12/18 WWE TLC PPV - Punk/Miz/Del Rio TLC Match, HHH/Nash Ladder Match, Ziggler/Ryder (p33)

I have no idea why you would put this match on PPV with basically no build just to beat the challengers. Doesn't make sense to me.

Still, a good match. 2 for 2 so far, although both were short.
Booker T needs to get his +*@ out there man.

I predicted 7 matches so his and Cody's gotta happen lol
Yeah, I think they're going w/ pushing Hunico as a singles star. The new bodyguard and low rider entrance support that. Not that most of the "WWE Universe" would know the difference, but Hunico is Mexican and Epico/Primo are cousins and from PR. The Vato alliance thing didn't really make sense but I would have rather they kept them all united.

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

i dont like Ziggler winning the title clean tbh.
Ryder winning the title clean? This isn't an attack on you but some of you don't know what you truly want from the product. If Ryder won dirty it would've been "oh they put him over but they made him look real weak SMH his push is coming to an end soon. way to devalue the US Title." and things of that nature. Y'all gotta keep it consistent with the complaints.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

so basically since NTSeries will be randomized, there's no point of cutting any type of promo tonight..?

"Mr. Charisma aka Perfect Animal Magnetism"

I didn't even mean it like that but 

Posted: 12/18/117:17 PM
hombrelobo wrote:
If 4W doesn't give me his stats by NTSeries showtime I will distribute his stat points as follows


Spoiler [+]


of course orton chose a tables match. the chair and ladder matches were already taken.

i'm so tired of these gimmick ppvs.

barrett needs new theme music asap. that %*!# is week.
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

I figured we'd see accidental blood tonight. Thank God they're not stopping it.

Agreed.  The crew running in during matches to clean guys up killed the momentum of matches like nothing else.  One of the worst decisions WWE ever made.
I can understand not blading, but accidental blood happens in all sports.
Well, I would have had Barrett win but that was still a cool finish.
Barrett comes off the 2nd rope and gets caught with an RKO through a table.
Every ppv it seems like Orton always wins by catching people off the ropes for the rko.
They shoulda had Wade put Orton thru a table using wasteland on tv, would have made the rko thru the table we just saw make sense...
why was Orton laughing? Botch?

didn't like that ending...these "surprise" RKO's are stale already, the first few were cool vs Christian, but now find a new way of ending a match
Teddy couldn't get the job done with Aksana, but now he's hitting on both Bellas? Get the hell outta here, playa.

Didn't we already have a WWE Christmas Special?
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