thing that sucks about it all, is that as you stated race is much more than just that, and it is stressing im certain to be at a handicap financially, i think that's a face as far as whites and blacks, and thus can cause all this tension in the first place

totally taking socioeconomic conditions among others into consideration.  thanks for the first half though, i take it as a true compliment my good fellow
Originally Posted by damn its me

looks like g-star is goin urban this summer.
g-star been respected in urban circles for a while now...think of them bubbling with da more progressive/savvy harlem cats that

ain't buying into da true religion/robin jeans..
Originally Posted by damn its me

looks like g-star is goin urban this summer.
g-star been respected in urban circles for a while now...think of them bubbling with da more progressive/savvy harlem cats that

ain't buying into da true religion/robin jeans..
Originally Posted by Method Man

Keep the bigotry to yourselves.

I didn't see anyone attempting to stereotype White women in response to Lindsay Lohan's recent theft.
being a cokehead is stereotype enuff though....
Originally Posted by Method Man

Keep the bigotry to yourselves.

I didn't see anyone attempting to stereotype White women in response to Lindsay Lohan's recent theft.
being a cokehead is stereotype enuff though....
DCAllAmerican- generally speaking the summer breeds high crime rates because everybody has time on their hands everybody is outside and an opporunities to commit crimes are all around. Now I know why I do my business checks and go into businesses and talk to owners. In law enforcement everything seems reactive rather than proactive.
DCAllAmerican- generally speaking the summer breeds high crime rates because everybody has time on their hands everybody is outside and an opporunities to commit crimes are all around. Now I know why I do my business checks and go into businesses and talk to owners. In law enforcement everything seems reactive rather than proactive.
no one covers there faces ?

what clowns 

if your going to rob a store why take jeans 

go for the cash not jeans

what they got $20.000 worth of skinny jeans ?

or them $900.00 jeans from a few years ago 

what where they called 

anyone remember ?
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