12 Personalities Guaranteed to Ruin Your Super Bowl Party

Originally Posted by dreClark

This is why I can't watch big sporting events w/ a lot of people....

*%#@ around and throw a beer at your girl or your kid cause they won't shut up....
exactly. What i hate the most is when you get 3 or 4 personalities all in one person. That has to be the worst person to watch the game with.
The list was on point and the Bush video was funny. Hopefully, the Super Bowl party I am going to will not have too many of these characters.

I especially like the guy who hasn't followed the NFL in a decade. Being from LA and I feel like I am slowly turning into that guy, it is just hard toreally keep up wit ha league in which you have no legit home teams to follow. I still catch the highlights almost every Sunday from Chris "the foulmouth" Berman and watch the key regular season games and the playoffs.
The "Tomorrow Should Definitely Be a National Holiday" Guy
In this tool's view, a day when everyone's hung-over and unproductive would fit perfectly on the federal holiday ledger between the day in mid-January commemorating civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and the day in mid-February commemorating Presidents Abraham Lincoln and George Washington.

Tell me why this guy was my economics teacher jr yr. Dude came to class hungover talkin, 'just read amongst yourselves --we shouldnt even behere.'
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

The "Told You So" Guy

This guy will spend the entire game informing everyone that everything that he predicted would come to pass has happened. Did he? Probably not. But who knows--no one has listened to the #$$@%%+% that constantly flows from this guy's mouth in years.
Zapatos por vida.


Yikes, apparently you're not funny in English OR Spanish
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

The "Told You So" Guy

This guy will spend the entire game informing everyone that everything that he predicted would come to pass has happened. Did he? Probably not. But who knows--no one has listened to the #$$@%%+% that constantly flows from this guy's mouth in years.
Zapatos por vida.


Shoes for life,

Yes I got it, and it made me
I was ALWAYS the "kid" at superbowl parties in my younger years... not because my parents chose to bring me, but because my parents are not intosports, so i had to force them to take me

I might hit up a party but I really wanna focus on the game. Then again I don't wanna stay home and its a blow out at halftime and I'm on my computernot even watching the game.

I'm probably the guy analyzing every single play and saying how stupid the commentators are. If Joe Buck is doing this game its a wrap
Is there a "there for the food" guy? That's usually always me... I love me some football, but pizza + beer + wings and you could have figureskating on, I wouldn't care.
He also threw down $10 bucks at 850,000:1 that a tornado will tear through the stadium during the third quarter... you know, just for the hell of it.

That's the type %++% my dude JP does...

"Bet it starts raining in the 3rd..."
there's a couple more not on the list:

The Guy that Doesn't Follow Sports But is Just There:
There's always someone that has no clue about football but is just there cuz of the party. Then he'll ask trivial questions to try to get up to speedwith what all the hype's about.

The Antagonist:
There's always the guy that has no attachment to either team but will purposely cheer for the team that most people aren't cheering for just to annoy.
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

Originally Posted by PharelFor3

I will be rocking my cowboys jersey to the super bowl. dont care what anyone thinks.

The Mad Salty Guy.

This guy will show up to your party wearing the colors of a team who is no longer playing, yet still proclaim their greatness. He will feed you with constant facts about why his "team" would be in the Super Bowl if it wasn't for the referees. No matter who wins the big game, this guy's team is still better. Listen for many references from the past. Watch for this hater to get crap-faced drunk and end up in a fist fight with "The Football Pro Guy."

j/p dude.

He also threw down $10 bucks at 850,000:1 that a tornado will tear through the stadium during the third quarter... you know, just for the hell of it.

This is missing the one dude's girlfriend who thinks she knows everything about football. When a funny commercial is on and people are laughing she'llscoff at the 'non-football fan-ness' of those people who aren't 100% focused on the game. Oh, and God forbid you correct her on something, orassume she didn't know something. "Hell hath no fury ... "
He also threw down $10 bucks at 850,000:1 that a tornado will tear through the stadium during the third quarter... you know, just for the hell of it.

This is missing the one dude's girlfriend who thinks she knows everything about football. When a funny commercial is on and people are laughing she'll scoff at the 'non-football fan-ness' of those people who aren't 100% focused on the game. Oh, and God forbid you correct her on something, or assume she didn't know something. "Hell hath no fury ... "

O.K., at first, I was like 'Yeah, I've never been to a Super Bowl party with that chick.'

But then I read, "and God forbid you correct her on something, or assume she didn't know something." Now THAT woman, she's at almost every SBparty.

- her: *comes back from the bathroom after missing a touchdown* "Wait, did they just get a TD? Why aren't they kicking it now?"
- some dude: "Ummm... you don't HAVE to kick it every time you get a touchdown. You can try to get in the end zone again for 2 points."
- her: "No shhhh, Sherlock! My brother played football all through college, and I went to every game. I know you can go for 2 after a touchdown. I wasjust asking why the hell they're doing it right now, ******. Don't treat me like I'm some dumb chick that doesn't know football."
- *everyone gets quiet*

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

He also threw down $10 bucks at 850,000:1 that a tornado will tear through the stadium during the third quarter... you know, just for the hell of it.

This is missing the one dude's girlfriend who thinks she knows everything about football. When a funny commercial is on and people are laughing she'll scoff at the 'non-football fan-ness' of those people who aren't 100% focused on the game. Oh, and God forbid you correct her on something, or assume she didn't know something. "Hell hath no fury ... "

O.K., at first, I was like 'Yeah, I've never been to a Super Bowl party with that chick.'

But then I read, "and God forbid you correct her on something, or assume she didn't know something." Now THAT woman, she's at almost every SB party.

- her: *comes back from the bathroom after missing a touchdown* "Wait, did they just get a TD? Why aren't they kicking it now?"
- some dude: "Ummm... you don't HAVE to kick it every time you get a touchdown. You can try to get in the end zone again for 2 points."
- her: "No shhhh, Sherlock! My brother played football all through college, and I went to every game. I know you can go for 2 after a touchdown. I was just asking why the hell they're doing it right now, ******. Don't treat me like I'm some dumb chick that doesn't know football."
- *everyone gets quiet*


and hes back!
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