14 Dead, 50 Hurt In Batman Movie Shooting

This is so terrible, I was shocked when I heard this this morning....RIP to all of the victims and my prayers are with their families. So many things are wrong here I can't even wrap my head around.

-How the hell do you bring in 4 assauult rifles/pistols, tear gas canisters, and a bulletproof vest into a theater without anyone noticing

-The US has to be one of the only places where its easier to get a gun than to cast a vote in a lot of states

- There has to be tougher regulations to obtain these types of weapons, I don't know how and the gun nuts will never allow it but cmon, what citizen needs to be able to buy an AK? I get hunting rifles to a degree, and pistols for home safety or something but a lot of places if you have decent credit you can walk out with as many guns as you please, which makes ZERO sense

- And I've seen some people (not here) saying that if other people in the theater had weapons they would've been able to limit the damage...reallY? Some people who are staunch gun activists are sickening....lets have more crossfire with already present chaos and tear gas clouding everyone's vision

-Who the hell brings a 3month old to a midnight movie, let alone a loud summer blockbuster

- What was this sick person's aim? Its sad he'll be more well known than a lot of people who things to benefit society

-This type of domestic terrorism scares me more than anything...can't even enjoy a damn movie without senseless violence from idiots :smh:
This is really sad, but not a new concept to me. For those of you who live in NYC (Queens specifically) you know about the Sunrise Mall movie theatre. It used to be really bad years ago. There were shootings on the regular there. So much so, that movie to this day has metal detectors, that's pretty sad. This is why hype is so unnecessary. This doesn't make sense.
Really? Keep your conspiracy theories out of this.
RIP to the victims. I can't even lie...this will put a damper on me watching TDKR in a few hours. Unreal.

No I'm not going to keep my "conspiracy theories" out of this.. you have an opinion on the subject just like I do. Who are you to tell me what and how I should think and where I should post it? Fall back
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Thank you for responding to that ridiculous response, because I honestly wasn't going to waste my time.

It could have saved lifes, and could of cost a lot more. I've seen people in Afghanistan miss their target/freeze up in combat, and they knew to a certain degree their was going to be a fire fight. The first time I ever got shot at I can honestly say things went black for a few seconds. You honestly think Joe Schmo is going to pull his pistol out and be effective in mass chaos?
You don't want to see his post.. block his #*! .. it's so easy now, just mouse over his name and all the way at the bottom block member :pimp:

I wouldn't take the money. I'd feel bad that I made a bet like this and it actually happened. Ended up being much worse than he predicted.
Still waiting to hear from my step brother... Mom says he lives 15 minutes from that theater... Hopefully he didn't go to the midnight.
EDIT: Family got a hold of him. Thank god.
RIP to those killed.
Ok good.

It could have saved lifes, and could of cost a lot more. I've seen people in Afghanistan miss their target/freeze up in combat, and they knew to a certain degree their was going to be a fire fight. The first time I ever got shot at I can honestly say things went black for a few seconds. You honestly think Joe Schmo is going to pull his pistol out and be effective in mass chaos?

Son. :smh:
It might not have been perfect, but it could have saved lives.
Part of the right and responsibility to carry a firearm is being proficient and able with that weapon. Beyond knowing how to point and shoot. That means situational awareness. You shouldn't be carrying a gun and diddybopping around carefree, not paying attention to your surroundings. Personally, whenever I'm out and about, i'm always hyperaware of people around me, if something seems off, etc. And being aware has helped me keep out of situations where bad things have ended up happening.
What you'll find in a lot of active shooter situations, any armed resistance against the perpetrator will be enough to discourage the shooter, and cause them relent or retreat. There's a reason they pick soft targets like schools, churches, and shopping malls. Because there a less likelihood of someone shooting back.
Just a sad, sad situation all around.

I see what you're saying and I appreciate responsible of gun owners like you seem to be b/c they need to be the MOST aware of the situations and surroundings because more than likely there are a lot more individuals who are weapon free in a given area...BUT there are a TON of idiots in every race, religion, ethnicity who are irresponsible and have no business owning any type of weapon. All I wouldlike is much more stringent background checks and waiting/hoolding periods to get a gun or weapon. If you're responsible you can afford to wait and maybe that'll ensure at least some of these lunatics aren't able to get a gun. In this scenario I wouldn't have encouraged someone else with a concealed gun to fire b/c there was wayyyy too much chaos with smoke and tear gas...what if in addition to hitting the shooter they shot 3 more innocent victims? That risk is too much imo....stuff like this and the law in VA that got overturned about only being abel to buy 1 firearm a month make me really uneasy as someone who doesn't carry a weapon.
- And I've seen some people (not here) saying that if other people in the theater had weapons they would've been able to limit the damage...reallY? Some people who are staunch gun activists are sickening....lets have more crossfire with already present chaos and tear gas clouding everyone's vision

I'm almost positive it's a proven fact that the attacker in these situations is more likely to flee/relent if fired back at, and I'm not even a supporter of gun rights
like that.
We're talking about this one. In a dark theater with smoke and people running everywhere. You think the police or other people in the theater would know that he isn't another shooter?
There was tear gas, and that stuff can mess you up, so no it probably wouldn't of worked unless you had a clear view of the dude or something. I don't even think it was in the actual part of the theater, I think it was just outside the entrance to it, I may be wrong.

At the end of the day, this whole situation sucks. People just wanted to watch a damn movie.
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That's so F'D up! smh

makes me angry...

This is why my pops carries a 9 on his waist and a .38 strapped in his ankle WHEREVER he goes....
They gotta start banning people from wearing costumes to the movies. In one report I read, people didn't think anything of the guy b/c they assumed he was just dressing up like one of the characters (other people dressed up as well).

Secondly, I'm all for pat downs amongst other things in public venues. Sometimes I feel like we're TOO comfortable and I would rather err on the side of caution.

Last, I'm worried about copy-cats. PLEASE let this be the last of it.

Again, RIP.
They gotta start banning people from wearing costumes to the movies. In one report I read, people didn't think anything of the guy b/c they assumed he was just dressing up like one of the characters (other people dressed up as well).
Secondly, I'm all for pat downs amongst other things in public venues. Sometimes I feel like we're TOO comfortable and I would rather err on the side of caution.
Last, I'm worried about copy-cats. PLEASE let this be the last of it.
Again, RIP.

This reminds me of Scream 2. When ghostface killed jada pinkett. this is crazy :smh:
This is really sad, but not a new concept to me. For those of you who live in NYC (Queens specifically) you know about the Sunrise Mall movie theatre. It used to be really bad years ago. There were shootings on the regular there. So much so, that movie to this day has metal detectors, that's pretty sad. This is why hype is so unnecessary. This doesn't make sense.

I always wondered why that was one of the only movie theaters that had metal detectors... that's crazy.

I never knew it was crazy around there like that... that's the one right next to the Green Acres Mall and Best Buy right?

I would expect it to get crazy at like the theater on Jamaica Ave or the one by Linden in East New York.
This situation is very sad. My girlfriend lives two blocks away from Century 16 and we've been to that theater many times. I'm lost for words right now.
in this cruel world your not safe anywhere, it's pretty sickening to hear this. people go out to enjoy themselves and sickos like this have to ruin it for everybody. terrible :smh:
I'm almost positive it's a proven fact that the attacker in these situations is more likely to flee/relent if fired back at, and I'm not even a supporter of gun rights
like that.

But I'm talking this specific scenario....having another person shooting is only gonna cause more chaos and make the people unarmed even MORE anxious. In this case it would've been more dangerous than helpful, plus if you had a pistol and dude is walking around with full on assault rifles and a bulletproof vest with tear gas all in your face in the audience, you think you're gonna have an accurate shot? I'm just sayin even if you did hit the guy, you have a higher chance at also shooting an innocent bystander as well, cuz people will be all over trying to hide or escape. If I were in that theaterand I saw another dude pull out a gun that wouldn't make me feel safer, I'd be more concerned for my life b/c that;s another chance I could get hit by mistake even.
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