'12 Bulls






this loss hurts as much as the time the Bulls lost to the Knicks in the Playoffs 
$@% was CJ doing giving it to Omer
just dosent make any sense. Pissed about the loss, proud of the effort
Originally Posted by sthebest






this loss hurts as much as the time the Bulls lost to the Knicks in the Playoffs 

No it dont man, but it does hurt. It was worse the moment Derrick went down. It was over at that point.

This bum +@@ Philly team celebrating after they beat our B team.

Thibs played those guys too much man. Asik, Deng, Taj...they played pretty much the entire second half. Per usual, one basket wins us this game.

Oh well, it is what it is.

See ya'll next season, or according to some of ya'll see ya'll in 2014 because you're ready to throw next tear away too.
boozer, you aint off the hook. whipe that black ice off your hands and make a shot
only guys that showed up were taj, asik, deng. great effort by bulls
lettuce be cereal...this squad wasnt go much further

so losing in any round is moot, just my $0.02

gutty performance, gotta love cats who scrap...

to 2014....sigh
Yeah this sucks but still proud of the fight they put up , I pretty much expected this once we lost the mvp I sure pooh is already gearing up for his rehab and given his personality I'm sure the next time he's on the floor vs Philly he's going to eat them alive
CJ should've kept it....Omer was flagrantly fouled....Omer misses....everyone forgot how to stop the ball...game over...Oh, and Kendall is going IN on CJ. Saying a real backup PG is needed.Oh well....here's to a productive offseason for the Bulls.

And Im sorry but that foul on Hawes could of been called a flagrant as many flagrants as they call nowadays he went around his neck and didnt play much for the ball
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