11/28 AJXX3 Releases - Chicago - UNC - Motorsports Air Jordan XX3 Pics/Info *Updated 11/10*

I might possibly have another favorite in the UNC Blue ones. These are incredible !!!!!

COOK # 45
get fit.
my finish line got the xx3s early
there for sale now
they got chicagos
and motorsports

no uncs
guess im getting the chicagos
xx3s dont sell well round my way so i got time to get my funds
Originally Posted by yungchamp

footlocker got these in today i cant wait until next week! 30% off yessir

Which footlocker are you talking about??? Just called mine here in the oc, nothing yet.
i think only the motors and unc for me. Only debate is the blue on the motors looks so close to navy blue or black im just unsure id like them. Does anyonehave a pair and can confirm how the blue looks in person?
unc ones looks like trash esp. with the black instead of navy blue which would be much hotter. ill probab cop the chi. ones or motorsports. chi. ones are hardto pass but all my jordans are black, red and white so ill probab go with the motorsports.
Originally Posted by Midnights281

yungchamp wrote:

footlocker got these in today i cant wait until next week! 30% off yessir

Which footlocker are you talking about??? Just called mine here in the oc, nothing yet.

fort wayne indiana bruh i was shocked we got them because sometimes we usually dont get the good stuff everyone else gets
im close to forty wayne. Are they selling them now? if so i may take a lil ride over there tomorrow?
Originally Posted by JOaRiDrAN23

im close to forty wayne. Are they selling them now? if so i may take a lil ride over there tomorrow?

nope the 28th if you do decide to come i might be able to get you 30% off bruh hit me up i'll find out tomorrow
How much do you guys think these will run for after release date? No I'm not trying to resell them. Just thinking if I want to pick up these or get themlater. I'm thinking $250-$300ish?
Originally Posted by Souljaman22

Originally Posted by SneakerAFI

i hate you
both are
,not feelin the motorsprts
im tryna to decide between the uncs and the chis
hmmmm decisions
Hard decision right there, because both are fire! The rumor is the UNC's are more limited, so I would get those and hope you can find theother ones later.
OK, so what's the thing hanging off these? I got my Motorsports off eBay from Canada, and they didn't have a hang tag like the UNC and Chicagocolorways above.
Originally Posted by Jetson2333

OK, so what's the thing hanging off these? I got my Motorsports off eBay from Canada, and they didn't have a hang tag like the UNC and Chicago colorways above.
Yeah I got my Motorsports early from a NT'er in Canada, which did not come with a silver tag. I am not doubting authenticity because heprovided a receipt from where he bought them from. I've seen pics of Motorsports that have the tag as well. Does anybody know why the Canadian releasedidn't have silver tags??
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