19 teens rob DC store and make away w. over $20,000 worth of denim....

Originally Posted by Method Man

there is no stereotype that rich white women steal tho...
what the teens in the video have done however is add to a existing stereotype that blacks are thieves.

If that were the case, White people would face additional scrutiny whenattempting to become schoolteachers, since a disproportionate number ofconvicted pedophiles are White.  People choose not to interpret thedata in that way.  

Verygood point, however, one might say that fact in itself is contributedto the fact the there are a disproportionate number of white teachers.  Or that could be spun to say that most pedo's are or were in some form of child care/development.  I have no idea how we form habits, nor weather most of these folks "sign up for these positions" because they like kids (do pedo's just line up at the catholic church to become priests or teachers?) or -- does the fact that they are guidance figures on such a constant that it skews their thoughts and perception of judgment?

I have no clue, I think it's unfair to call it one way or another really..perhaps trying to justify the fact that i concur with some of the sentiment in this thread (none of the hateful stuff, of course)
Originally Posted by Method Man

there is no stereotype that rich white women steal tho...
what the teens in the video have done however is add to a existing stereotype that blacks are thieves.

If that were the case, White people would face additional scrutiny whenattempting to become schoolteachers, since a disproportionate number ofconvicted pedophiles are White.  People choose not to interpret thedata in that way.  

Verygood point, however, one might say that fact in itself is contributedto the fact the there are a disproportionate number of white teachers.  Or that could be spun to say that most pedo's are or were in some form of child care/development.  I have no idea how we form habits, nor weather most of these folks "sign up for these positions" because they like kids (do pedo's just line up at the catholic church to become priests or teachers?) or -- does the fact that they are guidance figures on such a constant that it skews their thoughts and perception of judgment?

I have no clue, I think it's unfair to call it one way or another really..perhaps trying to justify the fact that i concur with some of the sentiment in this thread (none of the hateful stuff, of course)
time for a few new security investments, straight up crowd control
lol I thought it's well known and often stereotyped ( on NT as well) that serial murderers and pedo's are predominately White.
lol I thought it's well known and often stereotyped ( on NT as well) that serial murderers and pedo's are predominately White.
lol I thought it's well known and often stereotyped ( on NT as well) that serial murderers and pedo's are predominately White.

Call me when those stereotypes make it harder for White people to get jobs or simply patronize a store without facing suspicion or harassment.  

You don't see people clutching their babies tighter when passing a White guy on the street. 

Well, when those teacher sex scandal threads pop up, it's usually "why couldn't that be me" type responses since this board is predominately males in their teens to early adulthood with no children. 

Way to miss the point.

lohan is contributing to the "ungrateful hollywood money-doing the stupidest thing possible someone in their position could do" stereotype

Stereotypes aren't naturally occurring elements.  If people were culturally primed to associate wealthy White women with shoplifting, that's what Lohan's crime would be associated with - not with "new money" or "ungrateful celebrities," which stem from class consciousness.
It's just plain silly to say, "well, people don't do that because there's no stereotype for it - but there IS a broad criminal stereotype associated Black people" as though that's an immutable law of science as opposed to a social bias.  The whole point of using Lindsay Lohan as an example is to ask WHY her case doesn't fit a racial stereotype.   

I WILL say that your theory of stereotypes being racist as opposed to fact based, is a little far fetched.  there are a LOT of contributing factors, but I think we can all safely assert that facts will probably back up many stereotypes, racial or otherwise.  I think most people outside of the U.S. understand that principle well, and i think we have yet to come to terms with it.  

Race is a social construction, period.  Different societies have different demographic categories.  There's no "pardo" category in the United States, yet there is in Brazil.  Even within the US, formal and informal racial categories have varied considerably over time.  Here, people are lumped together who might be differentiated elsewhere and vice versa. 
What "objective" criteria renders these stereotypes acceptable - or even useful?  Do they have to exceed a specific level of statistical significance?  You could find that the majority of crimes of a certain type are committed by people with detached earlobes.  Does that mean it's a valid stereotype, that folks with detached earlobes should be treated differently and regarded with suspicion?  

Again, White Americans are considerably more likely to be child sex offenders.  Why is that NOT a stereotype, yet this notion of Black robbers is?   It's still "true" isn't it?  

It's absolutely ridiculous to say that racial stereotypes are "okay because they're true."  You're choosing to believe that "race" somehow encompasses a bundle of different physical AND social characteristics beyond pigmentation, and that pigmentation is somehow pertinent, meaningful, and representative.  In other words, skin color is treated different than eye color for cultural reasons, not scientific ones. 

Very good point, however, one might say that fact in itself is contributed to the fact the there are a disproportionate number of white teachers

And this robbery took place in a city that, according to the most recent census data, is over 55% Black.  What's your point? 

Or that could be spun to say that most pedo's are or were in some form of child care/development.  I have no idea how we form habits, nor weather most of these folks "sign up for these positions" because they like kids (do pedo's just line up at the catholic church to become priests or teachers?) or -- does the fact that they are guidance figures on such a constant that it skews their thoughts and perception of judgment?

I think the real question is:  why aren't people applying this same level of critical scrutiny to the stereotype of the Black robber?  Why accept THAT stereotype at full face value? 
lol I thought it's well known and often stereotyped ( on NT as well) that serial murderers and pedo's are predominately White.

Call me when those stereotypes make it harder for White people to get jobs or simply patronize a store without facing suspicion or harassment.  

You don't see people clutching their babies tighter when passing a White guy on the street. 

Well, when those teacher sex scandal threads pop up, it's usually "why couldn't that be me" type responses since this board is predominately males in their teens to early adulthood with no children. 

Way to miss the point.

lohan is contributing to the "ungrateful hollywood money-doing the stupidest thing possible someone in their position could do" stereotype

Stereotypes aren't naturally occurring elements.  If people were culturally primed to associate wealthy White women with shoplifting, that's what Lohan's crime would be associated with - not with "new money" or "ungrateful celebrities," which stem from class consciousness.
It's just plain silly to say, "well, people don't do that because there's no stereotype for it - but there IS a broad criminal stereotype associated Black people" as though that's an immutable law of science as opposed to a social bias.  The whole point of using Lindsay Lohan as an example is to ask WHY her case doesn't fit a racial stereotype.   

I WILL say that your theory of stereotypes being racist as opposed to fact based, is a little far fetched.  there are a LOT of contributing factors, but I think we can all safely assert that facts will probably back up many stereotypes, racial or otherwise.  I think most people outside of the U.S. understand that principle well, and i think we have yet to come to terms with it.  

Race is a social construction, period.  Different societies have different demographic categories.  There's no "pardo" category in the United States, yet there is in Brazil.  Even within the US, formal and informal racial categories have varied considerably over time.  Here, people are lumped together who might be differentiated elsewhere and vice versa. 
What "objective" criteria renders these stereotypes acceptable - or even useful?  Do they have to exceed a specific level of statistical significance?  You could find that the majority of crimes of a certain type are committed by people with detached earlobes.  Does that mean it's a valid stereotype, that folks with detached earlobes should be treated differently and regarded with suspicion?  

Again, White Americans are considerably more likely to be child sex offenders.  Why is that NOT a stereotype, yet this notion of Black robbers is?   It's still "true" isn't it?  

It's absolutely ridiculous to say that racial stereotypes are "okay because they're true."  You're choosing to believe that "race" somehow encompasses a bundle of different physical AND social characteristics beyond pigmentation, and that pigmentation is somehow pertinent, meaningful, and representative.  In other words, skin color is treated different than eye color for cultural reasons, not scientific ones. 

Very good point, however, one might say that fact in itself is contributed to the fact the there are a disproportionate number of white teachers

And this robbery took place in a city that, according to the most recent census data, is over 55% Black.  What's your point? 

Or that could be spun to say that most pedo's are or were in some form of child care/development.  I have no idea how we form habits, nor weather most of these folks "sign up for these positions" because they like kids (do pedo's just line up at the catholic church to become priests or teachers?) or -- does the fact that they are guidance figures on such a constant that it skews their thoughts and perception of judgment?

I think the real question is:  why aren't people applying this same level of critical scrutiny to the stereotype of the Black robber?  Why accept THAT stereotype at full face value? 
Originally Posted by TylerrS99

Originally Posted by jhawkin826

The exact reason black people can't go into stores w/o being followed.

This couldn't be more true.  Im white but work at Polo Ralph Lauren and my manager is one of the most racist $!%$^#@ I have ever met.  He tells us to follow around black customers all the time
I worked at Nordstrom for almost three years, and thieves came in all shapes, sizes and colors, but my favorite moment ever was when our loss prevention was watching a sketchy WHITE guy in the shoe department, but were staked out in my department (sportswear). We had a black guy walking around in our department and we asked him multiple times if he needed help. He made it clear he was browsing, so we let him do his thing. This guy's mom comes down and joins him after he's been browsing for about ten minutes. They're both walking around the department, LP is still standing around watching the guy in the shoe department. All of a sudden, the mother walks up to our security guy (it was one of those instances where security made themselves kind of obvious), and she said "I know you're security, but I want to let you know that my son has been walking around this department for about 20 minutes and nobody has offered to help him, and you are just standing here treating him like a criminal." The LP guy, without skipping a beat, responded: "Ma'am, I'd love to talk but I need to make sure this white guy in the shoe department doesn't steal anything from us."
Originally Posted by TylerrS99

Originally Posted by jhawkin826

The exact reason black people can't go into stores w/o being followed.

This couldn't be more true.  Im white but work at Polo Ralph Lauren and my manager is one of the most racist $!%$^#@ I have ever met.  He tells us to follow around black customers all the time
I worked at Nordstrom for almost three years, and thieves came in all shapes, sizes and colors, but my favorite moment ever was when our loss prevention was watching a sketchy WHITE guy in the shoe department, but were staked out in my department (sportswear). We had a black guy walking around in our department and we asked him multiple times if he needed help. He made it clear he was browsing, so we let him do his thing. This guy's mom comes down and joins him after he's been browsing for about ten minutes. They're both walking around the department, LP is still standing around watching the guy in the shoe department. All of a sudden, the mother walks up to our security guy (it was one of those instances where security made themselves kind of obvious), and she said "I know you're security, but I want to let you know that my son has been walking around this department for about 20 minutes and nobody has offered to help him, and you are just standing here treating him like a criminal." The LP guy, without skipping a beat, responded: "Ma'am, I'd love to talk but I need to make sure this white guy in the shoe department doesn't steal anything from us."
Originally Posted by Method Man

lol I thought it's well known and often stereotyped ( on NT as well) that serial murderers and pedo's are predominately White.

Call me when those stereotypes make it harder for White people to get jobs or simply patronize a store without facing suspicion or harassment.  

You don't see people clutching their babies tighter when passing a White guy on the street. 

I don't disagree with that at all but you can't keep on changing the goal posts. Your first complaint was about it being a stereotype then when other stereotypes are pointed out, it's then about the degree of negativity that arises as a result of the stereotype. 
Asian males are stereotyped as physically weak. Russians are stereotyped as alcoholics. Koreans are stereotyped as dog/ cat eaters.  We could go on and on.

Once you start assessing the degree to which a stereotype has ill effects it becomes completely subjective. If you want to argue against the use of stereotypes then ban them all. Period. I'd have no problem with that. However, arguing that one is worse or better than another brings up the question, "for whom?". 
Originally Posted by Method Man

lol I thought it's well known and often stereotyped ( on NT as well) that serial murderers and pedo's are predominately White.

Call me when those stereotypes make it harder for White people to get jobs or simply patronize a store without facing suspicion or harassment.  

You don't see people clutching their babies tighter when passing a White guy on the street. 

I don't disagree with that at all but you can't keep on changing the goal posts. Your first complaint was about it being a stereotype then when other stereotypes are pointed out, it's then about the degree of negativity that arises as a result of the stereotype. 
Asian males are stereotyped as physically weak. Russians are stereotyped as alcoholics. Koreans are stereotyped as dog/ cat eaters.  We could go on and on.

Once you start assessing the degree to which a stereotype has ill effects it becomes completely subjective. If you want to argue against the use of stereotypes then ban them all. Period. I'd have no problem with that. However, arguing that one is worse or better than another brings up the question, "for whom?". 
Originally Posted by Method Man

And this robbery took place in a city that, according to the most recent census data, is over 55% Black.  What's your point? 
damn, 19 outta 19 black kids though?
(unless i mistook some mixed as being hispanic asian or dark white indian or some other etc.)
plus, lets do a little research and find out what percentages are black in that city's correctional facility?
(not trying to say anything about anyone, but my guess is perhaps more then 55% even if you consider robbery alone...again only my stereotyping self making an educated/uneducated guess depending.)  i think the main thing that sucks about it all, is that as you stated race is much more than just that, and it is stressing im certain to be at a handicap financially, i think that's a face as far as whites and blacks, and thus can cause all this tension in the first place

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Method Man

lol I thought it's well known and often stereotyped ( on NT as well) that serial murderers and pedo's are predominately White.

Callme when those stereotypes make it harder for White people to get jobsor simply patronize a store without facing suspicion or harassment.  

You don't see people clutching their babies tighter when passing a White guy on the street. 
Idon't disagree with that at all but you can't keep on changing the goalposts. Your first complaint was about it being a stereotype then whenother stereotypes are pointed out, it's then about the degree ofnegativity that arises as a result of the stereotype. 
Asianmales are stereotyped as physically weak. Russians are stereotyped asalcoholics. Koreans are stereotyped as dog/ cat eaters.  We could go onand on.

Once you start assessing the degree towhich a stereotype has ill effects it becomes completely subjective. Ifyou want to argue against the use of stereotypes then ban them all.Period. I'd have no problem with that. However, arguing that one isworse or better than another brings up the question, "for whom?". 

I couldn't agree more wholeheartedly, and i wished I could cite examples without fear of the mighty ban hammer
 but basically, there have been many instances as to which I utilizedstereotypes to dictate my behavior and have done great good...not saying stereotypes are right, but im grateful i didnt drive next to so and so, or go down such and such blocks earlier in life (i saw consequences of others that "didn't believe in stereotyping"[think "a hippy going into the projects with nothing more than a sunflower and a goofy attitude])  im not saying it ALWAYS happens, but if you are noticing something as becoming somewhat of a social norm perhaps it's wise not to turn your nose up at the thought.
Originally Posted by Method Man

And this robbery took place in a city that, according to the most recent census data, is over 55% Black.  What's your point? 
damn, 19 outta 19 black kids though?
(unless i mistook some mixed as being hispanic asian or dark white indian or some other etc.)
plus, lets do a little research and find out what percentages are black in that city's correctional facility?
(not trying to say anything about anyone, but my guess is perhaps more then 55% even if you consider robbery alone...again only my stereotyping self making an educated/uneducated guess depending.)  i think the main thing that sucks about it all, is that as you stated race is much more than just that, and it is stressing im certain to be at a handicap financially, i think that's a face as far as whites and blacks, and thus can cause all this tension in the first place

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Method Man

lol I thought it's well known and often stereotyped ( on NT as well) that serial murderers and pedo's are predominately White.

Callme when those stereotypes make it harder for White people to get jobsor simply patronize a store without facing suspicion or harassment.  

You don't see people clutching their babies tighter when passing a White guy on the street. 
Idon't disagree with that at all but you can't keep on changing the goalposts. Your first complaint was about it being a stereotype then whenother stereotypes are pointed out, it's then about the degree ofnegativity that arises as a result of the stereotype. 
Asianmales are stereotyped as physically weak. Russians are stereotyped asalcoholics. Koreans are stereotyped as dog/ cat eaters.  We could go onand on.

Once you start assessing the degree towhich a stereotype has ill effects it becomes completely subjective. Ifyou want to argue against the use of stereotypes then ban them all.Period. I'd have no problem with that. However, arguing that one isworse or better than another brings up the question, "for whom?". 

I couldn't agree more wholeheartedly, and i wished I could cite examples without fear of the mighty ban hammer
 but basically, there have been many instances as to which I utilizedstereotypes to dictate my behavior and have done great good...not saying stereotypes are right, but im grateful i didnt drive next to so and so, or go down such and such blocks earlier in life (i saw consequences of others that "didn't believe in stereotyping"[think "a hippy going into the projects with nothing more than a sunflower and a goofy attitude])  im not saying it ALWAYS happens, but if you are noticing something as becoming somewhat of a social norm perhaps it's wise not to turn your nose up at the thought.
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