15 Things That Happened On $*!% That Had Nothing To Do With Weed

Jan 22, 2011
  • [h3] 1769 - Chief Pontiac of the Ottowa tribe is murdered by a member of the Peoria tribe[/h3]
  • [h3] 1841 - The first detective story is published, Edgar Allan Poe's Murders at the Rue Morge[/h3]
  • [h3] 1871 - Congress passes the Ku Klux Act, allowing President Grant to use military force against the Ku Klux Klan[/h3]
  • [h3] 1898 - President McKinley asks Congress for declaration of war with Spain[/h3]
  • [h3] 1902 - Marie and Pierre Curie isolate radium[/h3]
  • [h3] 1912 - Boston Red Sox play their first game in Fenway Park[/h3]
  • [h3] 1912 - Bram Stoker, author of Dracula, dies[/h3]
  • [h3] 1914 - Militias employed by Standard Oil and the Rockefeller family open fire on striking coal miners in Ludlow, Colorado, killing dozens of men, women and children in what will come to be known as The Ludlow Massacre[/h3]
  • [h3] 1926 - Warner Bros. and Western Electric release Vitaphone, the first viable technology for sound in film[/h3]
  • [h3] 1945 - Allied forces launch Operation Corncob, airstrikes meant to cut off lines of retreat for German forces, as Hitler celebrates his birthday[/h3]
  • [h3] 1949 - Willie Shoemaker, legendary American jockey, wins his first horse race at Golden Gate Fields in Albany, California[/h3]
  • [h3] 1985 - Wham! are the first Western pop musicians to release cassettes in the People's Republic of China[/h3]
  • [h3] 1999 - Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris kill 13 students and faculty members of Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, then turn their guns on themselves[/h3]
  • [h3] 2008 - Danica Patrick becomes the first woman to win an IndyCar race at the Japan 300[/h3]
  • [h3] 2010 - The Deepwater Horizon explodes, killing 11 crewmembers and triggering the largest offshore oil spill in American history[/h3]
that happened on #$+#?

holy @*$!!

%$+% is censored?? lmaoooooooo  thats hilarious.  smh.
Originally Posted by iYen

  • [h3] 1914 - Militias employed by Standard Oil and the Rockefeller family open fire on striking coal miners in Ludlow, Colorado, killing dozens of men, women and children in what will come to be known as The Ludlow Massacre[/h3]

So much wrong with this.
Censoring for 4-20 is the stupidest thing since censoring the plural for broad.
My thoughts exactly- like, really METH I mean its just four20
I didn't add it to the filter myself, but in years past we've been flooded with obnoxious posts on April 20th.  It's easier to simply short circuit them at the topic level.  
We don't allow people to discuss or glorify illegal activities on NT.  99.9999% of our users don't live in Amsterdam or have prescriptions for medicinal marijuana, so I'm not interested in hearing "it's legal SOMEWHERE" as an excuse.  It is what it is. 
1832 - Hot Springs National Park was established by an act of the U.S. Congress. It was the first national park in the U.S.
1841 - Edgar Allen Poe's first detective story is published.
1916 - Wrigley Field opens in Chicago.
1940 - The First electron microscope was demonstrated by RCA.
1961 - FM stereo broadcasting was approved by the FCC.
1972 - The manned lunar module from Apollo 16 landed on the moon.
1977 - Woody Allen's film "Annie Hall" premiered.
1989 - Scientist announced the successful testing of high-definition TV.
Originally Posted by Lou Baton

1989 - Scientist announced the successful testing of high-definition TV.
then why did it take so long to get to consumers?
Now that I thought about it, a 4120p tv was tested a few years back but we still don't have that type of tech yet.

On another note:
For ppl interested in looking at the other events: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_20
I just got to thinking about how funny would it be if the word "Meth" was filtered when people are referring to the admin.
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